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We walked down the stairs, our fingers laced together, and we went in the kitchen. I went over to the fridge and opened it up. "What do ya want to eat?" I asked him. "Don't care." He mumbled. I turned around and looked at him. "I don't know what that is." I said with my arms crossed. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "It doesn't matter what we eat." He clarified. I laughed. "So I could feed you dog food and you wouldn't care?" I asked with a raised brow. He walked closer to me and rolled his eyes. "No I wouldn't eat dog food." He said. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Then it does matter what you want. So what do you want?" I asked. He sighed as he laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my neck. He looked up at me and smirked. "You." He whispered as he got on his tiptoes and kissed me.

    I blushed a little, flustered at his comment. I didn't expect him to say that. "Damn that's not right." I said as I moved away from him and walked over to the fridge. He laughed, I love his laughter. I grabbed some sandwich stuff and sat it on the counter. I made us both a sandwich and sat down at the table. "Just so you know you can have me anytime you want." I said with a wink. I reached over and grabbed his hand, I laced our fingers together. His face turned a light pink and he shook his head. I laughed and took a bite of my sandwich. I ate half my sandwich and he ate his whole one. After we got done eating we just sat there at the table still holding hands.

    He stood up and walked over to the counter. I stood up and followed behind him. He started putting the food away and he was mumbling something. After he put the food away he sat on top of the counter and stared directly at me. "What?" I asked and walked closer to him. "Do you really want to leave?" He asked. He caught me off guard, but I didn't hesitate to answer him. "Yes." I said. "Won't you miss them?" He asked. "Some of them." I said honestly. "Do you really want to......leave....with me?" He asked in a whisper and put his head down. I walked over to him and put my hand under his chin and made him look at me. "Of course. I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't want to." I said. He still had a sadness in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he put his head on my chest. "Why are you asking me this?" I asked. "Do you not want me to go? Because I'll stay and let you go." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and shook his head.

     "Of course I want you to go. I just don't want you to feel like your being forced to go. I'm not really worth leaving behind people who are basically your family for." He said. "I've been told how worthless I am, and how I won't ever amount to anything." He whispered hugging my tightly. I started petting his hair. "Your worth more than life itself." I whispered as I kissed his head. I put one hand under his chin and made him look up at me. I leaned forward and kissed him, he kissed back. I moved my hand from his chin back to his waist. "Katsuki, you mean the world to me." I whispered and went in for another kiss. "You make me so happy." I said between kisses. "You make me feel things I've never felt before." I said. I pulled away and put my forehead on his. "Toya, I know I'm not your first anything, but you are my first everything and I......care a lot about you...." He said. "But that's where you wrong. You are my first... my first boyfriend, the first person I've ever cared about, your the one that counts." I said. His ears turned pink and he smiled.

    I kissed him again and left butterfly kisses all over his face. He giggled and grabbed my cheeks. He smooshed then and smiled. "Your goofy." He said as he let my cheeks go and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back. "Before we go I need to talk to Toga." I whispered. "Okay." He said. We pulled away and he hopped off the counter and grabbed my hand. We walked up to Togas room and knocked on the door. "Come in." She said. I opened the door and we walked in. She was sitting cross legged on her bed. "Dabi!" She yelled as she jumped up and tackled me in a hug. "Hiya Bakugou." She said as she hugged him. "What did you want?" She asked as she stood in front of us. She looked down at our hands and smiled. "You two finally confessed!?" She shouted. "Yeah...but that's not why we're here." I said. She smiled widely. "Then why are you here?" I sighed and looked down at the ground. "Is it bad? What happened?" She asked worriedly. "You should probably sit down." I said. I walked over to her bed with her dragging Katsuki along with me. We sat on her bed and I put one hand around her shoulder. "Me and Katsuki are leaving......tonight." I said sadly. She gasped and looked up to with tears in her eyes. "Why?!" She asked. I let go of Katsuki hand and pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back. "I..I don't w-want you t-to leave." She sobbed into my chest her grip on me tightened. "I know." I said as I rubbed circles onto her back. After she calmed down a bit she pulled away from the hug and looked into my eyes. "Why?" She whispered. "I have to. I want be with Katsuki and he wants to be with his family. I love you Toga your like my sister, but I need to follow my heart, I hope you understand." I whispered.

    She looked down at the bed then back up to me. "I'll miss you." She whispered. I really wish she could come to, but she can't the hero's know what she looks like. "I'll miss you too." I said going in for another hug. I kissed her forehead as I pulled away from her. "I'm so sorry." Katsuki mumbled. "For what?" Me and Toga asked in unison. "For trying to take him away from you. I know your like family to him and that he's like your family and I feel like I'm tearing y'all apart and I just want you to know I'm sorry." He said tearing up. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around him. "Don't feel bad Bakugou I'm glad Dabi is happy and that he's found you." Toga said smiling sadly.

    She reached over and patted his leg. He sniffled and looked at her and smiled. "Dabi I want you to be happy and it's obvious that Bakugou makes you happy, so go with him." She said as she stood up. I stood up as well and turned to her. "I love you." She said as she hugged me. "I love you too." I said as I hugged her back. We pulled away and Katsuki stood up and walked over to me. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together. She hugged Katsuki and he gave her a one armed hug. "Goodbye you two I hope you have an amazing life." She said. "C'mon Toga it's not like I won't ever see you again. You can see me at anytime and I'll always know where you are." I said. She smiled and walked back to her bed. We turned and walked out of her room to mine.

    We grabbed our suit cases and headed to the window. I went out first and he followed after. "The school is a two day walk from here." I said as we started walking. "Okay." He said.  We walked for an hour or two and it got darker. Katsuki's eyes were drooping and he was yawning. I stopped and pulled him closer to me. I lifted him up and carried him bridal style. "Dabi! You don't have to carry me." He whined. I smiled and shook my head. "I know." I said. I kissed his forehead and smiled wider. "But I'm going to anyways." I said. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my neck. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I continued walking for another 30 minutes. We were near a hotel so I walked in and paid for a room for us for the night. I laid him down on the bed and slid his shoes off and his socks, then did the same with mine. I crawled in bed with him and threw the covers over us. I kissed his cheek and pulled him closer to me, I wrapped my arms around him. "Goodnight Katsuki." I whispered.

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