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My hands were still pinning his above his head against the bed. "What are you d-doing?" He asked. I licked my lips and looked down at him. I smirked as his eyes followed my tongue. "It's my turn for some questions, since your turn seems to be over." I said. "I-I won't answer them." He said. I smirked and brought my lips to his ear. "I have ways to make you talk." I whispered. I moved my head back and looked at him again. "Now my first question is......." 'I can ask him about Shoto maybe they're friends or maybe he at least knows something about him. "Do you know someone by the name Shoto Todoroki?" I asked. He just stared at me. I put both his hands into one of mine and brought my other down to his back, tracing my fingers down his side. I placed it on his back gently, I really don't want to hurt him.

    "It'd be a shame to hurt a cutie like you, but if you don't answer my questions I might get a little rough." I whispered, I'll try to avoid hurting him, but I seriously need answers. He smiled wickedly at me. "Why do you want to know? Is he like your secret lover? Do you even know him?" He asked. I almost bursted out laughing. "You watch to much tv kid." I said. He glared at me. "I'm not a kid I am 17 years old! And you don't look that much older than me!" He said. I seemed to have touched a nerve. "Your still avoiding my question answer it and I might answer yours." I said. I put my hand under his shirt and just as I was about to warm it up a little, just to scare him, there was knock at my door.

    I looked at the door. "Who the hell is it!?" I yelled not moving from where I'm at. "It's me. Can I come in?" Toga asked. "I'm a little busy right now crazy chick!" I said. "C'mon please?" She whined. "Tomus being a dick and I need to get away from him." She said. I sighed and got up from the bed and walked to the door. I opened it and let her in, she looked at me and smiled, not yet noticing the boy who is still lying on the bed as confused at ever. I tried not laugh, but when Toga had asked me what I done to him I failed. "What makes you say I done anything?" I asked laughing. She just raised an eyebrow at me, but didn't say anything more. She walked over to the chair in the corner of the room. She sat down and I sat down on the edge of bed.

    He had rolled over on his side facing away from us, I chuckled, he threw the blankets over his head and didn't say a word. "So what's the real reason you wanted me?" I asked looking over at her, she shrugged her shoulders. "I told ya Tomus being a dick." She said. "So what? Handsy is always a dick." I said. "Yeah, but it's worse this time." She said. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know." She said. I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed. We just sat in silence for a bit, but when it got dark she jumped up. "Let's go eat!" She yelled. I sighed. "Go ahead." I said. I don't eat that much and she knows this, I only eat once week if that. She gave me a sad look and left.

    I felt movement on the bed so, I sat up. It was the boy, he was sitting up looking down at me. "I wanna eat." He mumbled. 'Oh yeah I guess part of watching him is making sure he eats and drinks as well.' I sighed and stood up. "Okay, lets go." I said. He slowly got up and stepped by the door. "Are all of them here?" He asked. "All of who?" I asked. He looked at me with a sad look. "You know....the ones who took me." He said sadly. I walked over to him, I wish I could say no. "Yes." I said quietly, I gently pushed him against the wall and put my hand under his chin, I made him look up at me. "Don't worry, I promise I won't let them touch you." I said. He looked hesitant, but chose to trust me, but I couldn't resist teasing him. "After all I don't like sharing." I said. He blushed and looked down to the ground. I chuckled and moved back.

     "Come on lets go get you some food." I said as I started to walk away. He was following me. We went down the stairs and to the kitchen. He sat down at the table and I went over to the fridge. "What do ya want to eat?" I asked him. "I don't care." He whispered. 'Fine I guess I'll make him a sandwich.' I made him two sandwich's and got him a glass of water. He just stared at it. "I didn't poison it." I said jokingly. He laughed, it sounded beautiful. "No shit, I just guess I'm not as hungry as I thought." He mumbled. "Well you got to eat something." I said. He looked up at me then down at the table. "I could say the same to you." He said. I looked away from him. "I'm not hungry." I said. He sighed and looked at his food. "Well I'm not going to be able to finish two sandwiches by maybe you can eat one and I'll eat the other." He said grabbing one and pushing the plate towards me. I looked at the food then at him.

    I haven't eaten since last Tuesday and, while I am hungry, I'm not sure my body will accept the food... "I'm not hungry." I repeated. "Well I am, but there's only one way to be absolutely positive you didn't poison it and thats if you eat it as well." He said. I sighed, he's stubborn. "Why do you care if I eat or not?" I asked. He shrugged. "Cause I'm a caring person and I don't wanna risk dyimg." He said with a laugh, I chuckled. "Fine. I'll eat." Or at least I'll try to I picked up the sandwich and took a little bite, he did the same. He ended up eating his whole sandwich and I ate half of mine.

    We walked through the living room and almost made it to the stairs. "Patchwork!" Tomura yelled. "You don't have to yell I'm right here." I said standing at the bottom of the stairs, the kid was standing behind me. "I wanna talk to the kid." Tomura said. I tensed up and glared at him. "He just got here. Give him a few days." I said. Tomura shook his head. "Why should I?" He asked. "Because if you talk to him now you'll scare the shit out of him." I said. "What if I don't want to wait." He said walking closer to us. I grabbed the kids hand and started dragging him up the stairs. Once we got in my room I shut and locked the door. I dragged him over to the bed and let go of his hand. "He wouldn't have scared me." He said sitting on the bed. I smiled and walked over to him. I kneeled in front of him. "I know. I just didn't want to share you with him." I said as I put my hands on his thighs.

    His face turned red and he tried to glare, but failed. "S-stop saying things like that." He said. "Like what?" I asked innocently. "You know what you did." He said. I laughed. "Seriously though, Tomura may not look that bad, but he is a lot worse than you'd think." I said. "It's getting late we should get to bed." I said standing up. "You can have the bed." I said. He looked at me with a funny look. "I'm not taking your bed." He said standing up. "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor." I said. He stood up. "Who's gonna stop me?" He asked. I walked over to him, and I literally towered over him, I looked down at him. He looked up and backed away a little. "Fine how about we share the bed?" He said looking at the floor. I smirked and sat down on the bed. "You wanna sleep with me??" I asked. His head shot up and his face turned a bright red. "T-t-thats not what I said." He said. "Hmm actually it is. You just asked me to sleep on the bed with you..didn't you?" I asked pretending to be dumb. "Well yes, but I'm not to sure that's what you thought." He said sitting on the bed as well. "Well of course it was.. Why was you thinking I thought something else?" I asked. He rolled his eyes with a slight blush. "Ohhh your mind is in the gutter." I said. I pushed him back on the bed and flopped down beside him.

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