Is This Destiny? 2- Part 5

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'Can I ask you a question?' He asked. Something about this just doesn't feel good. Have you ever had those butterflies in your stomach just wanting to be set free? Yeah? Well that's exactly what I'm feeling now. Do you get those too with your crushes? Is this what it really feels like? I hate to say this but I've never had a boyfriend so I have no idea what its like and what it feels like. 'Um.. sure.. go ahead. What is it?' 'It's something I've been wanting to ask you.' Oh gosh! Someone give me a bucket I feel sick. Why am I assuming too much? Is he going to ask me if I'm single? Well bubbly-toppings he can have me. Maybe that sounded weird but you guys know what I mean. 'Go ahead. Ask me anything.' 'Well... erm... how do I say this...' 'Just say it! Please... I'm dying to know:)' 'Do you...' 'Do you what!!!!?' I actually screamed that out loud. It's embarassing because the whole house probably heard it but I couldn't careless. 'Okay chill.. Do you know the time here?' Great. Is that it?! I got all curious for nothing? What a disappointment. 'Erm. No. Is that it?' 'Yes. Why what were you expecting?' 'Nevermind.' I rolled my eyes. I got all excited for nothing- great! 'Okay.. Okay.. I'll tell you.' Huh? What does he mean? 'I'll tell you my real question.' He continued. 'Okay?' 'Well.. Do you want to meet up? I'm in England. Theres something I need to tell you. Come to Texas with me?' My heart froze, my brain froze, my whole body froze, I froze...

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