☆d o r i m e .☆

9 2 7

Gerard's POV

After this morning's events, the group has another meeting in the main room, talking about powers and what Amelia's could be, if she does have them after all. All of the things Loki can think of basically get shot down by Amelia, as she hasn't changed at all since she got here. But then again, Loki is only throwing out physical power theories, maybe she might have some form of telekinetic power.

All in all, I feel bad for her honestly.

The tall blonde leans back in her chair and sighs. "Maybe I'm just not meant to be like you guys." I look over at her sympathetically, placing a hand on her shoulder, she turns to look at me. "Amelia, I'm sure you have powers, if you weren't meant to be here you would've probably died in Rosemere, don't give up on yourself."

She smiles at me. "Thanks for that Gerard."

"Not a problem."

Frank looks like he has an idea, looking up from the table and unfurrowing his brow. "Maybe you're p-pyrokinetic." The group turns to the short man sitting beside me. "What the hell is that?" Amelia asks before Frank brings explaining. "Well, you can basically set things on f-fire without e-even touching them." Amelia's eyes light up, even though she doesn't even know if she is pyrokinetic yet. "So I can be an arsonist?"

"No! That's i-illegal!"

"Just kidding." She says with a laugh.

Loki moves an empty book in front of Amelia, and she looks at it rather oddly. "Try set this on fire." He says plainly, Amelia nods. "It mighn't be the best idea because the table is wooden." Loki sighs, probably scolding himself mentally for his idiocy before standing up to move the book onto one of the stone balconies.

"Now try."

Amelia shuts her eyes and clenches her fists, focusing solely on burning this book to an ember-y crisp. At first, nothing happens and I'm feeling slightly disappointed until I see a green spark, which then engulfs the book with flames, as if it was doused in kerosene. It never seems to stop burning.

"What a gamer!" Grace says with a grin as Amelia opens her eyes and grins back at Grace, the fire stops as soon as it started, leaving the blackened outline of a book with ashes perfectly fitting inside the outline. "Lucky guess on your part Frank." Loki says and Frank shakes his head. "I just th-thought about what h-her personality was like, for some reason, I thought of f-fire." Amelia gives Frank a grin, which he returns. Loki runs a hand through his hair before announcing his plans to the group.

"Alright, since all of you guys have powers, I will have to get some training organized. We can really use you guys as a defense if Asgard is attacked, or if Jacquie ends up showing up herself."

The group nods, completely okay with what's going on right now. This day has hardly started, what else is meant to happen?


Loki has been busy finding us trainers, and reliable ones at that. There is a knock at the door and Loki answers it, the colour has drained from his face when I see him. Oddly enough, he just came to see me. "What's up Loki?" I ask him and there is panic in his tone. "Just come with me."

I walk down the stairs, Frank is watching from the bedroom door, leant against the framing and watching where Loki is taking me. He re-opens the door and its Mikey. All he does is stare at me with a pleading look in his eyes. "I'm not trusting this." I whisper to Loki. Mikey soon starts talking. "I know you don't want to see me bu-"

"I don't want to see you because last time I did, my friend was killed! Not to mention the time that you could've killed me!"

He opens his mouth to talk again.

"No! You don't get a say in this! I'm not fucking opening my arms to you, a mass murderer, you may be my brother but I don't want to be living in constant fear that I'll be killed in my sleep!"

And with that, I walk away.

Not the best way to handle the situation I know, but I actually just had to get that out of my system.

Frank looks at me, finding something to say by the time I'm walking back with him to our room. "When you're m-mad you've got a g-good punk scream on you."

I sigh, normally I'd appreciate the comment, but not right now.

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