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When I woke up the next morning the kid was halfway off the bed with all the blankets.....what the hell happened?? "Dude what the fuck happened?" I asked laughing. His eyes fluttered opened and he glared at me, he's definitely not a morning person.... I looked at him and smiled. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said. He grunted and pulled the blankets over his face. "Leave me the hell alone.." He mumbled. I laughed. "No....I don't think so." I said as I grabbed the blankets and pulled them, with him still on them, off the bed. "C'mon." I said. Usually I'd done be out and at the Todoroki house, but I obviously can't do that....but that's okay.

    He jumped up off the floor and gave me an evil look. "What the hell?!" He yelled. "What?" I asked playing dumb. "I don't know how you get woke up, but that sure as hell ain't the right way!" He said. I pouted. "What? You didn't want me to wake you up? I though you'd want to spend some.....quality time with me..."I said the last part in a deeper voice and gave him a devilish smile. He gulped and looked at me. I stepped closer to him and pinned him against the wall. He stared up into my eyes, I licked my lips and stared down at him. "W-What the hell did I-I say about doing things like this?" He whispered. I chuckled and moved my face a little closer to his. "Well there's just two things wrong with that... 1) your not my boss and I sure as hell won't listen to a damn thing you say......and 2) said don't say things like that to never said I couldn't do anything to you." I said with an evil grin. His eyes widen as my words sank in. "W-well I shouldn't have to say should just know...." He said.

    I put my hand under his chin and tilted his head up, so that he was looking me in my eyes. "Know what?" I asked. "T-th-that you shouldn't act this way towards someone you don't like..." He said. I looked into his firey red eyes and smiled softly. "I never said I didn't like you cutie." I said with a wink. I brought my face an inch from his and smiled. His face went bright red and his eyes widened,but he didn't try to stop me. I leaned in closer and kissed..................his cheek. He froze, I looked at his face. Instead of it being fillies with terror or disgust, like I expected, it was full of shock and something else I wasn't quite sure what else though. I looked at him and smirked as I pushed myself off the wall and backed away a little. "Let's go get you some breakfast." I said. He shook his head and followed after me. We went through the living room and into the kitchen. I made him some eggs, which he insisted on sharing, and bacon. I ate two bites and he ate the rest.

    When he finished we got up and went into the living room. "Dabi!" Toga yelled. I sighed and slowly turned around. "What?" I said. "When are you going to let someone else have a turn with him?" She asked. "Never." I said plainly. "You can't keep a cutie like him all to yourself! That's not fair!" She whined. "First off don't call him cute. Second life isn't fair so, deal with it." I said grabbing his wrist and walking away. She was still whining and complaining, but I just ignored her. I let go of him when we got to the top of the stairs and we went into my room. He plopped down on the bed and sighed. "I'm bored!" He said. I laughed. "Me and you both." I said. "Let's go out." He said. I know what he means but I can't resist... "Oh sweetheart I thought I was supposed to ask you that..and you told me it was to soon." I said the last part with a pout. He rolled his eyes, but there was a slight blush apparent on his face.

    "Shut up!" He said. "You didn't deny it." I said with a smirk. "I didn't not deny it either." He said. I laughed and shook my head. "As much as I would love to take you out on a date I can't..." I said. "Why?" He asked. "Because if the hero's see me with you I'll get arrested and you'll get taken away from me." I said. "And as much as I know you'd love that I wouldn't." I added. He probably thinks I'm talking about getting arrested, but I could care less about that, been there done it. "Oh." Was all he said. "I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me with confusion. "For what?" He asked. I almost laughed out loud. "Well for starters I kidnapped you!" I said. " didn't." He said. "I did though. I may not have actually taken you, but I was, and still am, apart of the plan." I said. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever." He mumbled. I sighed and sat down beside him. "We can do anything you wan as long as we stay in this building." I said.

    "Anything?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head. "Anything." I said. "Can we play that question game again?" He asked excitedly. I chuckled. "Sure." I said. "Okay you go first." He said. I laid back on the bed he did as well. "Okay, I have a very important one.." I said. He looked at me worriedly. "What is it?" He asked. I rolled on top of him and propped my arms up on my elbows. His eyes widened and he looked me in the eyes. "Are you...." I started. His face went red. "Am-am I what?" He whispered. "........ticklish???" I asked with laugh. His face went blank. "No, of course not!" He said. I slid one hand down his side and placed it just above his hip. "Really now?" I asked with a raise eyebrow. He smiled nervously at me. "Of course." He said. I slid my hand under his shirt and lightly traced my fingers over his side. His lips tighten and he tensed up. He's trying so hard not to laugh. "Hmm...I wonder..." I muttered. I started to full on tickle him. He couldn't hold them in anymore. His laughs are like music to my ears. "!" He said between laughs. "I thought you weren't ticklish." I said. He tried to push my hand away, but I held both his hands in one of mine. "!" He said between laughs. "Or what?" I said as my hand quit for a second and looked up at him. He tried to catch his breath. "Or I'll get you back.." He said. I laughed. "What the hell are you going to do?" I asked. "You'll find out..." He said.

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