Part 8- Royal Court

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I had worked out the entire morning, the story repeated in my head.

Was Jackson my real mate? My father had quickly excused himself; giving me time too think.

Yet I couldn't find the answers that fit my thought. I gasped as we finally stopped, I darted my eyes around as I grabbed a towel, wiping the sweat off the dripped.

It was starting too cool down, fall was coming and I was excited.

We were having a ' Werewolf Halloween Bash ' this year, a brand new one. Of course, I suggested if, since I am the Beta now, I do have a say or suggestion in events that go on.

After Halloween, Alpha Jack's son, Alpha Jackson, will have the role switched over too him.

I have too know how too find out if he is my true mate or not.

I slightly pray that he isn't, it gives me more time to continue what I have worked for.

But then, I would have too be cautious of everyone. Every male would want too pretend too be my mate, only for a child; for a strong bloodline.

I would never have a child, unless I could promise a happy home; a home that will always stay together.

I sighed, we had Royal Court tonight. Everyone was rushing around getting ready, as I was still forced too train.

I had the kids too be sent here too the pack house, I brought our nice clothes here and I have them hanging up in the room I was assigned when I received my Beta title.

I walked into the room, I took a shower, washing my hair. I stepped out, blow drying, washing my face and brushing my teeth again.

I styled my hair with big loose curls, doing light makeup with posey pink cheeks and a simple lipgloss.

I walked over too my dress, slipping it on as the kids knocked.

I had Hadlee zip my dress, it was knee- length black dress. I paired it with strappy black heels.

Hadlee had on a black dress and flats, Alec had on a black suit with a navy tie.

I curled Hadlee's hair and pinned it back, I slicked Alec's hair back.

" No matter what happens, I will always love you. Everything I have done, has been for you. It has been worth every second. " I kissed them both as Alec was grossed out.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door, the entire pack was sitting in front of the stage.

Our mother & Garrett stood on one side, while our dad was on the other.

Hadlee, Alec & I, stood in the middle.

I noticed Alpha Jack & Alpha Jackson watching from afar.

" Cordelia Harley Weston, You have requested this meeting." The council begin," We have heard your request. " The eldest spoke up," Please, tell the guest."

I stepped in front of Alec & Hadlee, clearing my throat as I could hear crickets outside.

" My mother, Selena Weston," I motioned too my left," did the unspeakable. She broke many laws; a very important law that was the ' Mate Bond '. She has cheated, with Garrett Moore, standing beside her," I motioned again..

I walked closer too the front," Selena was pregnant when we found out that she was fully cheating; not just hanging out, she was having sex with another male wolf that was not her destined mate. We watched the baby grow, my brother & sister, much up until his due date. He was healthy the entire pregnancy, a heartbeat of 167 and weighing 7 pounds and 6 ounces the day before he was born; yet Selena had told everybody he was still born and what's funny, the next day the doctor that delivered him; was gone. " I continued on as I took a breathed, ignoring the tears that spilt down my throat.

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