Chapter - 61 HOME Part - II

432 21 27

29K and counting and counting and effin counting ..... 

 *my heart rate is speeding up y'all*

Well bloopers first, I shouldn't have foolishly made two damned parts of this chapter just bcuz I had no clue how far the limit could go! It was relatively easier to go with the flow and complete the entire chapter piece in one go  but since I obviously took a month break to sit for this one, it's kinda hazier but nonetheless, I'm here :)

Hope this one matches your expectations -~



[ Sid's POV]

We were back !

Back to our motherland, to our families, friends and fans. Back to the nation that gave us an identity, respect and fame. Back to the very same Production Family that breathed new life into three vulnerable idiots - Me, Varun and Alia ! To our mentor - our dad, who gave us more love than our own parents. 

We are back

I left with Alia, five years ago, in a life spinning decision to Paris. Today, we've come back as a legitimately married couple along with our son ! 

As we prepared ourselves to enter the hall, my insides tingled in both anticipation and fear. We have no clue how to face everyone. The thought of reconciling with our loved one's is both daunting and beatific. 

I glanced at my wife's panicked face. She had more reasons to be petrified in comparison to mine. After all she was everyone's apple of eyes. Her departure had caused quite a great stir amongst our closed one's and the mass. But then again, it was a last minute decision to join me. I was literally going to act like some failed boyfriend who decided to sacrifice his love. She would suffer and do movies while I'll suffer abroad and try some business. 

End result = both of us pathetic without each other! 

Even though it was heartbreaking to see her being plucked off from her great life for my own selfish reasons (more so because I had enough with the movie politics), she jumped into the plan in a heartbeat. I don't know what my depressed soul would have done without her ! She became my everything - my mom, my dad, my guide, support system, just everything. 

Then came our own ray of light into our gloomy sky  - Armaan ! He made us alive in every possible way. Addu made our almost unbearable lives, so much worth living with less guilt. 

Holding her clammy hand, I stepped inside the hall with my family. 

Had it been another day, we would have gotten a Dharma dramatic entry but today was neither a day of joy nor was there going to be any jubilation at our arrival. Just a sad reason to return. 

Taking a long breath, my eyes took in the scene. 

A priest sat in the middle of the hall, draped in saffron shawl, smeared in ashes and some powders. As he chanted shlokas from a book, my eyes travelled to stop at a semi giant portrait of Hiroo maa, framed elegantly, smiling, as if she was welcoming us. My heart skipped a beat at that thought. The incense smoke arose from a stand kept aside to the frame. It infused in the air, hazing the face of the man we were scared to confront. 

With another pause of breath, we stared and stared at his misty appearance. 

It took a sharp sniffle from Alia to snap his head at us. Time froze and so did we. 

My heart broke at the sight of our mentor - the man who made our lives! Karan gazed at us with blood-shot eyes, almost to the point of drooping. His hair messily arranged, clad in a loose white kurta, he looked thinner than we last saw him. He sat in a broken state, shoulders dropped. Lost was that liveliness and spark in his eyes that once warmly welcomed us. 

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