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It's now midnight and the guys have already left and should be getting back soon. I walked upstairs and flopped down on my bed. "Ugh!" I groaned. 'I really hate my life....nothing good ever happens to me and I've left the only people who'll ever love or even like me. My life is miserable.' I guess I dozed off because when I woke up I heard yelling and cheering along with pounding on my door. "Dabi! Wake the hell up!" Toga yelled. I raised up and walked over to the door. "What the hell do you want crazy chick?" I asked. "Tomura said to tell you to get your ass downstairs and get the kid." She said with a smile.

    I sighed, but went downstairs with her. "Patchwork take him with you." Tomura said pointing to an unconscious body. "And put him where?" I asked. "I don't give a damn! Put him on the floor on your bed hell you can put him in the basement." He said with a wave. "Really? I can put him in the basement?" I asked with hope. "Yeah sure, but you'd have to stay down there with him." He said with a snicker. I sighed. "I fucking hate you." I mumbled as I picked the blonde haired boy up and threw him over my shoulder. I took him upstairs and laid him on the bed. I shut the door, and locked it, and sat down on the end of the bed. 'Tomura is one stupid son of a bitch. How the hell am I going to make him join us when I don't even want to be here?!' I sighed and looked over at the sleeping boy.

    He's kinda cute, he has ash blonde hair that sticks out everywhere, if he dyed his hair we'd look very much alike, his face looks so peaceful it's different than how he looked in the sports festival.  He looks calm like he doesn't have a care in the world. I chuckled lightly under my breath. I reached my hand out and moved some hair from his face, my fingers lingered on his forehead for a second more. I moved my hand right as his eyes shot open. He sat up straight and his eyes went wide open.

    He scanned the room, still wide eyed, and he looked at me with panic. "Who the hell are you? Where the hell am I? What the fuck happened??" He asked sounding slightly panicked. "Calm down." I said slowly placing my hand on his shoulder, he glared at me. "Don't tell me to calm the fuck down!! I don't know where the hell I am, what the hell happened, or who the fuck you are!" He said and shrugged my hand off. 'He does have a good point.' "Alright I'll tell you whatever you want to know." I said. "Good. First where am I?" He asked. 'Hmm I'm not even sure I know where this place is... ' "My room." I said. He gave me a "WTF"  look. "What the fuck?! That's not what I meant and you know it!" He said crossing his arms. "Alright Blondie, don't get all worked up." I said. "Don't fucking call me blondie!" He growled. 'Oh so he doesn't like that good to know.' I smirked at him and he narrowed his eyes. "I can you call what I please or I can just not answer your questions. It's completely up to you." I said.

    He growled again and sighed. "Just tell me." He grumbled. I cackled and patted his back. "Where are we? And don't you fucking say in your room again!" He said as he sat cris-cross. "I'm not sure where we are. All I know is that we are currently in my room, on my bed." I said. 'Hmm I could probably tease him a I really want to though?.....hell yeah I do.' I scooted closer to him, my knees were now touching his. "What's your next question?" I asked as I leaned forward a little, my elbows resting on my knees and my head in my hands. "Um  Wh-who are you?" He asked his face tinted pink. I chuckled and moved one of my hands casually down to rest on his foot. His face turned red. "Who me?" I asked raising my head up and putting my other hand on his knee. His eyebrow shot up to his hairline and his face couldn't possibly get any redder.

     He couldn't get any words out. I brought one hand up to his cheek and traced my fingers over it. "The names Dabi......but," I smirked and looked him in his eyes. "You can call me daddy if that's what get you goin." I said seductively. He leaned into my touch, even though he tried not to. 'Poor thing he seems touch starved.' His eyes were closed and he couldn't say any words, every time he tried he'd just stutter. He had given up on speaking and his face seemed like it never turn back to its color. "Do you have anymore questions?" I asked innocently as I walked my fingers up his knee and thigh. He tried to bring his hands down and tried to swatt my hand. I grabbed his hand and pinned him down to the bed. His eyes looked like the were ready to pop out of his head. I climbed on top of him, my knees on the outside of his thighs, and my face an inch away from his face.

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