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"THE Touya Todoroki?!?" The broccoli boy asked. "No the other Touya from down the road." Kat said. I hadn't turned around yet afraid of Sho's reaction. "T-Touya?" I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. "Damn Icyhot has emotions!" Kat said. I heard footsteps and tensed up. I felt someone grab my hand and opened my eyes. "It's okay baby I'm here." Kat whispered. I squeezed his hand. I looked over at him and smiled weakly. "Is it....are you...?" I slowly turned and faced the one person I really didn't wanna see right now. "Ack I haven't got the energy for this. Iida pass these out you all either do them now or for homework I don't care." Eyebags said as he got back in his sleepbag. "Cmon lets go sit at my desk." Kat said as he pulled me towards him. I nodded and we walked to a desk at the back of the room. It has two seats under it so he sat on the right and I sat on the left.

    I had my head down and a death grip on Katsuki's hand. He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. "It's okay." He whispered. I shook my head and bit my lip trying to hold back my tears. The robot dude walked back to our table and hesitated. "What do you want sonic?" Kay asked hatefully. "Here is your packet." He said and sat them down then left. "Tch whatever.." Kat said. I stood up and walked out of the room dragging Katsuki with me. I didn't stop till we reached the bathrooms. Once inside he locked the door and pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried. He rubbed my back occasionally giving me kisses.

"It's okay love." He whispered. I shook my head. "No no it's not." I said. "I abandoned my brother.....I became a villain....I betrayed my mother and-and my siblings." I said. I moved away from him and walked over to the sink. "I'm pathetic and worthless. My old man was right to disown me. I'm dangerous and....useless." I whispered. It was silent, I'd have thought he left till I heard a bang. "Shut the hell up bastard! You're not pathetic or worthless. I'm case you haven't realized you've saved my life several different times. Sure you've done stupid shit, but you've done good to." He walked closer and smacked the back of my head. I winced and looked at him with teary eyes. "If I hear you talk like that again I'll blow your ass to bits." He said and grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me an inch away from him. "I laugh in the face of danger." He chuckled and smashed his lips on mine. I whimpered a little then kisses back. The kiss was bittersweet. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer.
Shoto POV
I stood there stunned....I didn't move not even when him and Bakugou ran out of the room. What the hell?! That''! It can't be....he...he died....right? That's what my father told us...he's done some awful shit, but I don't think he'd lie about something like that! Would he?.....but....he.... I shook my head and walked out of the classroom and into my dorm room. "This is far to complicated!" I groaned and fell on my bed. I'll have to speak to father about this later.....
Time Skip<Back to Dabi>
Me and Katsuki sat in our dorm room on his bed. My head was laying in his lap and he was playing with my hair. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. "Not really.." I muttered. He leaned down and kissed my temple. "It'll all be okay baby. I suck at these pep talks, but just know that no matter what happens I'll be here with you every step of the way." He said. I smiled a little and raised up a bit to give him a kiss. "I love you." I said. He smiled. "I love you too." He said and kissed me again. We laid in bed the rest of the day and eventually fell asleep holding each other. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I know with him I can over come anything....

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