Part 12- Into the Bathroom, He Disappeared.

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Cordelia's P.O.V

I woke alone, but his side of the bed was made, very neatly must I say.

It was only 8 AM, according too the clock sitting on the bed side table.

I rubbed my eyes, groaning as I stretched and laid there. I needed too call my family, but I know the kids could be in training until 2.

Today is Saturday, I know the pack was starting too train all ages; they were not sure how too be prepared. I also, don't know where Jackson ended up. I haven't heard a word and Jack didn't know, at least he pretended not too.

I pushed myself out of bed, into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. I peed, pulling my pants back up and then proceeded too brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair. I starred at myself, my dark hair touched my mid-belly & I had green eyes, a little dull. I walked into the bedroom; I smelt him through the bathroom door.

" I have meetings, all day. I have ordered my sister, Emma, too take you to the mall. "

" Too the what? " I asked again, I have never heard of a mall nor been too one, obviously.

" A mall. Many shops, other than the few you had surrounding your pack. Humans will be at these, so you must act like a normal wolf. " He told me as he whipped out his wallet, searching through it.

" Can't I wait to go until you are free? " I almost frowned as I looked at him.

" We will spend the whole day tomorrow, I will show you the entire grounds and everything. I'd like you to get to know Emma, Grace & Lily. Emma will be with you, I think Grace & Lily are meeting you guys there. " He said as he handed over multiple cards.

" What are these for? " I looked at an all black card.

" Too buy things. Spare no expense." He smirked, swooping down and kissing my cheek," change so I can take you down too Emma."

I did so; pulling on some jeans, flip flops and a shirt. I left my hair natural and I then walked back over too Hell.

" Okay, let's go." He said as he was busy with his phone. He had one hand on my back, the other on his phone as we walked, he was looking at it.

I walked too Emma, she looks just like her picture in Hell's office.

" Ahh, so nice too meet you! " Emma smiled as she yanked me into a hug, catching Hell's glance.

He shoved his phone away, spending the next 10 minutes explaining rules too us.

We arrived too the mall, finding out each other's favorite colors and so much more on the ride there.

" Where would you like too go? " Emma asked as we stood inside.

" I've never been here. I don't know, wherever you shop? " I answered as I looked around. People were everywhere and so many stores could be seen.

" Alright. I typically shop at American Eagle, Victoria Secret & Pink, Nike & Journeys. " She smiled and started walking, I ran too catch up.

" What size jeans do you wear? " She asked as I stood in awe, at the amount of jeans pressed against this wall.

" I'm not sure, I've recently gained a lot of muscle. My 24's are tight." I shrugged.

" Okay, a size 2. Pick out as many as you like and we will try them on, just to make sure! Grab anything you like, you can try it on." She smiled as she walked too get herself stuff.

I nervously grabbed many pairs of jeans, some ripped, some with no rips & some with random patches on them. It was fall, I grabbed plenty of flannels, sweaters & long sleeve shirts. I got this beautiful sweater that is open in the back.

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