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I made myself stop thinking about that. I felt him moving, I guess he's waking up. I moved back a little and gave him a few quick pecks on the lips. He eventually woke up enough to give me a sloppy kiss. "Good morning Toya." He said with the biggest smile I've ever seen. He likes my name. "Good morning to you too cutie." I said as I kissed his cheek. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Of course you can." I said. "Are you related to Shoto? Is that why you asked about him?" He asked. "Yes. He's brother." I said. "Can I ask another?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Why did you become a villain? You never answered my question from before." He said.

    I took a deep breath and looked away from him. "My dad......or as you know him Endeavor......was very abusive mentally, physically and emotionally. He'd tell us how much he wishes we'd never been born. He'd tell me I was freak of monster and that no one could ever love me." I said as I let out a shaky breath. I don't like talking about my dad or anything to do with that life.. it makes me pissed off and upset. I felt him put his hand on my face, he turned my head around so that I was looking at him. "You are not a fucking monster and you can be loved. Someone could very easily fall in love with you." He said. He leaned forward and kissed me. "You better not believe a word of what he said. Your not a freak either and even if you were......I like it a little freaky anyway." He said with a wink. I smiled widely at him and I could feel my face get a little warm. I can't believe he said that, I laughed. I rolled on top of him and smirked.

    "Oh do you now?" I asked. He leaned forward and kissed me. "You'll just have to wait and see." He whispered against my lips. "That's not fair." I whined he kissed me again and this kiss lasted a while. I bit his lip and he opened his mouth a little, I slid my tongue in. He brought he hands up into my hair and tangled his fingers in my hair. I put my hands on his hips and pulled his body closer to mine. I pulled away for air and looked into his eyes, they were clouded with lust. I smiled and tightened my grip on his hips. "You sure you want to wait and see......" I said as I brought my lips closer to his ear. "Or would rather find out now...?" I whispered. I got on my knees and raised his lower half up with me. I slid one hand under his shirt and slid it up to his chest. He's very toned, I've felt him before, but this time is different. I've picked on him before and tried to seduce him, but this is different. I leaned forward and licked his stomach to the bottom of his chest, he arched his back. I started to grind against him a little while I was tracing my fingers over his chest. He raised his head up a little and wrapped his arms around my neck. I leaned forward and kissed him.

    "Hmm...we....we...can't..." He whispered breathlessly. "I know.......but I want to so bad...." I whispered back. He smiled and leaned forward and kissed me. I know that I need release and I'm betting he does to. "But... we can do something else..." I whispered. "If you want to.." I added. "What..?" He asked. "I can help you..." I said as my hand trailed down to the top of his pants. "I'm not asking for sex. I'm asking if you want me to help you...have release.." I said as I put my forehead on his. He looked into my eyes. "Yeah...okay sure." He said. I smiled, I enjoy making him feel good and that surprises me. I never thought I'd like making some else feel good. I usually don't, with all my other hook ups I made them please me....maybe that's the difference... he isn't just another hook up...he's something more. I pulled him closer to me and started to grind against him again.

    He arched his back and tangled his fingers in my hair. "Hmm..." He moaned, he was trying to hold them in though. I don't like that. I stopped and he whined. "W-wh-why did you s-s-stop?" He whispered breathlessly. I looked at him and frowned. "Don't keep those lovely sounds to yourself." I said. "But....they'll" He whispered. I leaned forward and kissed him hard. "Let them hear. I don't give a damn what they think anyway." I said. I put my hands at the hem of his shirt and slid it off of him. Damn he's even hotter shirtless. I licked my lips and moved my hands across his abs. "Damn! Your hot!" I said. His face turned blood red and he just stared at me. "I've uh....I've never done......this.... before." He whispered. I petted his hair. I didn't say anything. I kissed the middle of his chest and made a trail of kisses down to his belly button, he arched his back. Hmm he seems to like that...good to know... I put my hands on the top of his pants. "May I?" I asked. He nodded his head yes. I pulled his pants and boxers off. "Damn! Baby your huge." I said and he blushed. I kissed the tip and licked the slit, his back arched higher and he moaned. Now that's more like it. I put it in my mouth and sucked it twice, then I replaced my mouth with my hand. I climbed up on his lap with his dick in my hand and started nipping and sucking his neck. He grabbed my hair and pulled it lightly. I hummed against his neck. He was panting and moaning and it was music to my ears. I made a trail of kisses up to his ear. " everyone will know your mine." I whispered and bit his ear lobe. He gasped, he liked that more than I thought he would. I licked his ear, then bit it again. "Hmm....ahh...I'm not going to last much longer.." He whispered. I smiled and made a trail of kisses back down to his dick. I started sucking on it. This is my first time sucking someone off so I hope I'm doing it right. I swirled my tongue around it and used my hand to get the part my mouth couldn't reach. "I'm close.." He said and I picked up my pace. He came in my mouth and I swallowed it all up.

    It's not as bad as I though it's be. I may not be a virgin, but I usually don't take my time to satisfy anyone, I just hit and go. I came back up and kissed him. He was panting and looked at me. He gave me a tired smile. "Your turn." He said as he tried to push me off of him. I looked at him like he was crazy. "No, you don't have to do that." I said. "I know, but I want to...." He whispered looking away with a slight blush. Even when he's hot, he still cute. He pushed again and this time I let him push me off. He laid me on the bed and smiled at me. "This is my first time doing any of this, so don't hate me if I do something wrong." He said. I leaned forward and kissed him. "That was my first someone a blowjob hell that was my first time giving someone a handjob." I said hoping it'd make him feel better. He leaned forward and kissed me, he slid both his hands under my shirt and raised my shirt up. He broke away from the kiss and slid my shirt off. He slowly, and awkwardly, pulled my pants and boxers off it was adorable. He climbed back up on my lap and started kissing my neck. "Can I....?" He asked as he licked my collarbone. "Of course." I said. That was all he needed, he assaulted my neck with kisses, sucks and licks. "Hmm." I bit my lip and brought one hand up and tangled my fingers in his hair. He made his way down to my dick and started sucking on it. "Hmm...Katsuki~" I moaned. He went faster. "I'm...close.." I panted out. I came soon after and he swallowed it all up.

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