Part 18- Taking the Kingdom Back

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I sat on the private bed, I no longer sleep with Hell. Every time I see him, I get flashbacks and I can feel the pain in my body as if I had been shot again.

I was 5 months pregnant, I hadn't announced it. I had marked off the castle, I had constant guards and I was ready too kill and I made that clear.

I knew what I was having and it was a girl.

I was naming her Elodie Lauretta Matthews and I was going too do everything it took too protector her. I would hide her from Hell, I would lie too hell, whatever it takes because I refuse too let this baby girl experience anything I had.

I gulped as I starred around the baby room. The baby crib, she would never touch.

The baby bottles she would never drink from, the baby gloves that would never touch her tiny fingers.

Hell and I were falling apart, yet we had a kingdom too support. I yearned for him every night but I knew I had too protect her.

I have kept myself more than in these past 5 months, than he had in 2. I wouldn't let him fail me.

Rumors spread I had used Hell, rumors spread I was the Warrior God everyone had been warned about, some spread that I even only claimed the Kingdom so that I could ruin it.

Well so what. If you EVER threatened my child, I will END your line.

I looked back down at my hands, starring at the list that contained each person related too my almost assassin.

The line will end, before my child is here.

Elodie, was too be the Princess. I had put a target over her head and I was selfish too not see that.

I couldn't help but wonder, I was told a female would betray me, yet it was a man.

I am having a baby girl, yet where is the other part too her statement?

I grunted as I felt my massive stomach, as soon as she is born, I will avenge for not only myself, but for my child I am too afraid too have.

I smelt Hell enter the castle, it was mainly our scents due too that fact I had locked the castle off from all.

I felt sorry for the kingdom, I knew it wasn't all of them. My wolf was unforgiving, her pup was threatened and she will protect her.

I gulped as I smelt another scent, it was.. Hadlee?

I hadn't spoken too my family in 5 months, since the accident.

I growled as I hid the list, looking at the door as I watched it open.

Hadlee walked in, looking much older.

" Sissy.." Hadlee spoke as she tested out if she could come closer.

I growled and smelt the air, the scent was familiar, Hadlee had reminded me of my own pup. My guard came down, as she wrapped her arms around my huge bump, I hugged her.

My wolf was calmed down by the familiar scent and comfort from Hadlee.

I growled as I felt a prick in my arm.

Hadlee jumped back, dropping a needle as she watched me, Hell quickly jumped in.

I growled, at the fact he had not protected us again.

I felt sleepy, I was dying.

" You'll wake up soon, but for now, you must sleep as I take the Kingdom back."

I then had closed my eyes, memories of my past floating back.

I remembered when I was 8, learning my first major fighting moving.

I then would go home, fighting Alec and making him cry until my parents said stop.

Realizing when my mother had first cheated on my father.

The divorce.

The baby.

The fighting.

Garrett... Garret...

I have to go. Goodnight.

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