Part 4- Welcome Beta Warrior

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Cordelia's P.O.V

I had the kids downstairs eating their breakfast as I rushed around. Today was the big day.

I would know if all this training I had done, was worth it. I surely was not going to Pack College, this was my last hope unless I wanted to work around the house with the other females.

I did a mini workout in my bedroom, changing into loose clothes and bringing extra clothes for after. I tied my shoes, hair up and put on a bunch of deodorant. I walked downstairs, the kids were dressed and I had locked the house up once we had left.

I dropped them off, smiling as Hadlee hugged me for a moment longer than she normally does. She can always tell when I'm nervous.

" Have a good day," I kissed her cheek and went on my way. It was 8 in the morning, I had entered the field behind the pack house. I noticed obstacles and another wolf.

One that was already a warrior.

I cracked my knuckles, shaking the nerves off as I walked over too Alpha Jack.

" Morning," I said as I lowered my head and then raised it up, looking him.

" Good Morning, Cordelia. This is Maveric, our best warrior. He is the 6th generation Beta from his line." He introduced the stranger standing across from me.

" It's nice too meet you. " I shook his hand, feeling his level radiate off him.

Defiantly a Beta. The second spot from Alpha. Very strong and well respected, their line has been warriors for centuries.

" You can alternate between wolf and human. First too tap out, loses. No low blows and don't kill each other. I wish you both the best of luck. I hope to see you at the warrior meeting later. " Alpha Jack said as he walked too the back-porch, watching us with wide eyes.

" A female warrior- huh? " Marcus smirked as we crouched around the ground, waiting for the first move.

" Yes. " I said as I quickly attacked him, throwing punches into his gut and then I knocked him straight from under his nose and he had fallen down, clutching the bleeding nose.

" Don't pity them" My dads voice entered my head.

I transformed into my wolf, climbing on top of Marcus as I gripped his neck.

So much for him being a great warrior.

I yelped as I was thrown across the yard, I jumped back up and was growling. I had my lips pulled back as my teeth barred out, slobber sliding off them and down my chin. I crept around him,Marcus had shifted now.

I jumped at him, he had clawed my side but I had ripped a chunk of his skin off and he was bleeding. He jumped at me, we rolled around for awhile and I then remembered the move dad had taught me.

I acted as if I was gonna jump too the left, when I did that, he went too the left too and I clutched my jaws around his neck.

I could end his life, but Alpha Jack had whistled, Marcus was tapping out.

I backed away after I released Marcus, keeping my eyes on him.

I didn't expect too win against a Beta.

Marcus was bristling at what I had just done.

I was shocked, I couldn't believe I had done this.

I only wanted too become a warrior, I didn't want too steal his ' Beta ' title.

I had just managed to steal the 6th generation ' Beta ' Title from Marcus.

" I can't take it. " I said as we both shifted back, being handed robes.

" Why's that? Alls fair in love and hate. " Alpha Jack spoke as he stood in front of me.

" I didn't fight for a title, I fought too become a warrior. I simply wanted too protect the pack, I wanted too fight for the freedom. I don't want Marcus' title. " I said as I starred at Marcus, he was super mad, which I don't blame him. He had just disgraced his family.

" I'm sorry, Cordelia. Until someone challenges you and wins, the Beta title is yours.  I expect to see you tonight at the meeting. You will still deserve the ' Warrior ' rewards, I expect that you start working out more, weekends too. Many will see you as an easy target; I expect you too be challenged a lot. " Alpha Jack announced, the power radiating off of him.

I sucked my breath in, looking back at Marcus.

" You're more than welcome too challenge me back for it. " I told him.

" We'll see. Congratulations. " He bowed," Beta. "

I was alone on the field. I grabbed my clothes off the porch, groaning as I felt the blood seeping down from the rib cut I have received. I had many bruises all over my body.

I made my way too Dr. Naves.

" Beta, " He addressed me as I sat down on the bed. I had changed, I only had too raise my shirt for him. I had my wounds cleaned, which hurt like a bitch. Once they were dressed, I had left, after thanking him for his help.

I walked down the hallway, the people who use too be bitches too me, now bowed.

I picked the kids up, Alec starred at me in shock. I hadn't even fully accepted the position, yet it was dripping off me.

" You took on the Beta? " Alec spoke as we walked home.

" It was who I was assigned. I also won a spot on the Warriors. " I told him as I unlocked the front door.

" Dad would be proud. " Alec spoke.

That was the nicest thing Alec has said since the moment mom had announced her split. I stopped in my footsteps, I hadn't really liked Alec, at all. Not even growing up. I knew he was hurting.

" Don't worry, we will see him soon. " I said as I shut the door behind us.

" Showers and homework. " I pointed as I walked into the kitchen.

I took the steaks I had laid out this morning, seasoning them and then throwing them into the oven. I made some mashed potatoes and corn. The steak was done in about an hour, I laid everything on the table and cut up Hadlee's food.

They had both showered and finished their homework.

" I'm going to have to train on the weekends now. I'm going to have too trust you too, too stay home alone. Alec, I need you not too be mean, it's the last thing needed. " I said as I took a sip of my water.

Alec spoke nothing but Hadlee did.

" I want too train too. "

" I will hire someone for you. I'm not sure how too train someone. " I told her as I kissed her head.

We ate in silence the rest of the night, I tucked Hadlee in as I cleaned up around the house.

I'm waiting on the day that Alec starts too clean up after himself, I hope that's soon. I'm about to get even more busy.

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