What Jealousy can led to...

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Sara's POV: 

Whilst Reece was doing his business with the boys at Louis house, I was sat at home studying, doing other college work and working, Jamie was giving me another lesson on Wednesday, it would be odd without him being there, even when I didn't know him he was still there.

I walked into work dragging my feet along the floor as I'd been up all night revising for a test I had in college on Thursday, "Sara you'll be glad to know we're only working till 10 as we're closing early, you know so pump 3 can be repaired and the inside can get a fresh coat of paint" Jade smiled at me from the other end of the shop, she was talking to Leondre, she went back to doing so after telling me the news, "oh ok" I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "you look tired" Leondre said as I walked past him and behind the counter, "you think" I raised an eyebrow at him, he nodded, "you heard from Reece since his departure" Leondre asked as I set my bag down next to me, "no, I keep asking Jake to tell him to ring me and every time he says he will, but I haven't heard from him, I've even tried ringing him but he doesn't answer, I know Reece will be doing stuff but I've talked to Jake more than Reece this week" I shook my head,  crossed my arms and lent on my right hand, "well you and Jake did make it official that you two were a couple, Reece is probably just stepping back and letting you two have time alone.

Reece's POV

"Jake give me the phone, she's ringing me to talk to me, give me the phone you've already spoke to her" I yelled at Jake as I chased after him, "Whoops" Jake said hanging up the phone, "Jake you know I can't ring back, I've no credit" I huffed unhappily, "then looks like you'll have to wait to see her then" Jake said throwing my phone back to me, I looked at my phone as I saw 'missed call from Sara' at the top of my screen, I couldn't ring back, my dad had made it so I could only ring emergency numbers and only people could ring me, I glared at Jake who wasn't looking my way but had run off with the other boys to play the rest of the game of football they were playing, I flopped onto the soft sand chucking my phone down next to me, hoping she would call back, "hey Reece why don't you come play" Charlie asked sitting next to me, "I don't feel like it" I shook my head and looked out over the sea, "is it Jake again? he's not letting you speak to Sara is he?" Charlie looked at me sympathetically, I just nodded slightly, I only wanted to speak to her, what's the big deal? "he's probably just jealous" Charlie said quietly, like he was keeping it to himself, "what do you mean?" I turned my head sharply to look at him, "I mean, I'm not trying to start any arguments and I don't know if this is how he feels, but you and Sara are pretty close, I suppose he just wants to be that close with her, seen as, they are Bf and Gf now" Charlie shrugged, "so you think he's trying to stop us from talking" I questioned, "I'm not saying stop you, just minimize the amount of talking you do, I dunno, maybe anyway, I'm gonna go and finish off this game" Charlie quickly stood up and jogged off, "come on Reece we need you to even out teams" Tom called as all the other boys stood behind him patiently. I want to speak to her. Why won't he let me?

At 6 we had finished rehearsing and went back to our room, Jake was giggling down the phone to what I guessed was Sara, I was just listening to the conversation, "he's not here" I heard Jake say, "who's not here" I questioned behind him, "um... no one look I'll Skype you now" Jake looked a little panicky, as he rushed his sentence, whispering the end, thinking I hadn't heard, "who you skyping" I looked at him phone as he put it in his pocket, "um...no one" he smiled awkwardly, "yes you are I just heard you" I smirked darkly pointing to his phone, "oh yeah that was just-" "Sara by any chance" I snapped, "hey calm down, and y-yeah it was" Jake raised and then lowered his voice, "then I'm sure you won't mind if I just speak with her" I spoke through my teeth but tried to sound as calm as possible, "um... no... no not at all" Jake shook his head, but he hesitated, "Just make it quick" Jake said as he pulled out his laptop.

Jake said hello to Sara and then I made my entrance to the screen, "Reece hi, I've been trying to call you but you've not been answering" me and Jake looked at each other, he gave me a look which made him look all innocent, "yeah, sorry I've been busy" I said taking my eyes off Jake smirking slightly.

We talked for about 5 minutes with Jake sat silently, snapping at him obviously worked, "ok alright Reece don't hog the conversation time" Jake smiled slightly, "ok, so I'll see you soon" I smiled, "I hope so" Sara nodded, "bye" I waved, she also said bye to me before I left, she then spoke to Jake, Jake made sure I was well out the way before he spoke to her.

The Next Morning (Wednesday)

Sara's POV: 

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing, I looked across to see it was Jake, I wonder what he wanted?

J: Jake

S: Sara

S: hey babe what's up

J: well first I wanted to say Morning 

S: aww morning

J: yeah, yeah and the second thing was, was about Reece

S: why what about Reece? is he ok?

J: yeah he's fine, its just something he said to me, he told me to tell you

S: what is it?

J: he said that, that he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore because your with me and its just making him jealous, he likes you and thinks it would be best if you didn't see each other anymore, he says he's sorry and hopes you'll forgive him

I took a long pause as the news sunk in, I felt my whole body feel heavy and weak, I felt tears rush to my eyes

J: Sara... are you ok?

I wiped away my tears before I spoke my voice croaky from crying

S: yeah, I'm fine, I just don't understand, he seemed fine yesterday

J: I know, its just the way he thinks

S: I see, well I need to go, sorry

I hung up quickly before Jake had the chance to say anything, I felt as tears slid down my cheeks and fell into my lap, leaving dark patches on my light grey shorts, I felt dizzy, and my throat was sore from the amount of crying I was doing, I then realized I had a lesson with Jamie today, I was supposed to be there in two hours, I wiped my eyes and went for a quick shower, but this didn't help, I decided not to put any make up on, but I needed to stop crying so Jamie didn't ask why I was so upset.

When I got to the house I looked up and felt tears come to my eyes again, just thinking this was the first place I'd spoke to Reece never mind where he lived was killing me, "Sara, what's wrong, you're staring at the roof, don't tell me it needs doing again" Jamie huffed stepping outside and looking up at the roof, "no,no, it's nothing, sorry" I smiled slightly, "I see you'll be using your own guitar this week, you sick of using Reece's" Jamie smiled looking at my case, "yeah, I though it would be better with my own" I shrugged, holding back my tears at the sound of his name, "ah well, I understand, come in, we'll make a start."

At the end of the lesson I was packing up when, Jamie walked in tapping at his phone with Lyndsey by his side looking excited about something, "Sara we're just about to call Reece do you wanna talk to him" Jamie asked, there was a time I would jump at the opportunity to talk to him, but now I just felt like he didn't want me, "n-no I really need to get going" I shook my head as I grabbed a hold of my case, "ah right, I'll tell him you said Hi" Jamie shrugged as I made my way to the door, "no" I snapped, "no, its fine, I'm sorry, bye" I said hurrying out the door feeling awful for snapping at them, I just wanted to get home and cry myself to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to check out the outfits in the External Link>>

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Love Sara xx

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