Just Sickness...

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2 Weeks Later!¡! (End of January)
Sara's POV:

Its been 2 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and quite frankly its going well. Besides being sick at least once a day I feel great. When the boys found out I was pregnant they held a non alcoholic party for me.

Tom's wedding is next month and he still hasn't chosen a best man, he was telling me that he was either having none of the boys or all of them. On the bright side Lottie asked me to be a bridesmaid.

But now I am going round to Jade and Leondre's to tell them the big news. I felt bad for not telling them so late but they were away on holiday.

"Hey babe how are ya?" Jade said embracing me in a huge hug, "well... I have some news" I smiled as she allowed me in, this house brought back memories of mine and Reece's first sleepover, "ooh what is it?" she asked excitedly opening the baby gate and allowing me into the front room, where Leo was watching TV and Reese was crawling around on the floor, everything was baby proofed, Jade sat down next to me sat excitedly giggling, "so what is it?" Jade asked, "what's what?" Leondre questioned, "Sara has some news" Jade smiled, "Ooooooo news" Leo said drawing all his attention to me as he picked Reese up and sat her on his lap, "so?" Leondre questioned, "well you know how I said that... I couldn't get pregnant" they nodded sympathetically, "well I proved the doctors wrong. I'm pregnant" "OH MY- I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Jade said hugging me tight, "your probably the first 17 year old ME personally have ever seen be happy about being pregnant" Leondre smiled, "ha. I know right" I chuckled, "I bet you and Reece were over the moon" Jade smiled, "yeah, I think Reece was happier than I was, I mean I was so happy but Reece has wanted this for so long" I nodded smiling, "well we're so happy for you both, it means Reese is gonna have a friend" Leondre said looking at Reese who was in his arms, "so have you had any symptoms yet?" Jade asked, "actually no. All thats wrong is I'm sick like once or twice a day, I know you had a few problems, but I'm fine" I shrugged, "well lucky you" Jade scoffed.

When I arrived home I slumped onto the sofa and lay down, closing my eyes, I heard someone enter the room, "hey Reece" I mumbled, "hiya" he smiled as I opened my eyes, he crawled on top of me holding my hands above my head, "what's wrong with you?" I chuckled as he nuzzled his nose against mine, "nothing. I just never thought this would happen with us" Reece smiled pecking my lips, "Reece" "yeah" he replied, "do you think we're doing things to soon, I mean the doctor even said that me being pregnant goes under being a higher risk because I'm so young" I shrugged, "no. Because I know we're doing the right thing. I love you, don't ever doubt that" Reece said before kissing my lips softly, moving deeper into it, moving his hands down my arms and venturing them to my sides, he held my waist with one hand as he supported himself with the other, I brushed my hands up through the back of his hair, "I can't wait to look after you when your belly gets bigger" Reece smiled, I chuckled as he continued to kiss me, "I'm gonna miss this though" I muttered, "yeah, but its for the best cause" Reece smiled placing his hand up my tight white vest top and placing it flat on my stomach, "so what do you think its gonna be?" I questioned smiling, "hmm... I don't know, probably a girl, I'd like a girl despite my big brother idea. You?" Reece chuckled, "a boy, I'd like a boy" I nodded, "looks like we have an issue then. Anyway I don't mind as long as its definately mine" Reece said thinning his eyes at me, "Reece. I haven't had time to sleep with anyone else besides all the boys I know either would never touch me like that or have girlfriends, besides I would never cheat on you" I smiled grabbing his shirt, "good" he smiled as I pulled him back down to kiss me.

Next chapter is Tom's wedding x

I decided I will do a sequel but it won't be for at least a month after I've finished this xx

After that chapter. Boy or Girl? Team Reece or Team Sara x

Please vote and comment x

Love Sara x
Love Stereo Kicks x

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