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"Okay so what you're saying is that....he's not a villain?" The red head,, Kirishima, asked. "Yes." Kat said. "But he was a villain?" He asked. "Yep." Kirishima nodded looking less confused. "Just not the one who kidnapped you?" He asked. "exactly!" Kat said. "So he's going to U.A for.....a new start??" He looked confused once more. "Yes, which part of this is your dumbass not getting?" Katsuki was getting frustrated. "The hero's let your boyfriend and his people have a second chance so Dabi isn't any different." Aww he's defending me. "I didn't mean that Bakubro I just- hey he isn't my boyfriend!" Kirishima said blushing. "Let's just head to the school. I'll pick on your ass tomorrow." Katsuki said and Kirishima nodded. I grabbed Katsuki's hand, lacing our fingers together, and we started walking once more.

    Once we reached the gates of the school we stopped. Katsuki turned to me and looked in my eyes. "Are you sure want this? Once we cross this line we can't go back." He said seriously. I leaned down and put my forehead on his. "Kat, baby, you're all I want. If you want this then hell yeah I'm going to go through with it." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "Ready?" He asked moving back, but not letting go of my hand. "Absolutely." I said. He smiled wider and nodded his head. Kirishima presses a small gray button and a voice came over the com. "Who is the idiot who got locked out this time?" A tired, but angry voice asked. "Um it's me sir. I need to speak with you as well." He said. The person sighed and then the gates opened. We walked in and followed Kirishima to a door marked office.

    "Yes Kirishima? What is soo important that you-" He stopped speaking when he saw Katsuki and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Bakugou?" He asked surprised. "Yep." Katsuki said. "Who is-why.....who is this?" He asked. "Um I'm....Dabi." I said. "I mean real name." He said crossing his arms. "I'm uh......I'm T-Toya.......Toya Todoroki." I said looking away. "You're-" "Don't say it please." I said gritting my teeth together. "What're you doing here?" He asked. "I you've probably heard I'm a....a villain....well I was.......but I don't want to be anymore." I glanced at Katsuki. "I've found a reason to start over....and I want to start over here.....if you'd allow." I said.

It was silent for a minute. "You'll have to sign up in our rehabilitation program. You'll be starting over with our first years in class 1A. You'll wear an ankle bracelet and will have to check in with a pro every other week. I'll assign you a pro to report to." He said. "I'll give you a form to say you agree to these terms. You'll be staying in dorms with the other students. You won't have your own room, nobody does." He added. He started digging through his desk for the packet. "Understand?" He asked. "Yes sir." I said. "Bakugou and you may share his room, since you two seem....close." He said causing us to blush, but nod.

After we filled the form out we went back to our new room and laid down. "I can't wait to spend forever with you." I whispered laying on my side staring at him. He blushed and smiled. He put his hand on my cheek and caressed it. "Me either." He said and kissed my nose. I laughed and kissed his hand. "I love you so fucking much." I said. "I love you too....even though you were an asshole to me the first time I met you." He said with a giggle. "Yeah sorry about that." I said chuckling.

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