Part 11- No Toleration for A Mate Bond Brokenp

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I starred out the car window, it had been sent too us from the Kingdom that Hell had called.

I was in the back, beside Hell as we were drove by 2 big men, but not as big as Hell.

We have been on the road since 1 AM, I had 9 more hours too go. It is a 14 hour trip, so it was only 6 right now..

" Breakfast? " Big man #1 asked out as we came into a town.

" Mcdonalds." I told them, I had heard about this place online. I almost thought it was a myth.

" What do you want? It's breakfast." He asked me.

Breakfast .. pancakes? Mcdonalds sells pancakes? Biscuits & Gravy? My favorite. Would they have that?

" Biscuits & Gravy? " I asked, not sure if they did.

" Okay." He said as he pulled up too the menu.

I assume they did have if, the guys got some big breakfast thing and I starred at everything.

I was having anxiety about my brother & sister. I know my dad is busy, I know Alec & Hadlee will have too grow up a bit and learn how to function on their own; because I did everything for them.

Once we had our food, we ate in the car, parked in a parking lot. The silence was killing me & my throat was caught in my throat, I could feel my tears burning.

I swallowed, I ate my food & said nothing as the guys spoke.

Moments later, we started again. I spent plenty of the ride asleep after that, I was awoken by Hell pushing my shoulder and pointed.

I looked over and seen a huge castle.

" We are here. We will stop here, do paperwork and then head too my house, so leave the bags. " He said as he opened the door, I followed in pursuit.

I walked into a huge office, it had too be the size of a decent living room. Books filled the walls, going all the way back too 1300 BC too our present time.

Pictures of Hell, I assume his father, mother, 2 brothers & 3 sisters.

He had a big family, I was jealous. They all looked so happy, I miss my family.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I had mascara down my face and my hair was everywhere. I quickly wiped the mascara off and adjusted my hair.

As I signed the papers, I felt every connection from my old pack, being ripped from me.

I almost fell, I couldn't stand it.

" You have 30 days too complete the ritual and join this pack. You have no title here, besides being my mate. When we do the ritual, you will take your role as Queen & Luna. Until then, I will show you around, have someone with you at all times & allow you too wander, but never too far because I see everything". He said as he grabbed the paper, shoving it into a folder and into a cabinet, locked with keys.

" Okay." I said, everything was so new.

We made our way out again, entering the car.

" I have just moved into this house, don't mind the empty." He said as we drove.

As we arrived here, men carried my bags in and set them down.

This house reminded me of a barn. It had dark flooring with light furniture.

" Where will I be sleeping? " I asked him.

" Our room is upstairs, 6th door." He said, and I nodded.

I made trips, carrying my things upstairs, as the men talked.

I begin unpacking, I finished right as I heard a car starting. I put the bags into the closet, I went to walk downstairs but walked right into Hell's chest.

I was 5'8 or 5'9, I knew Hell had too be at least 6'7. He was a beast, he was bred purposely for his position.

" I am very tired, we may discuss more tomorrow. Are you fine with going too bed now? " He asked me as he shut the bedroom door.

" May I shower first? " I asked as I looked around.

" Yes." He answered as he walked into the closet, I darted into the bathroom; locking it.

I took a long shower, soaking in the warm water. I then got out, brushed my teeth & washed my clothes. I noticed the bedroom lights flicker into darkness as Hell's footsteps made their way into the bed.

Good, because I had forgotten clothes. I darted from the bathroom, too the closet, shutting that door. I yanked on a sports bra, big shirt, underwear & shorts.

I dried my hair with a towel, throwing it in the hamper as I made my way too the bed; feeling for it.

I jumped as I felt the warmth of Hell's hand, wrap around my wrist as he pulled me into the bed. I crawled under all the blankets, listening too the few fans fill the room.

Thank goodness, I could not sleep without a fan.

" You know- you cried in tour sleep today." Hell broke the silence.

" I did? I'm sorry." I said as I laid in the bed, one leg raised and one hand under my pillow.

" They will always be welcomed him. I have ordered people too protect them." He spoke, catching me by surprise.

I was shocked, I didn't exactly know what too say.

" Thank you.. I just did everything for them when our parents were fighting, I'm worried they'll have a hard time adjusting too doing it themselves." I admitted, turning too face him.

" They'd have too someday, we all have too. If nothing works, I could hire someone too help them. I also heard of your family, I was apart of the Royal Court, yet I hadn't attended that day; if I did, your mother would be dead. I will not tolerate anyone who breaks the bond," His dark, deep voice filled the room," goodnight Cordelia. I hope you sleep well, my Warrior Mate."

I felt his arms slither around my waist, as I whispered," Goodnight Hell. I hope you sleep well too, My King. "

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