Part 15- Marked & Mated

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Cordelia's P. O. V

Hell & I had mated last night, after we marked each other. I was exhausted, but I shoved myself out of bed and set downstairs, I was determined too be a warrior for this pack too. I hadn't trained all these years just too drop it.

I had been up since 4, it's currently 10. I had been working out for 6 hours. I was exhausted, I had too push through with everything I had. My throat was dry and I felt like puking.

I watched the clock strike 11, I was done for the day. I guzzled 3 bottles of water and wiped my sweat off. Turning off all the lights as I tossed the dirty towel into the dirty basket, I caught my breath as I walked upstairs.

Hell was coming. I could smell him so much stronger. Since we marked each other, I could sense him so much better. I reached the top floor as he walked in the front door. Quickly darted his eyes too me as he rushed over too me.

I was wrapped in a hug, a kiss on my mark made me growl as I smirked. What a better time too bring it up?

" I wanna be apart of the pack." I told him.

" You will be, by this weekend." He acted dumfounded.

" As a warrior," I added in, waiting for his reaction.

" No."

I gasped, my mouth hit the floor as he walked straight past me, into the kitchen.

" Excuse me? I'm more than capable?

" We have enough." He told me.

" I want too be a warrior after we have children too. " I told him," You can't just push it away and pretend it doesn't happen." I growled at him as I chucked my water bottle.

Obviously, he caught it. His black eyes starring straight at me when he had turned around.

" I'm not setting you out there to DIE. You are a QUEEN. You need too act like one. "

I knew this was his wolf speaking, I had pissed them off.

" I won't die. I'm a warrior." I calmly told him.

" I won't allow it, not with the season coming upon us."

" Season? " I raddled my mind.. nothing.

" Rouge season. " He finished.

" That is what I'm here for. I've trained since I was little, I can protect myself."

" You can't protect yourself like I can."

" I won't be here if I can't be a warrior."

" excuse me? "

" you heard me, Hell."

" and if your pregnant? "

" I'll train with it inside me. It won't hurt it. I have too protect it when its born."

Moon Goddess, I did not want too be pregnant right now.

" The mating season is soon. Everyone pregnant, loses their child. I don't think I'm pregnant." I added in.

" You will be fine. Mating Season will be after your due date."

" Fuck off, Hell! " I screamed at him," I will be a fucking warrior and I don't know why you're so fucking stuck on me not becoming one. I CAN protect myself. I PROTECT MY SIBLINGS TOO. " I turned around too dart away, but I was pushed against the wall.

" Those twins you met, their father died in war. Now I'll see you in bed." He said as he let me go, I starred at him; saying nothing as I stormed too the bedroom.

I had locked the door, then locked the bathroom door as I hopped into the shower. I fell down the side of the shower wall, crying as I tried too stay quiet.

Everything I had worked so hard for, was taken away from me. I had lost my family, again. Everything I work so hard for, just disappears and I can't get it back.

I cried so hard I had puked, I sniffed the air, trying to notice ant scent change. I couldn't smell anything but my puke.

My scent would change if I was pregnant, I was in such a haze last night, but I'm sure he didn't wrap it up. Wolves don't believe in that.

I rinsed the puke, cleaning myself and getting out. I scrubbed my teeth and mouth. I washed my face, brushed my hair and pulled on some clothes.

I grabbed my phone when I walked out, smelling Hell right outside the bedroom door.

I opened the door, dashing past him and into the kitchen.

" Hadlee," I blurted as I heard the phone pick up.

" Hi sis." She laughed into the phone.

" What are you doing? " HER and HELL said at the same time.

" I'm doing nothing. I miss you." I ignored Hell.

I heard Hell's low growl from the start of the kitchen.

" I miss you too. I just finished my homework and dad gave me ice cream. " I could hear the happiness in her voice.

" That's great! How is everyone? Have you had too have dinner with Garrett? "

" They are good. Alec is in his room and dad is pooping," She laughed," Garrett just got back." She was dead silent.

" I'm sorry, baby. Are you still coming this weekend?"

" I will be there! I miss you too much. I think Alec does too." I could see her little smile.

" I can't wait too see you. Maybe you can stay the night here, at my house." I said as I looked at Hell.

" That would be so fun! I will bring my dollies." She said full of excitement.

" Yes! " I agreed as Hell moved closer.

" I have to take my shower. Should I tell dad to call you when he'a done? or Alec? " She said as I heard her jump up.

" Only if they need to talk too me." I told her as I was face to face with Hell's chest.

" Okay, I love you! " She answered back.

" I love you."

The phone then ended and I looked up too Hell's eyes.

" They're staying." I told him.

" You may train, you will not fight for a warrior position; as you are pregnant, or will be after tonight. "

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