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                          Dabi POV

    I ran away from home 5 years dad had locked my mom up in a mental institution and he constantly mentally and emotionally abused my well as physically abused me and Shoto. He wasn't bad at first, when I was born he was nice and caring. He actually treated mom like she had purpose in life other then creating him the perfect heir and she actually looked happy.. He had expectations of me, like any father would, but when I got my quirk he hated me.....he told me I was an abomination and a monster. He constantly beat me and reminded me that I shouldn't have been. He always looked at me with fear and disgust. Mom tried to stop first, but then he started hitting her.

    They had Fuyumi next, she's the most sweetest person I've ever met. He had hopes for her, but he was outraged when she got her quirk was moms and not his it wasn't even a strong version of hers either and he made sure she knew how 'pathetic' it was. He immediately disowned her basically. Then came Natsou he was energetic and father had high hopes for him, but was pissed when he got moms quirk as well. He would say shit like "Is the freak the only one that's going to have a quirk similar to mine!"

    When Shoto came he had little hope.....but Shoto got moms......and his... Father was happy, thrilled even. He would "train" Shoto day and night with no break and he wouldn't let any of us near his "Prized possession". But I didn't listen to him I'd help Shoto and I'd treat his wounds and everything, father didn't like it, I didn't give a damn what that bastard wanted, my baby brother was terrified of his own flames because of father. I tried to teach him that not all fire is bad. But I don't know how much of it he remembers because that was five years ago and I haven't seen him since. I miss my siblings everyday of my life, but I can't go back to them.

    I do keep track of them though, even if they've forgotten me I haven't forgotten them. Fuyumi is still as sweet as ever, she's been taking care of the others, she acts like their mom, she's a teacher which suits her perfectly. Natsou is the same daredevil that he was back then, he use to really get under fathers skin with that 'I hope he still does' but now he's studying to be a doctor. Shoto is now in UA high and he seems to be doing great, he got second in the sports festival, he used his ice and was amazing, but it looked like that was his first time using his fire. He lost to a boy with a short temper and ash blonde hair, Katsuki Bakugou I believe was his name. He was pretty determined to win, although most of the people didn't agree with the way he went about doing it. 'I don't see what he did wrong, he was motivating himself and trying to motivate the others in his own way.' The boy who go third was a bird dude and the guy with the engine legs. Tomura is sending Toga and the other weirdos out to get Bakugou tonight. I got stuck with watching the dork, so I said I'm not going to help get him if I have to here we are waiting on the brat.

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