Part 7- Dad!

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I followed the group around the pack grounds, jogging in sink, learning each curve.

At least Killian & I were, we were learning how too do the patrol that we would start very soon.

I was dying at this slow pace but I know it is good.

I hadn't slept last night, I'm getting so sick of not sleeping.

Rosemary was clawing at me, she was pissed at both Jackson & I.

I sent her too the back of my mind as I took in all the scenery.

" Cordy," I heard as I looked straight forward, everyone coming too a hault.

" Dad." I spoke as I rushed towards him and wrapped my arms around him and held him, real tight.

" My baby girl," He said as he squeezed me.

" Not such a baby," I laughed as I stepped back and looked at him.

" The court is demanding us. " He spoke too me.

" They accepted it? " I spoke as I looked back down at my hand, the star had a scar through the middle of it.

" Yes. When I win, I promise I'm taking you kids and moving too another pack," He kissed my head.

" My mate is here. I'm a Beta and a Warrior." I told him.

" Mate? Who? Have you accepted? A female Beta? Since when was this? I noted the Warrior part, I'm very proud of you. " He told me as he checked me head too toe.

" Mate, I'll have to tell you when we are alone. I am a Female Beta as of a week ago. I had fought Marcus to become a Warrior and I ended up becoming the Beta as well. " I told him as I looked back at the group," We have 2 more hours and then I'll find you. Meet me in the living room," I spoke as I joined the group again, finishing the day of training.

Once finished, I sweatily walked into the living room," Let's head too the house, before mom and Garrett start a scene." I told him and motioned towards the door.

We walked home in silence, I opened the door and obviously Alec & Hadlee went buck wild at the sight of their dad.

I allowed them too spend the time, sending them too bed at their bed times.

" My mate is Alpha Jackson. I have not accepted him, he expects me too give up my Warrior Title & my Beta Title, I refuse. I've worked too hard and too long for this," I spoke too my dad, hoping he'd understand.

" Mates come once in a life time," He spoke as I took in his dark hair that was now turning grey.

" I'm in no rush, I don't need kids of my own, I have Alec and Hadlee too care for. I have my titles, I'm a very good wolf. We have a house over our heads, food in our stomachs and they attend school every day and are doing very well." I was shocked he spoke that way.

" I know, Cordelia." He spoke.


My first name.

" But- Alec & Hadlee are your mother & I's kids, not yours. I know the separation has been hard and you are stuck in the middle, I can't thank you enough for what you've done- you're an amazing sister; but they are not yours. You do not have kids, you will need kids too continue this Beta title you have earned on, it is not in OUR blood, it is in YOUR blood. Alpha Jackson only wants too protect you and promise a future line."

" Exactly. He only wants too promise a future line. Those are his main priorities and they are far from mine. I have worked too hard for this." I fought back.

" Do you remember the story I told you as a child, when we had started your training? " He asked me as he leant forward.

" Yes- The first Female Warrior too EVER exist. " I remembered, nodding at him.

" I have the real version on me, if you're ready." He said as he swung a book out from his jacket.

" The real version? "

" Yes, Cordelia. I did not tell you the full & real story, I told you the kid version. "

" Then I suggest you start, if this has anything to do with me."


" Azera Lillian Locksfield 1345 BC - 1378 BC.

Azera, the first known Warrior too the world. She was young, trained since she could walk and she was determined.

Azera had trained for years, hours upon hours since she was a toddler. Azera had a determination none of the Royal Court had seen before, we had felt threatened, yet safe at the same time.

Azera was entering battles, protecting the grounds and those she loved, since she was 14 years old. She knew tricks, none of us knew. She knew tricks she refused too teach.

Many wondered how she did it; Many wondered if she was born or made.

Until she was taken down, at the age of 33.

Azera spent 19 years protecting the ground, the land, the sake of us wolves.

As you know, every wolf has mate; to whom we have children with, slowly retiring back into the easy life; yet, Azera refused too do that.

She was driven.

She was so driven, she drove right too her death.

Azera was fighting for her freedom, the Dominant Male, known as her mate, refused too of gave up.

This male needed children, too ensure his bloodline.

That is the cause; This male was not her real mate.

This male needed the strong bloodline if he ever wanted too become an Alpha over a pack.

Azera did not accept that fate; she knew of these tricks. Azera was stolen from the world, when she was sent into a battle.

The Lagoon Battle 1369 BC.

Such a pity, too loose a talented, strong & determined warrior.

Too Foolishness.

Azera's body was not found until 3 years later, her uterus was ripped out; I suppose some say ..

What you have that you don't use, others will take and use for themselves.

She was examined, she had lived 3 years somewhere nobody knows.

She had a child, her hips had widened and her breast were leaking milk when she was found.

May you rest in peace, Female Warrior Azera Lillian Locksfield.

- Dominantly Yours, Alpha Kingston, The Alpha of All Alpha's. 1381 BC.

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