Part 14- Royal Family Reunion

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Cordelia's P. O. V

" Cordy, Ya gotta wake up. " Hell groaned as I huffed and rolled over.

" I don't and I won't." I rolled my eyes as I snuggled deeper, missing his warmth.

" You need too get ready, my parents will be over soon. Plus, food needs cooked."

" What am I even suppose too wear? " I rolled my eyes and I pushed the pillow off my face.

" I have that. " He winked as I gave him a death glare.

" Brush your teeth, you smell like a beast."

I stuck my tongue out as I went into the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I plugged in the curling wand, pinning my hair back as I curled them into loose curls and pulled them apart, making them longer and prettier.

I applied a wing of eyeliner too each eye, Emma had taught me the other day, before she disappeared and stop coming back.

I rolled mascara over my lashes, making my lashes touch my eyebrows. I was blessed with natural long lashes.

I applied clear shiny lipgloss and walked out of the bathroom, starring at the back of Hell's .. back. He was dressed in a suit.

" Here," He said as he turned around, almost dropping the bag," You're fucking beautiful." He smiled as he kissed my cheek.

" Thank you. You look fucking handsome." I used his words against him.

" Get dressed. Just shout if you need help." He said as he handed me the dress, heading downstairs.

I unzipped the dress, it was black. It had a loose corset back, thin straps on the shoulder and it was thigh length.

I expected a whole ass gown, but this will do. I shimmied it on, looking in the mirror as I fixed the corset strings. I grabbed the gold heels, slipping them on. I then slipped on the gold earrings, the gold bracelet. I stood in front of the mirror, checking myself out.

I've never worn such a tight and short dress, but it didn't look bad. I pulled my hair over my shoulders, putting deodorant on and perfume.

I opened the door, heading down the stairs as I sniffed for Hell. I found him in the kitchen, surrounded by a few men and women. He smelt me as soon as I walked in, turning around, scanning me up and down.

I smirked as I joined him.

" Hello, I'm Cordelia Weston." I introduced myself too everyone.

" I'm Laurette Matthews, Hell's mother." The first lady spoke up, shaking my hand.

" I'm Alaric Matthews, Hell's father." A man jumped in, before going back to talking too Hell.

" I'm his aunt, Kami Henderson." She shook my hand.

" I'm William Henderson, her mate." Another guy laughed.

" Emma, Lily & Grace will be here soon." Lauretta rolled her eyes.

I smiled as I scooted closer too Hell, it was quiet and I was awkward now.

Hell's fingers curled around my hip as he continued his conversation.

" Get your butt back here." I heard someone yell, I turned around, seeing a set of boy twins running into the kitchen and hiding behind the counter.

I laughed as the mom came in," I know you are in here. I smell your nasty butts." She rolled her eyes, perking up when she seen me.

" I'm Ella Stone! I'm an old friend of Hell's. It's nice too meet you." She shook me hand, darting her focus back too finding her kids.

Old friend, huh?

Kids came running from her again, one grabbed my leg and swung around, crawling up my body and into my arms.

" Jeesh," I laughed as he gripped me.

" That's Xiaver. This is Ezekiel." Ella came out of nowhere, the other over her shoulder.

" Well, I'm Cordelia." I said as I looked at the one in my arm, I could not tell them apart.

" I like you." Xiaver (?) said as he poked my earring.

" I like you too." I laughed as he curled my hair in his fingers.

" X, I get no love? " Hell busted in as he acted shocked.

" She prettier than you." He shrugged as he snuggled me.

" You're so mean." Ella laughed as she handed Ezekiel over too Hell.

" Their F-A-T-H-E-R is not in the picture." Ella told me as she stood beside me, reaching for Xiaver who jumped over.

" I'm sorry." I said as I faced her," You're doing a great job."

Everyone piled in, each women joined in with making dinner. 2 hours later, we had over 100 people in our house and the food was on the table waiting for us.

Hell & I sat at the end of the long table, while Lauretta & Alaric sat at the other end. Each family member piled in the open spots between us & them.

I answered many questions, talked too many people and I was exhausted but had plenty more too do.

" It'll be a girl." A women spoke, passing me as she walked out the door.

" Excuse me? " I chased after her," what will be a girl? " I said as I stopped in front of her.

" Your baby. Your betrayer is female too. " She shifted and took off into the woods.

Betrayer? Baby? What did we put in that food?

I walked back inside, waving, hugging and smiling as everyone left.

Once everyone was gone, I fell onto the couch and pulled a blanket over my head.

Hell pulled the blanket down, throwing me over his shoulder as we walked upstairs.

He crawled between my legs, the moment my back had touched the bed.

" Hell," I spoke out as he kissed my neck, making me arching my back.

" You looked amazing tonight," He said as I felt his hand slide up my thigh, under my ass as he grabbed it. I gasped as he moved his hands too the front as I grabbed his hair and pulled him up, fighting for dominance.

I felt his teeth grazing my skin, he poked his head up, asking for permission, I nodded my head as I felt his teeth rip into my skin.

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