Part 16- I Had Given In, but Not Given Up.

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Cordelia's P. O. V

A rogue by the side of the King.

Those rumors filled the castle, I had just heard them as I just now came back here.

I was attending a meeting with Hell, through much dismay and arguing, I hadn't wanted too attend a meeting until I was crowned. The royals & court would be offended by the fact that I, a rogue, was attending.

These types of meetings are meant for only them. I wasn't sure how they'd react. Yes they knew I was too be Queen Luna, but I wasn't one yet.

I was dressed in the fanciest black jeans I owned, a light pink v-neck blouse and shoes. I had my hair curled and placed over my shoulders with light makeup; I was getting better at Makeup, thanks to Jeffrey Star & James Charles.

I held Hell's hands, as the guards opened the huge wooden doors with gold handles, looking at the room full of royals and the court.

Nobody bowed, they were equals. Hell & I walked in, I starred at everyone as they starred at me.

Hell & I sat down at the head of the table & I sat quietly.

" Whom is this? " an elder man asked.

" Cordelia Weston. My Mate, Queen Luna." He introduced himself.

" A rogue? " he muttered again.

" Until tomorrow." Hell said," now too discuss the meeting."

I had zoned out for the meeting, I was started to feel sick and I had a feeling as of why.

Hell & I had done rounds last night, I hope I'm not.

As soon as the meeting ended, I quickly went too a bathroom and started dry heaving over the toilet. I emptied my already empty stomach. Standing up, I wiped my mouth off and grimaced at the smell in my mouth.

I opened the door, giving a little smile as I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, I drank 3 bottles of water, searching for a couple mints.

" Where did you go? " Hell came into the kitchen.

" Bathroom." I said as I popped a mint into my mouth and stood beside him.

" I've got a few more meetings, I can have someone take you home?" He offered as he checked his watch.

I starred at the gold crown with silver diamonds all over it, before flashing my eyes back too his.

" It's okay. I will wait." I smiled as I dashed off, into exploring the castle.

I found the gym, the library and even a cool movie room. This place was filled with rooms, most of the Royals lived here. They had guards but not a huge pack. Although, packs would gather for the ceremony of crowing.

My brother and sister would be here, along with my father, mother & Garrett, with the rest of the pack. Ever since I've left, my mother has tried too call me but I refuse too answer.

" What is this room? " I asked someone as I walked into a room filled with toys.

" This is daycare! " She said as she turned around," Oh, Luna." She bowed.

" Not yet." I smiled as I seen the napping kids, I sighed as I knew within' 6 months, I'd have one. I was waiting until Hell smelt the difference, then I'd be caught. I just had a feeling.

" It's a pleasure too meet you. " She bowed again.

" No need too bow! It's lovely too meet you too." I smiled as I had a 5 minute conversation with her, before dismissing myself and feeling sick again. I drank a sprite from the fridge as I sat down in the kitchen, laying my head on the table.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to wait until Hell was done.

An hour later, I smelt him coming so I jumped up and met him at the door, very ready too go home.

His arms wrapped around my shoulder as I jumped too him," I'm ready to go. I don't feel good."

" I know. I heard your thoughts." He said as he gave me a quick kiss and we left.

Oof, had he heard the pregnant thoughts? I hope not.

The ride was silent, I entered the house and went straight too the bathroom, I dry heaved this time but did not actually throw up. I hopped into the shower, scrubbing my mouth. I then washed my face and walked downstairs once I was dressed.

" hmm? " Hell hummed as I walked past him.

" hmm." I answered back as I grabbed food out of the fridge and made some quick super.

" I'm not stupid, Cordelia." He grunted as he walked into the kitchen.

" What? " I asked, completely confused.

" You don't want a baby, yet you are pregnant."

Was this fucker drunk?

" Not ideal, but I will love it. I will become a warrior either way." I shrugged as I put food into a bowl and went into the living room, grabbing a blanket and the remote.

Hell grunted as he sat beside me, angrily eating his food. I rolled my eyes as I watched Teen Mom 2 and ate my food.

" I can hear it's heart beat." Hell broke through as the commercial came on.

" Her." I corrected him.

" Why do you think that? "

" When we had our dinner with your family, some old women told me our first child would been a girl & a girl would also betray me." I told him as I placed my empty bowl on the coffee table.

" Ah, Betty. Don't believe her, she's a nut." Hell chuckled.

" Are you done being mad? " I said as I turned the TV down.

" Not mad, upset. "

" I'm sorry, but I had just started my life when you found me. You then took me from everything I had worked for, my entire life." I admitted.

" I know & I'm sorry, but you have too realize that you are a Queen, you are a Luna! You can train as much as you like, but I would never be able to grant you the title of a warrior. A Luna nor a queen, cannot become one. "

I thought, A Luna Queen Warrior had never been heard of, but why couldn't it?

" Shouldn't a Luna know how to protect her people? Shouldn't-" I started to go off, but he cut me off.

" A Queen should be able too protect her people. A queen should put fourth her peoples BEST interest. Becoming a warrior is not exactly that. If you were to die, millions of people would be without a queen, without a Luna. You have yourself and a million others too think about now." Hell said as he was becoming frustrated.

" Okay, I don't want too fight. All we do is fight over children and becoming a warrior. I want too train, every day, even if you can't give me the title. At least I can protect myself and my pup if you are not near and something happens."

I had given in, but not given up.

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