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Bakugou has been here for almost three weeks now. The hero's have been searching for him constantly. I'm currently sitting at the edge of the bed crossed legged watching him, he's sitting at a desk drawing something. He won't tell me what the hell he's doing. "I'm scared." He said turning around to look at me. "About what?" I asked. "That freaky hand dude.....he said he wanted to talk to me..." He said. I walked over to him and sat on the desk. He turned to the desk and laid his head on my lap. "Don't be..if he so much as lay a hand on you I'll beat him." I said truthfully. "Still..." He said. "If he does anything to make you feel uncomfortable let me know." I said. He nodded his head and raised up. "Better go get it done and over with." He said. I walked with him down to Tomura's room. I patted his head. "I'll be right here at the bar." I said. He smiled and knocked on the door. When it opened he walked in.

               Katsuki's POV

I walked into Tomura's room and sat on the chair in the middle of the room. He shut the door and locked it. When he turned around and smiled at me wickedly, my heart sank down to my stomach. I have no idea what he's going to do and I have no idea what he's capable of, but I do know that it terrifies me. He walked closer to me and his wicked smile grew. He put his hands on the armrests, with his pinkies sticking up, and the smile wiped off his face. "J-just so you know I won't tell you anything!" I said.

    He glared at me and moved back a little. "Whatever....I didn't bring you here to have a conversation with you.." He said while scratching his neck. "Then what d-do you want?" I asked. He looked at me and the wicked smiled came back on his face. "You'll find out in due time." He said. He walked over to a table and grabbed a rope. He walked back over to me and tied my hands down. I'm afraid to fight back with his hands this close to my skin.....I saw what he did to Aziwa. "Now your going to do exactly as I say...." He said dragging his finger up my arm. "And you aren't going to yell or fight me." He continued. He grabbed my arm, with his index finger out, and stared into my eyes. "Understood." He said. My eyes widened and I nodded my head yes, my heart filled with panic. "Good." He said.

    He moved away from me and went over to the table again. He grabbed a pair of gloves with one finger thingy missing and came back over to me. He put his hand on my knee and looked me in my eyes. "'ve beeen spending a little to much time with Dabi......" He said dragging his hand father up my thigh and right beside my dick. "S-s-so...." I said my voice filled with fear. "So...." He said and he grabbed my dick and squeezed it hard. "I don't like it!" He said. I whimpered and tried not to cry. He let go and then smacked my face. "Now, you may not know this, but Dabi isn't yours to have..." He said. And smacked me harder. I whined and put my head down. He put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. He had a look of pure rage on his face. "Your going to have to learn your place." He said.

     He leaned forward and kissed me. I tried to fight him as best I could, but it's kinda hard when you can't use your hands. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I bit it. He pulled back and punch me in my gut. "The hell did I tell you about fighting me?!" He whisper yelled. I could feel tears falling down my cheeks as I realized what was about to happen.... I mustered up all the breath I had left and screamed as loud as I could. Someone knocked on the door. "Go the hell away!" Tomura yelled. "Help-" He cut me off with a punch to the mouth. The door caught fire and Dabi stood in the doorway looking like he was ready to murder someone.

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