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After the funeral, Frank and I head home and something looks to be distracting him. "You good?"

"Yeah, j-just thinking."

"About Tony?"

He nods and I pat his knee. "I think we all are, I'm just thankful he didn't die for nothing."

"Yeah, me too."

I sigh, resting my head on the window and look out at the country side as we drive back home.

We get home and changed out of our suits, Frank looking around the house because he's obviously never been here before. 

"How'd y-y-y-you get this?"

"Rosemere paid out everyone who was there and gave them housing, so you probably have a house as well." 


I can tell he's been trying not to say anything about the guitar on the wall because he keeps looking at it and grinning like an excited little kid. 

"Is th-th-this mine?" 

"Yeah, how'd you know?" 

He laughs and takes the guitar off of the stand. He puts the strap on and runs thumb down all of the strings, he grins. 

"Half a st-st-step down." 

"Of course." 

I'm not telling him this, but I brought this for his 21st birthday, A.K.A. the first time I wasn't with him for a year. Looking back on it, I wish I could've told my past self all of this, that Frank was gonna come home and I wouldn't be alone for the rest of my life.

Frank hugs me, swaying slightly. "Th-thanks Gerry." 

"Welcome Frankie."


Later in the day, we're up on the roof watching the sunset. Frank insisted that we did and I'm not too sure why. We could've watched the sunset inside or even just not watched it at all, but he was so violently sure that he wanted to, and I wasn't about to let him down. 

I'm leaning on Frank as his arm is wrapped around my shoulder. We brought some pillows and a blanket up and I feel like a love-struck teenager all over again. 

"Forgot h-h-how pretty this w-w-was." 

"In the whole time that you've been gone, I've always tried to at least make a little time at the end of the day to watch the sunset."

He grins, kissing the top of my head. I could probably just fall asleep right here on the roof currently. 

As the night begins to properly set in, Frank and I head inside and end up on the couch together, still hugging and being happy with each other's presence. 

"Question, d-d-do you have an amp for the g-g-guitar?" 

"Check the basement." 

I show him where it is and he goes down the stairs, flicks the light on and comes running back up the stairs and hugs me, basically squeezing the life out of me. "Thank youuuu." 

I laugh and wriggle out of the hug. "Not a problem. Now use your new guitar because I know you sure as hell want to." 

Frank is reminding me of the same person he was when I met him. This feels so odd but I'm living for it. 

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