Seven (back to Dabi)

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I burned the door down and ready to kill Tomura. Katsuki was tied to a chair face bloodied up and covered in tear stains. "What the hell did you do?!" I yelled as I made my way over to them. I pulled Tomura off of him and shoved him to the ground. He tried to get up, but I caught my hand on fire and glared at him. "Stay!" I yelled at him. I untied Katsuki and picked him up. I carried him up to my room and laid him down on the bed. He was still crying and whimpering. I laid down beside him and pulled him closer to me, he put his head in my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. I rubbed my hand up and down his back as his cries got louder. "I didn't.....I tried to......He...I..." He said between sobs. "Shh. It's okay, he won't touch you again." I whispered to him.

    He was holding onto my shirt tightly. I brought one of my hands up and moved his hand off my shirt and held it. I rubbed circles on his knuckles and petted his hair with my other hand. He eventually calmed down, but didn't move from where he was. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "What did he do?" I asked after he calmed down a bit. "He..*sniffle*... he sat me down on the chair and I thought *sniffle* he was just going to talk to me, but then he said he didn't want to..." He stopped and tears started coming back in his eyes. "He put his hand on my arm and said....if....if I yell or fight him....he'd...he'd.....hurt me.." He said as he started crying again. ".....He said that....the reason he.....was doing me....was because.....I spent to much time with you....he weren't mine.....and you never would be...." He said. "He.....grabbed my.....crotch....and squeezed it hard.....he smack me twice....punched me in my gut and my face.......I had a feeling as to what was going to I panicked and yelled." He said with a whimper.

    I tried to raise up and go beat Tomura's ass, but he grabbed my hand and looked at me. "P-p-please stay." He whispered with tears still in his eyes. I couldn't say no to him, especially with him like this. I sat up the rest of the way and opened my arms up, he raised up and laid his head on my chest. His legs were wrapped around one of mine and he was hugging my arm tightly to his chest. I brought my free hand up to his hair and ran my fingers through it. He was sniffling, but other than that I believe he calmed down. He hasn't said or done anything in a while....I wonder if he's a sleep. "Hey cutie are you sleep?" I whispered, but he didn't reply. I kissed his head and leaned back on the headboard of the bed. "Good you need sleep." I said. I can't move though, so that kinda sucks, but I get hold him while he sleeps so it's worth it. We stayed like this for around 30 minutes. 'I don't want to wake him up, but he does need to eat.' I shook him a little and he whined.

    "Come on. Lets go eat." I said. He didn't say anything. "Did you go back to sleep on me brat?" I asked with a scoff. I shook him again and this time he woke up. "What?" He said in a horse tone. "Let's go eat." I said. Fear flashed across his face. "No. I'm not hungry." He said in the same horse tone, but panic was evident in his voice. I put my hand on his cheek and caressed it. "I won't let him touch you." I said. His face relaxed a little and he smiled nervously. "O-okay." He said. We got up off the bed and he grabbed my arm. I slid my hand down and held his hand. I intertwined our finger together, he tightened his grip on my hand. We walked down the stairs. Tomura was staring at us, well more like glaring at Katsuki. I nudge him behind me and we kept walking, when we got in the kitchen I let go of his hand. "Sit and I'll make you some dinner." I said as I made my way to the fridge.

    He didn't sit down though he kept following me. "What do you want to eat?" I asked. "I don't care." He grumbled. I grabbed some chicken and rice. I went over to the stove and started it. I could feel him still standing behind me, I turned around and looked down into his eyes. "You can sit down you know." I said. He shook his head and looked down to the ground. I wrapped one arm around his waist and grabbed his chin with the other hand. I made him look at me. "I won't let him, or anyone else, touch or hurt you." I whispered. He looked scared still. "The only one that's allowed to touch you is me and I'll make damn sure they know that." I added. That caused him to relax a little. I leaned closer to him and kissed his forehead. I pulled him closer to me and laid my chin on his head and he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that till I had to check on the food. Once the food was done I made us both a plate and sat at the table. We usually share a plate so, I just put both our food on one plate. He started eating slowly.

    "I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me with confusion. "For what?" He asked. "For not coming sooner...For making you go down there in the first place...For leaving you alone." I whispered as I laid my head down on my arms. "It's not your fault. You didn't know what he was planing to do." He whispered. "It doesn't matter what I knew or didn't know. I told you I wouldn't let him hurt you! I promised you!" I said. "You said you'd be at the bar waiting and that if I needed you, you'd come and help me and you did..... You didn't have to, but you did." He said. I put my hands in my hair and laid my head on the table. "Yeah, but I was to late. He had already hurt you and I....I didn't stop him soon enough...I didn't even get to beat his ass for it.." I said. "Look at me." He said, but I didn't raise my head up. "Dabi look at me." He said again, this time I raised my head up a little bit and looked at him. "It's not your fault. If anyone is to blame it's me. I wasn't strong enough....." He said. This is a conversation we need to have upstairs and away from ears. I grabbed his hand and we walked outta of the kitchen. We made our way through the main room, I cast a deadly glare at the residents, and made our way to upstairs.

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