"And You Thought We'd Split"

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5th January 2021
Sara's POV:

Another interview today. Should be fun. Talking about our music which usually spirals into talking about our families.

"But Mummy I want to come with you" Sam moaned as he followed me about the house, "no Sam your grandpappy is taking you today. You'll have loads of fun" I said looking for Sam's rucksack, "but mummyyyyy" he moaned again, "Saaammmm. Look Sam... If you want to come you'll have to ask your dad" I said crouching to his level, "but what if Dad says no" Sam whined, "then you have to go with grandpappy. Besides I thought you loved your days with your grandpap" I chuckled, "I dooo but I want to come and watch your interview" Sam smiled, "well go ask your dad then" I said before Sam turned on his heel and ran upstairs to Reece.


Sam was allowed to come along and Caitlin watched him as we were interviewed.

"So Sara, Reece I heard you brought your little munchkin with you" she smiled at us, "yeah he's stood watching" I giggled looking towards him, "can he come sit with us?" the interviewer asked, "yeah sure" I nodded, "Sam come sit over here" Reece called, Sam hesitated before stepping slowly towards us and then running up to us. Reece picked him up and sat him on the couch in between us, "hey dude" James said high fiving him, "excuse me little guy" Jake complained holding his hand out, Sam leaned over and high fived him, Casey placed his snapback on Sam's head, the way he had just worn it, "Sam where's my high five" Casey complained holding his hand out, "I don't know" Sam giggled rejecting his high five playfully, "well I'll have my snapback back then-" "nahh" Sam giggled taking it off and holding it close to his chest so Casey couldn't get it, "that's so mean" Casey pouted, "thats hilarious" Charlie laughed, "lil' dude you learn well" James said high fiving Sam again as Sam repositioned the snapback on his head.

"So Sam how old are you?" the interviewer asked, "I'm five" he nodded slightly, "Aww thats adorable. So you'll be in school now right?" Sam nodded smiling, "how's school?" she smiled leaning over slightly, "good. There is this one boy in year 1 who doesn't like me very much" Sam nodded shrugging slightly, "why?" the interviewer tilted her head slightly, "I don't know. Its usually when I talk to Reese" Sam shrugged, "Reese?" "she's my friend but he keeps not letting me be her friend and I want to be her friend because the twins poke me an stuff" Sam said crossing his arms, we all chuckled, especially Tom who's kids where 'poking him an stuff', "ooh girl troubles at just five years old. That really makes me feel not good" the interviewer chuckled.

"So guys its been approximately 8 years since you guys were first formed and Sara first became known to us all. You've done world tours, released albums done, huge bigger than arena tours which I can't remember the name of, flown the world and everyone knows your individual names. What's next for you guys?" she smiled, "we'll keep going. We'll probably slow down a bit with tours and stuff because we all have families now... Well  appart from Charlie and technically me but, yeah we'll work keep music out there until we're old and wrinkled-" "I ain't getting no wrinkles. I'm hoping by then they've come up with something to stop the Nan look" I said looking at James, "won't work tho" James chuckled, I reached over and playfully slapped him, "to add to what James said... We would have no need to split up because we all live so close together and we are such good friends. We love doing what we do so why would we stop. Its our dream and we're living it" Charlie shrugged with an added smile at the end, "And you thought we'd split" Jake said to the camera, "well world. We're staying right where we are" Casey added, "that is brilliant news" the interviewer smiled.

When we got home Sam rushed to the kitchen, and I turned to Reece and smiled weakly, "Sara I'm tired" Reece whined, "keep your eyes open, we need to look after squirtle" I chuckled, "but Saraaaa I'm tired" Reece moaned smirking, "get a grip you big whimp" I chuckled, I turned looking at Sam who was just sneaking into the front room with what looked like a tub of nutella. I chuckled watching him, "what is it?" Reece asked confused turning round, "nothing" I huffed, we then walked into the front room, watching as Sam ate from the jar of nutella. Reece's eyes widened, "how did you get that?" Reece questioned, "I climbed" Sam said smirking as he took another spoon full, "th-thats my-" "Reece" "but its my-" "Reece. He's five. He's in his right mind. Your not" I chuckled. Reece then stormed out but soon came back with another jar of nutella, he sat beside Sam and pulled his tongue out at him, Sam did the same back, "little butt head stole my nutella" Reece grumbled smirking and Sam laughed.

Second to last chapterrrr x

Look at dat picture ill put another picture like that up on the next chapter and you have to decide which you like best as a sequel cover x

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Love Sara x
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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