Part 5- Mate Jackson

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Cordelia's P.O.V

It was 11:30 P.M, I was making my way through the woods, in a blood red dress too represent all the lives that will end.

They were coming, quickly behind me, I could sense it.

I stopped as I surrounded the fire, being surrounded by everyone else. Everyone was dressed nicely. The men in darks suits and the women in dresses.

Although, I was the only one in a red dress. I had one two titles, I was strong, the strongest female in our pack.

I would be able too see my father tonight, he was a warrior as well. He has been since he was 21. I'm not sure what the youngest Warrior was but I knew I was proud of myself and I knew he had too be proud too.

" Beta, " I was addressed as I quickly turned around, I greeted them back and dashed through the crowd.

Hadlee and Alec were asleep, this took place so late in the night, as they slept; things like these are not meant for children.

I cleared my throat, looking at the stage that Alpha Jack had stood on. I made my way beside him, I wasn't sure how I felt about this position.

" Afternoon," His voice boomed as we stood in the forest, crickets being heard.

" Alpha, " Each one of them spoke.

" I've called this meeting, too announce all the new Warriors that will be joining our team. I also have a new Beta. "

The crowd looked around, noticing it was me.

The first female ' Beta ' in this pack.

" I welcome, Cordelia Harley Weston, as our first female warrior in awhile and I announce her as my new Beta. " He spoke as he held a knife.

Cheers were all I could hear, as I starred at my hand, the star mark that was burnt onto my skin; was cut in half as I watched the blood fall out, I watched as Alpha Jack had cut himself, pressing our palms together, I almost fell at the surge of power. I heard hundreds of voices in my head as I noticed my eyes rolling into the back of my head, then forwards and it did this multiple times.

I was jerked out of my haze, when the Alpha had taken his hand off of mine, wiping the blood on his handkerchief.

I swallowed as I looked at everyone, shutting off the voices as I did when I was younger with my parents and siblings.

" And now, we will be adding in- Killian Richard, into the Warrior team. " Alpha spoke as I stepped too the side, I couldn't help but think of everything that had recently happened within' this day.

" Let's party." The Alpha finally announced as we all stepped off stage.

" Cordelia, Killian. " The Alpha walked towards us, clothes in his hands," These are the warriors outfits. I expect these too be worn everyday. The rest of the pile has been delivered too your front porch. " He spoke as he slipped us each an outfit and left.

I didn't stay long, I ate some food and cracked a couple beers. I announced my leaving as I made my way home.

I was so tired, but I jolted awake as I smelt an amazing scent. I could tell it wasn't close, I decided I'd look tomorrow, if it was still there. I walked around the house, grabbing the secret key as I unlocked the door.

I reached down too grab the clothes and I instantly turned around as I could sense somebody coming, the moment I turned around, I was shoved against the door and I could feel the pressure on me as they tried too reach for my neck, I instantly felt threaten as I clawed at it's shoulders and started too shift.

It then hit me, that scent.

I jumped far away as I starred at the figure in front of me.

Alpha Jackson, Alpha Jacks son.

This was my mate.

" Name? " His dark voice sent shivers through my spine.

I quickly shifted into my human form, " Cordelia."

" The New Beta? " He asked me as he looked me up and down.

I rolled my eyes," Yes, Alpha." I smirked.

His eyes flashed black, fighting too stay their normal light blue.

" Jackson, the name is Jackson. " He introduced himself," Who were you running home too? "

" My brother and sister." I told him as I walked towards the door," I'll see you later. " I said as I grabbed my outfits and walked inside.

I locked the door, sinking down it once I was on the safe size.

A mate. An Alpha mate. I was a Beta, I was a knew Warrior. I will not give my Warrior Position up, I will learn too accept my Beta role.

I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep the entire night. I was frustrated, I was stressed out. I yanked my hair as I sat up in my bed.

It was 4:30 A.M.

I took another shower, pulling my wet hair into a bun as I put on the tight leggings that were dark blue with 2 red stripes down the side, the shirt was a t-shirt that was very tight. It was dark blue with red trim around the sleeve.

I pulled on tennis shoes and socks, deodorant also. I had brushed my teeth and cleaned my face off. I made the kids breakfast, setting it in the ocean.

It was now 6 A.M.

" Alec," I whispered into his ear as I was crouched down beside him," I have to get to training. You have an hour, I'm setting your alarm." I told him as I did so.

I took off into the woods, locking the house behind me.

I arrived at the training center, many wolves around here.

I cracked my neck and knuckles. I went down into stretches, then sit ups, crunches, donkey kicks and planks.

I grabbed the empty treadmill, jamming too my iPod. I ran as fast as I could, I was frustrated and this is the only way I could get it out.

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