Part 9- You Are Not Mine

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Cordelia' s P.O.V

I had to train extra hard, the Alpha is recently considering giving us a day off, which would be Sunday. He is wanting to start a weekly meeting with all members of the pack and too give the warriors a rest day.

Which I would like, seeing as we are allowed to spend time with our dad. Dad had moved back in, throwing away everything my mother had left here, which I was glad. I did not have the courage to do so, as for the dinner we would have with her, it would be held in the pack house, in the outside dining hall every Sunday whenever I finish training. Neither Alec, Hadlee or I wanted Garrett to ever join our dinners.

We figured that would come later, we weren't too worried about that right now. We didn't want dinner with our mom anyways. I expected Hadlee too, just a little bit, but she says she doesn't like how she left her mate; she was taught in school how important they are. She doesn't understand how mom could do that too someone, especially our dad who gave her everything and was a great person, he still is.

Dad was training, he wanted his spot back on the Warrior team. He was not out of shape, but he had to train in front of Alpha Jack in order to even get a spot too train out. Jack only calls for try outs whenever he spots a few that he believes could pass the test and deserve too join the team.

I had finished training an hour ago, it was 6 in the afternoon, the kids and I were around the Pack House. Dad was cooking dinner, I'm so use to having to rush home and make them dinner as they do their homework and take showers; but my schedule is free until I want to go bed; which is weird.

I had spoken too dad, about the mate thing. How in the world was I suppose too know?

I would feel it.

He claims," Sis, when you find your true mate, your knees will give out, you will feel as if you finally found the missing piece of you. You will look into his or her eyes, you will see your future in them, you'll imagine how amazing life will be with them; you'll feel the need too protect like crazy, which he or she will also feel towards you too. You will just feel it, in every bone in your body. Your wolf won't be able too calm down, not until she is let out and rubbing against him, pressing her scent all over him to stop any future females looking at him. "

I don't think I felt that way with Jackson, I did smell his scent, but my wolf was not fighting me too shift so that she could protect him as well as cover him in our scent. I also didn't see our future, I had seen his eyes but I wasn't starring at him. I didn't feel like my world was frozen and that is all I seen, I felt normal and my wolf was aggravated, but she did say mate. I was worried, I hadn't seen Jackson in a few days, if he was a fake mate and I turned him down, he could be planning something and that made me feel uneasy. I suppose, I would find him and talk too him; I knew I could protect myself; I was a Beta, I was a Warrior.

I planned too keep training, I wanted the top spot on the Warrior team and I would have it, I don't care if I have to train for endless hours; morning too night without any breaks.

I needed more wolf form training, I will start this soon and I will be the best. I pushed myself off the couch," I'll be back. Go home soon. " I told Hadlee and Alec as I walked past them, down the hallway.

I came too Alpha Jack's door, knocking on the huge, dark brown door. I heard a ' come in ', as I twisted the doorknob and then entered the office that was freezing.

His office was very professional. He had a dark wooden desk, a matching plush chair, a computer, filing cabinets and behind him, on the wall, was a massive painted picture of him, his mate, Jackson and Jaclyn. He had sent his children away, for a training academy when they were 8. We were badly attacked when they were 8, he did what he had too, once they left, we all stepped up our training as well.

" Afternoon, Alpha," I spoke, bowing and raising my head.

" Afternoon, Beta Cordelia."

I smiled at the title," I was wondering if Jackson was anywhere? I needed too speak with him." I said, hands folded in front of me.

" Let me call his room- he has been away the last few days." He paused as he picked up the phone.

Jackson had left?

" He is here. He said he would meet you by the backdoor in 5." Jack smiled.

" Thank you, so much." I smiled at him as I ducked out.

I made my way downstairs, shocked as Jackson was standing in the doorway. I looked past him, seeing an isle of lit candles leading down too the canopy. The canopy was with with red roses hung all the way from the top, too the bottom. Rose pedals were all over the ground, a blanket placed over them with a picnic basket on them.

The backyard was completely empty.

" Jackson," I spoke as I was rushed too the canopy.

" I planned this entire thing- I wanted it special for you-" He rambled on.

" You're not my mate," I yelled, he looked like he was a deer caught in the headlights.

" What? Don't you feel it? "

" I do- not as intense as it should be." I admitted too him, I knew there had too be more.



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