Home; Not necessarily a good thing

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Sorry for not writing about them actually performing on tour hope thats alright xx its just because I don't know what they'll be doing plus im not allowed to go :'( xx
Sara's POV:

I was sat at home. Today the boys arrived home and I was so excited to see them all again. I waited at home for Reece to arrive he text me an hour ago that he would be home at about 2ish its half one now only 30 minutes to go!!

Reece's POV:

Its half one and instead of making my way home to my girlfriend. I'm on my way to my exes. Lucy. She text me telling me to go to her house at half one, she says its important and although I said I was going home she insisted I go to her house first.

I hesitated before climbing out of the van all the other boys were home, "Thanks again. You can leave. I'll make my own way home" I muttered out the last part. I was worried about what Lucy might say or do.

I made sure the van had gone and there was no one around snapping unwanted pictures and then I held my hand up and hesitated before knocking weakly.

"Reece you came" she smiled at me, "what did you want?" I questioned warily, "come in. We need to talk" she said as she ushered me inside, a strong smell of channel perfume hit me as she closed the door behind me and looked at me, "so... What?" I asked shrugging, "Reece I told you a while back that I liked you and you took it and made out like it was nothing and you ran to Sara... With the help of James of coarse, I've heard the story time and time again Reece. And now... Its payback time... I want you to sleep with me" I noticed she locked the door and glared at me with her head down. An evil smirk across her face, "Ha. You've gotta be kidding me" I laughed, "No" she shook her head, "what makes you think I'll sleep with you" I scoffed crossing my arms and smirking, "because if you don't... See that picture" she said pointing to a picture of her and a giant ass man hugging romantically, "thats Kurt. He used to be a street fighter in America before he came over here to persue a boxing/fighting career. He was telling me how he missed the smell of his victims blood as he beat them into the ground, if you don't sleep with me... Sara and James are going to be his blood sent-" "James! What did James do?" I asked yelling, confused at why James, "James is the reason we finished... If James had stayed with Sara she wouldn't have taken me from you-" "she didn't take me... I've always loved Sara. I would've ended up with her one way or another" I explained turning my back on her, "well maybe if you'd got with her sooner your girlfriend and best friends life wouldn't be hanging in the balance. I know Sara's always had a fighting spirit in her but she wouldn't dare touch Kurt. As for James, if I recall he is single handedly the weekest person you've ever met" she said walking up behind me, I felt her warm breath on my neck, "so... Sleep with me... Or condemn your friends to almost certain death. If he hits them right" she cackled evilly. My mind raced, if Sara found out about me having sex with Lucy I'd be out the door in an instant. But on the other hand... I love her to much to see her hurt.

"Fine... I'll do it... But Sara cannot know" I warned, "of coarse Reece" she said innocently but something told me she was lying.

Sara's POV:

Reece was supposed to be home by now. I stared at the clock bored out of my mind. "Reece where are you" I mumbled to myself, it was quarter past two. He said he'd be home by two. I hope he's alright. He always usually gets home when he says. Then I heard the front door open. My eyes filled with joy as Reece stepped through the door, "Reece your back" I squealed running over and hugging him, his eyes where slightly red, the back of his hair was a mess and he smelled funny. Perfume and not mine. Channel, "Reece why do you smell of channel?" I questioned my smile slightly fading, "do I" Reece said sniffing himself, he just shrugged, "then why is the back of your hair a mess. I know that mess Reece" I said feeling myself welling up, "what are you getting upset about?" Reece said going to hug me but I pushed him back, "Sara what's wrong" Reece laughed acting confused, "who was she?" I questioned looking away from him, "what? No one" I then heard my phone buzz, I picked it up and saw it was a twitter notification, I read it and my eyes leaked tears.

"It was Lucy wasn't it?" I said turning back to him, "what do you-No" Reece defended himself and ran a hand through his hair, "oh really... Thanks @ReeceBibby for the great time I thought you'd gone off me but the way you fuck is definately the best sorry @SaraJonesxx for the loss" I read out to him. My voice cracked as tears broke. I was blinded by the wall of tears. "Sara I can explain-" "No don't. I think I'm just gonna go, I'll stay with James and Barclay until you've gone-" "gone. Gone where" Reece questioned a slight croak in his voice, "I hear Casey, Chris and Jake have a spare room. I'm gonna stay with James until Bars and Melody pick me up for their mini tour. You have until I get back from the Vamps tour to be out. Its long enough right" I said gathering a few of my things before running upstairs for my already packed cases for tour, "Sara don't I can explain what happened" Reece chased me as I came back down stairs with my stuff, throwing it by the front door and checking my bag to see if I had my phone purse and keys, "Oh I know what happened. I let myself believe that you'd moved on from having more than one girlfriend but looks like I was wrong and worse I let myself fall hopelessly in love with you. You were supposed to be my best friend Reece. Just shows how wrong I was. Goodbye Reece see you round" I said grabbing my stuff and walking out of the house and throwing my stuff in the van, wiping my eyes, as I slammed the door, all I heard was "I lo-" but the door cut him off. "James and Barclay's please" I sniffled wiping my eyes, "certainly."

Reece's POV:

Great! Absolutely Fucking Fabulous! I just lost the one and only person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. If I didn't go to Lucy's everything would be fine. But nooooooooo my curiosity got the better of me again! "AHHHHH" I screamed in anger as I walked back in the house, I kicked the wall and pressed my forehead against it, "Reece you Fucking idiot. You stupid bastard" I cursed to myself. Giving me the telling off I deserved. I deserved worse. My anger turned to tears, "I'm so so so sorry baby. I didn't mean it. Please see that. I love you. More than words can explain."

Sara's POV:

When I arrived at James and Barclay's, James answered and instantly pulled me in for a hug. "I saw the tweet. I'm so sorry. I never thought he'd do something like that not to you" James mumbled into my hair as he hugged me.

James set the spare room out as I played Fifa with Barclay, I was terrible because I kept crying.

"Sara its alright. Look I'm sure everything will be fine. Everything will fall into place and it will be how it is. Whether your future is with Reece or not is... Is up to fate to decide" Barclay reasurred me and kissed my cheek comforting me, I just nodded and forced a smile.

"Your room is ready, come on" James said holding his arms out, I walked over and fell into his hug, "it'll be alright" James muttered my tears left dark patches on his t-shirt.

James had gone all out with the room. It looked beautiful, "James this is amazing thank you" I smiled weakly at him, "your our guest. We treat our guests well. Especially the upset ones" James smiled, I looked over the room, "Sara... I need to tell you something" James said from behind me, "what is it" I said tilting my head slightly, "sit down" James said gesturing for me to take a seat on the bed which we both then did, "Sara I know this is a really sensitive time for you but I have to tell you now" James said with his serious face, I nodded slightly, "I-I I still love you" my heart stopped, my jaw dropped, and I felt faint, "I know you and Reece will probably sort things bu-" I stopped him. Quickly clasping his face in my hands and kissing his lips, he didn't move a moment but then he sunk into it, I dropped my hands from his face a smiled parting from him, "I still love you too."


Was Reece right to sleep with Lucy to protect Sara and James?

James still loves Sara and Sara still loves James.

What if Reece finds out about James and Sara confessing their love for each other?

Who thought Lucy would cause shit? Well she did.

Are Reece and Sara over for good now?

The Vamps/Union J tour is the next chapter    Hint: a vamps boy and a J boy start flirting with her but a certain vamps boy tells them both to stop as she's having a hard time with the Reece thing. Who are those boys??

Hope you enjoyed this xx

More drama to come xx

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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