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I woke up the next morning with Katsuki still asleep in my arms. He's so cute. I started playing with his hair waiting for him to wake up. About 4 minutes later he woke up. He rolled onto his side and looked at me. He smiled and put his hand on my cheek. "Good morning handsome." He said with a slight blush. "Good morning beautiful." I said. I closed the distance between us with a short, sweet, kiss. When we broke away I kissed his nose. "Wanna take a shower before we leave?" I asked. He nodded his head yes. We slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I turned the water on and let it warmed up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him, it started out sweet, but quickly went to a heated and passionate kiss. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance which he granted. I explored every nook and cranny of him. I slid my hand under his shirt and broke the kiss.

    "Let's continue in the shower." I whispered as I slid his shirt off. His face was bright red, but he slid his pants off and boxers. I took my shirt off and everything else. We hopped into the shower and I pinned him against the wall. The hot water sliding off my back and making my spikes not so spiky anymore. I captured his lips in another passionate kiss. His hands went up into my hair and tangled it around his fingers. He pulled my hair gently. "Hmm." I hummed against him. I broke the kiss and made a trail of kisses up to his ear. I nibbled it lightly and then I bit it gently and pulled it. He moaned and moved his hands down to my shoulder blades. "Heh you like that huh? Good to know." I whispered in his ear. He shuddered and tighten his grip on me. I made my way to his neck and started roughly kissing it. I started sucking on his collarbone and then started nibbling it. He arched his back and let out a low moan. Damn I love hearing him like this. I brought one of my hands down to the small of his back and the other to his ass. I squeezed it, while still sucking on his collarbone, hard. He moaned louder and dug his nails into my back. It felt good, I moaned into him. I went down to his nipples and started sucking on one while twisting and pulling the other one. After a couple minutes of this is switched.

    "Ahh....Toya.." He moaned out. I love hearing say my name. I made way down to his dick leaving a trail of kisses as I go. I kissed the tip and then I licked it. I took it all in my mouth and started sucking it using my hand to get the places I couldn't reach with my mouth. He tangled his fingers in my hair again. "Hmm....ahhh....Toya...." He moaned. He started bucking his hips. I started going faster. "I'm...close..." He panted out. A few seconds later he came and I swallowed it all up. I came back up and peppered his face with kisses. He put his hands in the small of my back and kissed me. I brought my hands up and tangled them in his hair. I felt one of his hands snake around and grab my dick. My eyes widen a bit in shock, but the went back to normal. I leaned down and kissed him again. He broke the kiss and started kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He started sucking on my neck and licking it. "Hmm." I moaned quietly. He started moving his hand faster and brought his lips to mine. He bit my bottom lip and I opened my mouth.

    Our tongues wrestled, I let him win this time, and he explored my whole mouth. "Hmm...Katsuki I'm close." I moaned. His hand went faster and he kissed me again. I came a few seconds later. "Here let me wash you off." I said. I washed his body, then his hair and he did the same for me. We turned the shower off and hopped out. We got dressed and laid back down on the bed. "Let's take a quick nap then we'll start heading out." I said. His head was in my chest and my arms were wrapped around him. I drifted off to sleep to the sound of his breathing and the warm comfort of him in my arms.

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