Part 13- We Didn't Have Sex, but We Did Play!

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I was training, with Hell, in the basement. I was not a registered pack member, Hell did not want me too train with them.

I have been at it since 6:30 this morning, it's around 12. I was working hard, using every muscle I had as I blocked every dig that Hell was throwing at me.

I was trying, I was a warrior but I was not strong enough too handle an alpha; yet.

" Done." Hell said as he pushed me onto my back and bit my neck, any deeper and I would have been marked.

" Okay, okay." I pushed him off as I stood up, wiping my sweat off.

" You're trained pretty good, just not THAT good." He smirked, wiping his own sweat.

He had the entire basement .. in our house, as a training area, it also had tunnels in case of an emergency and we instantly needed out. Mainly for our future kids.

" I'll only get better." I shrugged as I walked upstairs, I walked into the kitchen and drank some water. I was breathing harder than a heifer. I laid down on the couch, this is why I train every day. Just missing one day, fucks you all up.

" So, it's been a week, since you've came here." Hell said as he sat down on the couch, lifting my legs and placing them on his lap.

" And? " I slightly sat up so that I could look at him.

" Should we discuss the Luna & Queen Ritual? Dinner with my family tomorrow? Family from all over." He said as he watched for my reaction.

I would be meeting the entire Royal Family tomorrow.

" I suppose." I said as I thought about it. I can't delay what is meant too happen.

" Great." He smiled.

" May my family attend as well? " I asked.

" They may come over this weekend, I'd hate for them too be yanked out of school." He said as he went upstairs, coming back down with a thick photo album," This contains pictures of each Luna Queen ever, that we've had."

I held the dusty book, opening it. It was filled with women in long blood red dresses, heads tilted slightly down as the crown was places on their heads. I seen some that were cut across shoulder, seeking all the wolves souls in too rule. Then another, was a wolf marking his mate.

" Would I have too be marked in front of everyone? " I asked Hell, looking up too realize he was starring at me.

" No, only if you are not marked by then. We have about 23 days for that. I'd like the Ritual too be held at the end of the month." He said as he rubbed my back.

" Hopefully I allow you too mark me before than. I don't want marked in front of everyone." I clapped the book shut, handing it back too him.

I went up too call Alec, speaking too Hadlee as well. They've both been training, keeping up the good grades and hate dinner with mom. Garrett has left for a business trip so they're not required too see him at all, I'm so happy for them. I miss them, so much .. I don't know what to do whenever I have free time. I'm slowly adjusting, but it's weird.

I hung up, taking a nice long shower as I wrapped the towel around me, I jumped when Hell rushed in.

" Damn, I was hoping we'd shower together." He smirked as he kissed my neck. I rolled my eyes, walking into the closet and getting dressed. I went downstairs and made steak, fries and salad for dinner.

" Back too the ritual, my parents will announce all of their children, then announce everyone is here for the eldest child who's Queen & Luna have been found, then I'll step ahead and announce you. You'll have to agree too a few things with a simple ' I Do ' and then your shoulder will be cut, but will heal once you're marked, the wolf kingdom will be heard within' your head, you'll learn too shut it off, Then, my parents will crown us both, handing over their titles as the current Royals over the kingdom. " He said as he ate a whole steak in less than a minute.

" That doesn't sound bad." I shrugged," Although I'm sure the cutting and having a million voices fill my head, will hurt." I picked at my food.

" I'll be there too help you. " He grabbed my hand.

I gave him a little smile, yet he cut me off.

" What's wrong? Something's been off all day." He asked as he came over beside me.

" I talked too Alec & Hadlee earlier, I'm adjusting but it's just weird not having them too take care of. I'm always here by myself and I never had that when I was back home. I was either training or taking care of them. " I shrugged as I tried not too be sad.

" I know you don't want children right now, maybe I can get you like a dog .. I don't know how well that would work for our lifestyle but I don't want you sad .. " He said as he put his arm around me.

" Where is Emma? I haven't seen her in a bit, it would be fun too see her." I ignored the dog question, I don't know how a dog would work.

" I'll invite her over first thing in the morning." He smiled.

" Awesome. I'm tired," I yawned out," I need to start training every day."

" Cordy, Can I ask you something? "

" Yes? " I became nervous.

" I know you love training and being a warrior, but you do want kids right? You can't possibly train and be an active warrior when it comes time too have kids.. " He said as we walked up the staira.

" I want children, but being a warrior is important. We'll just have to see how these few years go." I told him," maybe you can change my mind," My wolf took over.

" Gladly," He purred, I was slammed on the bed as we fought for dominance in our kiss, I felt him grinding against me as I couldn't hold in my moans.

We didn't have sex, but we surely did play. I regret nothing, wolfy even let me take control right in the middle, I was in heaven.

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