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When I got up the next morning Kat was still asleep with his arms around me and mine around him. I smiled and glance at the time. 6:30....I sighed and shook him. "Katsuki..." I whispered. "Katsukiiiii." I said louder he groaned and stirred. "Baby wakeup." I said. "Nooo." He whined and buried his face in my chest. I chuckled and moved him back. "Cmon baby." I said and started kissing his face. He giggled and put his hands on my cheek. "I'm upppp." He whined and have me a kiss. "Ugh morning breath." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes and put his hand in my face. "We have to get ready for school." He sighed and stood up. I stood up as well and walked over to him hugging him. "Let's shower, then get dressed." I said. He sighed and nodded.

After we got out of the shower we walked down to the cafeteria and sat dow with our cereal and milk. "So I know nothing about being a hero...." I said. He laughed. "Clearly you kidnapped me, what kind of hero does that." He said. I grumbled and playfully punched his shoulder. "Shut it." I said. "It's okay I'll help you." He said kissing my cheek.

As we sat there talking the red head kid from last night, a guy who looked like pikachu is his role model, a pink chick, a black hair dude, a green haired kid, and two other people came over. "Bakubro!" The redhead shouted as they all sat down. "I told you not to call me that shittyhair." Kat said. "Kacchan are you okay? We've all been worried about you!" The little broccoli boy said. "I'm fine Deku. Why the hell wouldn't I be fine?" He asked. "Ah, I-I didn't mean th-that you wasn't I-I was a-asking." He mumbled. Kat rolled his eyes.

"Where's Icyhot?" Katsuki asked a few minutes later. "Oh he's on his way he's running late." The robot guy said. I leaned over and whispered in Katsuki's ear. "Who's 'Icyhot'?" I asked. He didn't say anything just shook his head. "Just wait." He mumbled. I nodded then went back to listening them talking. "Todo!" Broccoli boy, Deku?, said. "Hello Mydoria." My eyes widened and I turned around slowly. There he was, the person that has been in my thoughts every second of everyday since I ran away. His white and red hair parted evenly down the middle, his scar, it's gotten smaller over the year, his heterochromatic eyes staring right at me! "Who's this?" He asked causing my heart to break....of course he doesn't recognize me! I've changed a hell of a lot. "Er I'm Uh I'm...." what the hell do I say. 'Hey my names Touya Todoroki. Yep uhhuh im your long lost brother that ditched you when you needed me most.' Yep that'll work. "I'm Roki." I said.

    Katsuki put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it reassuringly. "Roki?" He asked. I nodded. "Yep!" I said. "Oh uh well hello Roki, I'm Shoto Todoroki." He said sitting down and sticking his hand out. I grabbed it and shook it. "Nice to meet you." He said letting go. "So when did you get in here? How? And why're you with Bakugou?" He asked in a monotone voice. Damn he's changed a bit to, not his looks, but he seems almost emotionless. "I thought this dude was a robot," I pointed to the blue haired guy, "but maybe it's you." I said and laughed. Katsuki laughed and so did everyone else, expect robot boy and Sho. "But to answer your question, I got here yesterday, I spoke with eye bags he let me stay with some conditions, and Kat here is my..." I glanced at him and he nodded. "Boyfriend." I said. The whole table gasped, except red hair boy, I really need to know there names. "Hey I just realized I don't know who the fuck any of you are." I said. "Language." Robot guy said I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm Ejirou Kirishima." Red, Kirishima said. "I'm Ashido Mina." Pinky, Mina said. "I'm Hanta Sero." He said. "I'm Izuku Mydoria, but most people call me Deku." Broccoli, Deku, said. "I'm Tenya Iida." Robot, Iida said. "Ochako Uraraka." She said. "Denki Kaminari." Pikachu, Kaminari said. That was pointless though I know I won't remember most of them. "Alright."

After breakfast we all went to class with eye bags. "You're a teacher?! Damn!" I said. He sighed and motioned me to the front of the class. "Guys I'd like to introduce a new student, he started last night, actually you've probably heard of him." No no no damn it no. "It's Touya Todoroki." He said before i could tell him to shut the fuck up. "Ah shit!" I said. There was gasps all around the room.

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