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I pulled him into the room and shut and locked the door. I pinned him against the wall and looked down into his eyes. "It wasn't your fault that he did what he did. You were and are plenty strong enough. It was his fault that happened..its his fault that your hurt. It's his fault that your scared....but it's my fault that he was able to do it. If I hadn't let you go down there he wouldn't have been able to hurt you in the first place." I said. I put my hands on either side of his face. "I don't want you talking about yourself like that. I don't want you blame yourself for what happened either." I said bringing my face closer to his. He looked at my lips, then back to my eyes. I licked my lips and looked at his plumped lips. 'Damn what I'd do to just to know what they'd feel like on mine.' "Damn it." I growled. "What?" He whispered, his warm breath tickling my face. I growled again and moved away from him.

    I walked over to the bed and laid down on it. I heard his footsteps coming towards me. Instead of laying on the bed though he got on top of me. My eyes widened and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest, he's never done this before. I don't know what to do, so I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up into his eyes. "What?" I asked. He looked down at my lips again and bit his bottom lip. I smiled and brought one of my hands up to the nape of his neck (hair(?)). If he's wanting to do what I'm wanting to do then I'd be okay with that but he's going to have to give me a more better sign. I don't want to make him do something he doesn't want to do.

    He brought his face closer to mine. "Dabi..." He whispered. "Bakugou can I tell you something?" I whispered back. He nodded his head yes as he moved closer. I can't take this anymore, I closed the little distance between us. I tangled my fingers up in his hair and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled back and flipped us over. I made a trail of kisses down his neck. "Remember when you asked me if Dabi was my real name?" I whispered as I licked his collarbone and made my way to his shoulder. "Y-Yes." He said. I smiled. "Well it's not..." I said as I started nipping on the place between his neck and shoulder. "Would you like.....to know my..... real name?" I said between nips. He nodded his head, but I really want to hear him talk. "Hmm?" I said against his neck. "Y-y-yes." He said. I smiled again and made a trail of kisses back up to his lips. "It's........Toya......Toya Todoroki." I said as I laid my forehead on his. He brought his hand up to my hair and started petting my hair. "Toya..." He whispered with a smile. I liked hearing my name come from him.

    "I've been wanting to do that for a while...Toya..." He added. "So have I." I said as I kissed him again. I rolled off of him and laid on my side facing him. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together. I brought my free hand up and started playing with his hair. "Since you can call me Toya I get to call you Katsuki." I said with a smile. "Right?" I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah." He said. "What does this mean?" He asked. I know what I want it to mean. "What do you want it to mean?" I asked. I'll be okay with whatever he wants, as long as he's happy. "Um....I......I-" "I will go with whatever you decide. Don't think I'm pushing you." I cut him off. "I want to be your........" He started. His face was a bright red, but he still hasn't looked away from me. "My what?" I asked. I want to hear him say it. "Your.....boyfriend." He said. I smiled widely at him and gave him butterfly kisses on his face. "You do?" I asked. I was filled with happiness the second he said it. "Yes." He said. I smiled and raised up off the bed. I pulled him into a sitting position and kneeled down in front of him with my hands on his knees. "Katsuki Bakugou....will you... do me the honor of....being my boyfriend?" I asked with a goofy smile on my face. "Yes!" He yelled as he tackled me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped his around my waist. I pulled my head back a little and kissed him again. We laid back down, he laid down on his side facing me and I did the same.

    He held my hand and I laced our fingers together. I put one of my arms around him and he put his head on my chest and brought our hands to his chest. I felt him kiss my knuckles. "Goodnight, Katsuki." I whispered. "Goodnight..Toya." He said. I kissed his head. I woke up the next morning with him still cuddled up next to me, he's still a sleep. We're still holding each other's hands, I look over at him and watch him. He's so cut and peaceful looking. I brought my free hand up and moved the hair out of his face. A few minutes later he started whining in his sleep. I held his hand tighter and brought him closer to me. "It's okay Katsuki...." I whispered. "I'm here. Your okay." I whispered. He eventually calmed down. I rubbed his back and laid my chin on his head. I started to think, about what I should do. Should I let him go back to the heros? I think so, he'd be happier there and he wouldn't have to watch over his shoulder constantly. Would he want to go back? Yes....he would. Would I let him? If it meant he'd be happy.......yes I would.... Would I leave with him?.......If he wanted me to......I would, but I doubt he would. I'm the reason he's having these nightmares and I'm the reason his face is all beat up. I don't even know what I was thinking when I asked him to be my boyfriend and I don't know what he was thinking when he said yes.

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