Part 6- Is this Your Blood?

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Cordelia's P. O. V

I swung as I felt a presence behind me.


" I don't have time for this. " I said as I begin cardio, this time, outside. I had too run today, then in wolf form.

" I'm your mate." He told me as he stepped back in front of me.

" I have too train." I said as I bent over, touching each leg too stretch out.

" When will you be done? " He asked me as I came back up.

" What time is it? " I said as I stretched my arms behind my back.

" 4:00."

" I have another hour, I have to go home and feed my brother and sister and make sure they survived." I told him as I took off into my room.

I ran for 30 minutes, stripping behind a tree and running another 30 in my wolf form. I came back too the tree, shifted and put my clothes on.

I walked home, wiping the sweat off my face and drinking water. I was happy with my abs, I loved them.

I entered the house and it was quiet.

" Kids? " I called out, seeing Alec in the living room, asleep.

I went upstairs, seeing Hadlee come out of the bathroom.

" Come downstairs, I'll help you with your homework while I make you food." I told her as I helped her find her brush.

" Okay," She whispered and continued on.

I walked down, making a quick dinner; hamburger helper.

I helped her and checked her homework, getting her bag all ready for in the morning.

Alec had already done his homework, so he had ate and went for a shower.

I laid down on the couch, sprawled out and exhausted. It was 7 and I had too be there at 7 tomorrow too.

I was having muscle cramps so I went too take a bath, gasping at the blood.

I ran too Alec, he was fine.

" Hadlee, is that your blood? " I looked at her," in the tub? "

" I accidentally stepped on a razor, but Alec put a bandage on it." She said as she raised her little foot.

" Oh, baby! I'm so sorry." I frowned as I cradled her.

" Will you be here tomorrow? " She said as she looked at me.

" I have too be at the training center at 7, then I should be home around 5:15 every evening. " I told her as we laid down in her bed.

" I miss when you woke me up," She sighed.

" I know babe, I'm doing this for our pack and even our future family. I brought the Beta line into the family and then the Warrior line. Do you still want to train? " I asked her as I swirled her hair.

" Yeah,"

" I'll ask around tomorrow, I forgot about it today." I told her.

I grabbed a book and read her a few chapters, she fell asleep quickly.

I rinsed out the tub and took a bath, I finally got out when the water turned cold. I braided my hair, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

" Hurry up," Alec whined too get in the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled on some underwear, biker shorts and a big t-shirt.

" All yours," I said as I walked past him and went downstairs, right as I sat on the couch, a knock hit the door.

I groaned as I pushed myself up, I knew who it was.

I could smell him miles away.

" Good Afternoon," I greeted .... a dozen white roses.

" Jackson? " I spoke again, his head finally poking around the side of them.

" Why are you playing hard too get? " He spoke as he helped himself inside.

I sighed as I shut the door and followed him, he placed the flowers on our chipped coffee table.

He looked around before he looked at me.

" You are my mate. You will be mine. " He told me as his eyes flickered blue and black.

" I am also your Beta. I'm also a Warrior. I'm also a big sister." I responded back, hoping to not wake Hadlee, I knew Alec could hear.

" You need too be neither of those when you are my mate."

I scoffed, gasped and was filled with anger.

" I trained hard too become a warrior, too protect the pack. I trained for endless hours and since the age of 5. I will not quit for you," I seethed out as I starred at him," I earned the Beta Position because I am a good warrior and I deserve this. I will not quit for you. I will not quit for anyone- you can see yourself out. " I snapped as I flung my hand back, pointing at the door.

" You can give it up on your own, or by force. I will not have my mate be in battle, where she will die. You need too be home, being a Luna and having the children. I can't possible send the Luna into a battle field, especially if we ever have kids." His eyes were fully black now.

" Then I guess I can't be your Luna." I snapped at him.

I refuse too give this up. This is all I trained for and this is all I have left of my dad. My dad has worked so hard, I know this was his dream. I had too be here for my siblings, I'd be damned if I just up & quit, becoming pregnant and sitting around like some damn queen.

I didn't struggle all these years, go without so Hadlee & Alec could, too just give it up. I'd be damned if some man thinks he can come in here and demand it, I will be fucking damned.

" Excuse me? " He roared out, his wolf was present.

I felt Rosemary scratching from the inside. I gave her a little lead-way, only a little in case I needed too stop her.

" She's stubborn," I heard Rosemary say.

" Luna's don't fight," He seethed.

" She does," Rosemary spoke," Another first for her."

" I will end this, I will recall every title she has. That is not how a Luna will be. "

" Recall them, I will reject you."

I gasped, mentally as Rosemary was entirely there now. Rejection was sacred.

It required laws and you could easily die.

" You wouldn't? " He spoke, almost as a question.

" I easily would,"

I was pushed against the wall, he was trying to force mark me.

I had him at first, I then kicked him in the balls and sent him hurdling out the door.

Fucking bastard.

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