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I rolled onto my side and I brought my lips to his ear. "I can't honestly say I'd mind.... you are pretty cute." I said. I bit the bottom of his ear and pulled my face away. His face was a bright red. 'Damn I love making him look like this.' I chuckled and looked him in his eyes. He opened his mouth, but closed it immediately. "What's the matter cat got your tongue?" I asked as I went down to his neck and licked it. "W-wait..." He said breathlessly. I raised my head up and looked at him. "Yes?" I asked. "Y-you can't do that you bastard." He said. I smiled and brought my face closer to his, our noses touching. "Sadly not, I know my father." He didn't say anything. "But what's the issue here?" I asked.

    "I barely know you fucktard. Only thing I know is you're a phycho, you go by Dabi, and you've got some obsession or something with Todoroki." He said calmish. "So if you knew me I could?" I asked. He sputtered. "That's what you got outta that?" I shrugged. "Yeah. Let's play the question game." He sighed. "What the hell is the question game?" He asked as he rolled over and face me. "I'll ask you a question and you have to answer it honestly and then you'll ask me one." I said. "Okay, but I go first." He said. "Okay." I said. "What's your quirk?" He asked. I smiled and stuck my hand out, he looked at it. When it caught fire his eyes lit up. "Will it burn me if I touch it?" He asked as he reached his hand out. "Here let me see your hand." I said. He slowly put his hand in mine. I put the back of his hand in the palm of mine, I lit a small flame and it was on top of his palm. He smiled widely and he put his other hand over the flame. "Why doesn't it burn?" He asked. I smiled "Because I don't want it to.." I whispered. He looked at me and back to the flame. "It's so pretty.." He whispered.

    I smiled as I put the flame out, but I didn't move my hand yet. "How did you do that?" He asked excitedly. "I believe you've already asked me two questions now, so it's my turn to ask you." I said as I moved my hand and booped (poked) his nose. He scrunched up his nose and swatted my hand away. "Fine go ahead." He said. "How does your quirk work?" I asked. "I already know what your quirk is, I saw you use it at the sports festival." I said. He thought about it for a second, probably debating whether or not he can trust me. "My sweat.. I sweat nitroglycerin." He said. I guess he decided he can trust me at least a little, but it's better than nothing. "Why was you so mad that Todoroki didn't use his flames on you? I mean if he had you probably would've lost or gotten hurt." I said. "Because since he didn't use his full strength I didn't truly win. It wasn't fair nor was it right." He said. "I admire that." I said.

    I didn't mean to say it, but I guess it's to late now. "What?" He asked. "Your determination, I haven't know but a day, but I saw how you were in the sports festival and I can see it in your eyes. I could tell you wasn't hard on that girl because your a jackass you were hard on her so she could push herself past her limits and I admire that." I said honestly. He just stared at me with awe. "I-it's my turn right?" He asked moving his hand, I honestly forgot I still had it. "Uh yeah." I said. "Why'd you ask me about Todoroki?" He asked. "Is he really like your boyfriend?" He asked. "No." I chuckled quietly. "Then why?" He asked. "I was just curious. Saw him in the sports festival." I said. 'I wasn't going to tell him he's my brother. I don't want anyone to know the much about me.'

    "My turn." I said. "What made you want to become a hero?" I asked. "I've always hated seeing, or hearing, how villains, or just regular bad guys, would do something to harm someone. I hated seeing people done wrong." He said. "Me and one of best friends use to get bullied by these no good punks when we were little and there was nothing either of us could do about it." He whispered. 'Who the hell would hurt someone like him?' "Why'd you become a villain?" He asked now looking at me. 'I don't want to lie, but I don't want to tell him.....maybe I can tell him-.' My thoughts were cut short when I felt his hand on my arm. "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it." He said. He yawned and his eyes started to droop. "You need to go to sleep." I said. "I'm not sleepy." He said in a whiny voice. "Yeah, bull shit." I chuckled.

    He just smiled, but didn't say anything more. "Good night Blondie." I said with a chuckle. He lightly smack my cheek. "Don'" He mumbled. "The hell did you say?" I whispered. "Shut it." He whispered. His eyes were closed and I assumed he was a sleep. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled. "Good night Bakugou." I whispered. I liked saying his name. "Ha shit head.......I knew you knew" He mumbled. I flinched when I heard his voice. "Damnit you almost gave me a heart attack!" I said. I think he chuckled. "Go to sleep bastard." I mumbled. "Night Dabi." He said with a soft smile. I just laid there watching him, I know it sounds weird, but he looks so much cuter and more peaceful like this. I started playing with his hair. I eventually went to sleep though, but I don't know what time.

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