Part 10- Who Am I to Get In The Way Of Destiny

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I jumped up, looking around as I seen Jackson run the other way into the woods.

I seen no wolves, but I smelt them.

Then, they came bursting through our forest line.

Alpha Jack was standing front & center, human form.

The biggest wolf I had seen, came forward and I felt sick too my stomach.

I felt like my stomach was hurling, my head was spinning and I could not move.

I smelt honey, I smelt woods & I smelt peppermint.

I starred at the side of this wolf, I knew what this was.

This was my real mate.

I flashed eyes between Jack & this wolf, not knowing what would happen.

The wolf shifted, into the most beautiful man I had seen.

He had olive skin, a dark beard, a dark, thick head of hair. I could tell, he had green eyes. He was covered in tattoos, I was in love.

" You're safe, for now." Was his first words, I had wanted him too look over so bad. Did he know I was here? Did he even smell me?

" Why is that? You are already on my land. " Alpha Jack spoke, in a deep, demanding voice.

" I seem too of found something else I want at this time," He spoke, smirking at Jack," My precious little warrior mate." His eyes then snapped too me.

This time, my eyes had widened.

" She is my sons," Jack bit back.

" Kill them- all." This mystery man ordered and all hell broke loose.

I dropped and shifted, shoving wolves into tree's, cracking necks and ripping fur out.

I was shoved against the ground, I knew who it was, because my wolf had stopped fighting; she was giving in.

" Don't fucking do if, Rosemary." I ordered as I snarled at him.

" Mate, I love him." Was her only response.

I snarled and drooled at him, my pack was dying.

I shifted back into my human form," NO " I yelled as I seen my dad running across the field.

I quickly got away and ran across the field, shifting into my wolf and taking the pounce he was about too get. I hit the tree and bounced off, I defiantly just broke a rip.

The mystery mate let out a massive yell, everybody stopped moving; even my pack.

I had about 30 active fighting members left of my pack VS his 150.

" I don't want your land, right now, but I will take it. I want my mate and I'd like to discuss- with you," He said as he directed his eyes too Jack.

" I want you off my land, meet me now. Beta Cordelia, Third in Command, Jamison, come with." He ordered his people. I walked in, grabbing some clothes I had found, and following in suit.

We all stood in the office, nobody spoke anything.

" I want to take Cordelia with me tonight." He spoke.

" Who are you? Alpha too what pack? " Jack said as he stood up.

" I am not only the Alpha, I'm the King of all Alpha's. I am Hell Mathews." He introduced himself, shaking Jack's hand.

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