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I woke up a few hours later and it was a bit dark out. I woke Katsuki up. "Hmm...what?" He groaned sitting up. "It's time to leave Kat." I said. He slowly got out of bed and stretched. I stood up and stretched as well. We got our shoes on and I walked closer to him. "No matter what happens tonight just remember that I love you." I said. He put his hand on my cheek and gave me a soft smile. "Nothing bad is going to happen. To either of us." He said. I went to say something but he stopped me with kiss. "Now let's go." He said grabbing the bag. I grabbed his hand, laced our fingers together, and we walked out. We checked out and took off.

    We stuck to the alleyways and back roads as often as we could, but right now we're kind of out in the open. Every time someone walks past us it takes everything in me not to jump them. "Relax baby." He whispered rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. I looked over at him and nodded. "I'll try." I said. He squeezed my hand comfortably.

    We were nearly there when someone spoke up. "Bakugou?" The voice said causing us to freeze. "Bakugou!" They got louder. Me and Katsuki turned around and saw a guy with spiky red hair and... no shirt, and pants with something around him and a big red R on the belt thingy. "Kirishima." He whispered. The guy walked closer. I instinctively stepped closer to Katsuki. "What are-are you....are you okay?" He asked. Katsuki looked at me then at him. "Yeah I'm fine." He said. The guy looked at me suspiciously and then him. "Who is this? Is he threatening you?!" The guy, Kirishima, asked. Katsuki growled and walked over to him putting his hand over his mouth. "No he isn't fucking threatening me. He's boyfriend." He said his face going red.

    Katsuki jerked his hand away from his mouth and wiped it on his jeans. "What the hell. Why'd you lick me?" He asked angry. "Cause I couldn't ask you to move your hand." The guy said. "Isn't he one of the people who kidnapped you?" The guy asked. "No asshat, I wouldn't date the motherfucker that kidnapped me." He said, which technically wasn't a lie. I didn't kidnap him, I just...watched him. "Listen shitty hair we're going back to UA...or rather I'm going back and he's going there for the first know what just shut up please." He said rambling.
Here is an update late ik and I'm sorry, but here it is hope u enjoy!!

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