Part 19- Princess Heaven- is Dead.

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Third Person P. O. V

Heaven was born.

Not the place where the gods live, but the child.

Princess Heaven, danced a crossed the field with the dolly; her only friend she had.

4 years ago, Cordelia Weston, had awoken from her induced slumber, panting, crying and grabbing her stomach.

It was time too have the child she yearned so much for; she yearned too protect.

Yet, her body would not awake. Her wolf had taken over, protecting her from the bad side of the medicine, Heaven had too be cut out of Cordelia.

Cordelia was sown up, taken care of, but for some reason, she has fallen back asleep, but not before she whispered the single, soft word ..

" Heaven,"

That frail little baby, had been given her name.

Heaven Cordelia Matthews.

PRINCESS Heaven Cordelia Matthews, too be correct.

She was locked away, until the ripe age of 3 1/2. Patiently waiting for her mommy too wake up, too come play .. but little did she know, she never would.

Yet, her father, Hell, knew. Not that he'd ever tell her.

Cordelia had a Rogue bacteria in her brain, driving her too insanity, she was unsafe, not only for herself but for her child, her mate and her kingdom.

At first, he had tried too cure her .. but she'd wake up, every night.

She's yell, cuss and throw things. Mention things of ruining this kingdom, killing everyone who dare harm her child, killing Hell.

The Queen of the Kingdom, had been living with Hell.

Hell never noticed the first few signs. He hadn't even noticed until the moment Heaven was cut out of her, that her blood had turned black with the filth of the Rogue bacteria.

Rogue bacteria, can only be transmitted through another Rogue, being one of 2 years or more.

" Done," Hell had spoken, as he had switched Cordelia's body into a casket, shoving her into the Royal Room, locked away with a key, only he knew off.

He hadn't wanted her too die, he was trying everything; until she had awoken and threatened Heavens life. He then knew, he had too take matters into his own hands.


The kingdom was slowly up and coming, again. They had the kitchen staff back, although they were weary of the palace. Many wolves had moved back in, yet not with their children.

Hell had personally cleaned the entire palace. Their cleaning staff won't be returning until next week, they had scattered at the news of the Queen wanting too end it all.

Things were coming back together, for the Kingdom.

Lily & Grace, had ran off and found a mate.

Although Emma, had remained. She had taken on the role of mothering, sweet Heaven Cordelia.

The secret is- Hell had told the pack that the child had died, due too the disease the queen had.

Hell had too protect Heaven, even if that was acting as if she didn't exist. Emma, had claimed her, saying that she had her, before losing her mate.

Sweet Heaven, even called her mom. She knew Hell as her uncle.

Hell was living in a heartbroken world, everything he worked for, he had lost.

His Mate..

His Kingdom ...

Pretending too be his child's uncle, was no easy thing for him. Yet it had too be done, for her safety.

Heaven lived in a small cottage, with Emma south of the house. Emma has recently found her mate, not yet telling him of Heaven as she is weary ..


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