*The Next Day*
Like yesterday, my alarm went off at eight o'clock. I quickly got up and made my bed whilst the sunlight streaked into the big room. That sweet smell of flowers from the garden flew into my room making me feel really happy for some reason. I got my clothes from the chest of drawers and walked out my room. Like usual, everything was quiet. There was no sound to be heard, just the sound of my footsteps as I walked down the corridor. I placed my ear against Ethan's room door to see if he was awake but I didn't seem to hear anything. Slowly knocking on the door, I said, 'Ethan? Are you in there?' No one replied though. I did not hear a single noise either. I know I shouldn't really be going into his room without permission but I needed to know if he was okay. I opened the door and saw his bed nicely made. No one was in there and he was... gone? Pulling a confused face, I left his room and shouted, 'Ethan?!' But no one replied. I was in this big house, alone. I know it's still day but this house is freaking massive! There COULD be a ghost! Rushing to the bathroom with my newly washed clothes, I locked myself in. 'Please, Ethan... Come back.. I'm scared.' I mumbled to myself. I looked at my surroundings, everything seemed to be normal. Shaking all these stupid paranormal stuff out of my head, I took a deep breath and smiled, 'It's the middle of the day, Ari. After your quick shower, he'll be back!' I thought. I quickly took my clothes off and got in the shower. The water splashed onto my bare skin. I thought about Ethan. Where could he be? He's still recovering and now he's gone? Is that really what business men do? No matter how ill they are, they'll still go to work? If so, well that's just bad. Everyone deserves to have a bit of rest once in a while especially when they're ill. After my quick bath, I leaned to get my towel and quickly placed my underwear and bra on. As I was about to get my t-shirt, I didn't realise there was a wet patch on the floor and ended up slipping on it, landing on my ankle. I screamed the whole house down. 'Bubbly toppings!!!' As I moved my foot about, it hurts so much. I tried to somehow get up, using the wall but for some reason, I just couldn't and I kept losing balance. 'Could this day get any worse?!' I screeched, 'Not only am I in this house alone with a ghost that's probably going to get me anytime soon for screaming like an eagle, I also now have a broken foot that will be most likely to be useless when I run off in my bra and knickers away from the ghost.' I sighed, 'Great!' Rubbing my sore ankle, tears had ran down on my cheeks without me realising. It hurts so much! Then suddenly, I heard a knock on my door, 'Ariana?' It was Ethan. Oh great! Just great! 'Please don't walk in! Please.. it will be so awkward!' I whispered to myself. I placed my hand on my mouth and kept quiet hoping he'd just leave me alone and go away. 'Ariana!' He repeated himself. I closed my eyes and tried to avoid the pain I was feeling. 'I know you're in there. Open up!!' He shouted. I shook my head, 'Go away, please..' I mumbled under my breath. 'Ariana!' He paused, 'If you don't open up, I will. I have a key.' GREAT! This day is seriously the worst day of my life. 'Uh.. yeah I'm here.' I said. My mouth went dry, I could feel my heart beating like a drum. 'I heard you screaming. Are you okay?' 'YES!' I snapped, 'I'm fine. Just go away.' 'You've been in there for a while now. Are you sure?' 'YES!!!' I rolled my eyes, 'Can you just go away while I try and sort my broken foot out, please?' I mumbled under my breath. 'What did you say?' 'Nothing!' Jeez, just leave me alone! 'Okay, well I'm going.' 'Goodbye!' I snapped. I sighed in relief. 'Finally!' I smiled then frowned as I saw my ankle. It hurts so much. Then I saw the door wide open with Ethan standing there stunned. 'Aghh!!! Get the bubbly tops out of here!!!' I screamed trying to hide my body with my hands. 'Uhh..' I'm sorry...' He awkwardly hid behind the wall. 'I told you to go away!' I snapped. 'I heard you screaming! What happened?' 'I'm fine, just go away.' He peered through the door not realising I was still in my bras and knickers, 'Well you're clea-' 'ETHAN GO AWAY!!!' 'I'm sorry.. I'm sorry. I want to help you.' He said. 'Okay. Fine.' I paused, 'Can you see my clothes? It's near the door.' 'Uh.. Yes!' 'In a count of three get it then chuck it to me but don't you DARE turn around.' 'Okay, got it.' 'One... two.. three...' Flashing right in my eyes, he chucked the clothes at me then hid behind the wall again. As quickly as I possibly could, I put my t-shirt and trousers on but it hurt so much trying to pass my foot through it. 'Okay I'm done.' I said. He walked in to the bathroom and stared at the cieling awkwardly avoiding to look at me. 'I'll carry you to your room.' 'Uh, Ethan?' I said. 'I'm down here?' I waved my hand about. He looked down at me and awkwardly gave me that 'Okay...' look. He knelt down and tried to carry me but I just shrugged, 'I'm fine! I can walk to my room now.' 'Really?' I nodded my head as I used him to help me get back to my feet. As I took a step forward, I lost my balance but he managed to catch me. I looked up at him and I stared at his glistening brown eyes whilst he stared at mine. His face was perfect, if only he was Jake. If only his personality was like Jake's. He would've been so perfect. I also noticed some red food marks on his face. A faint smile appeared on my face before I bursted out laughing. 'What?!' He snapped. 'What have you got on your face?!' I laughed. 'Oh shut up!' He grunted. He carried me bride-style and walked over to my room. I was still in hysterics but he just gave me that familiar Mr. Grumpy frown. As we came closer to my bed, he just literally threw me onto it, 'Owww!' I snapped. A faint smile appeared on his face. I know right!! He actually smiled! Like for the first time! 'I still don't forgive you for perving on me!' I narrowed my eyes at him. 'Well, there wasn't really anything to look at!' He winked. 'Ughh!!' I grunted, 'Just go away, Mr Grumpy.' 'Me?! Have you looked in the mirror lately? I think you're talking about yourself.' He smirked before walking off..
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Is This Destiny? 2
Teen FictionIt is now five years later after Jake's death yet Ethan has still not found Ariana. In around a few months he will be marrying his Dad's friend's daughter as an arranged marriage made by his Dad meaning that he needs to find Ariana very soon! His mi...