Stereo Kicks take over...

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23rd February 2016 (Prepare yourselves 1d fans) x
Sara's POV:

I woke up in the early hours of the morning. I was just coming up to being 2 months pregnant and so far I'd made it. The morning sickness had died down slightly which I was more Than happy with as it was usually at about 5-6 in the morning.

But today I did have morning sickness. I got up vomited, had a drink and some nutella because the taste of vomit was awful. It was all part of the usual morning for me. I sat back in bed and started scrolling through my twitter feed, I came across a sea of 1D things.

The biggest boyband in the world One direction have announced they are to split as band member Zayn Malik doesn't want to be part of the fame. He says that it is, 'To Much for him'.

NO! One direction can't split they're like my everything. Bye bye I'm retiring to a hole.

Zayn You fag! Why can't 1d just be 1d without Zayn?

Even Harry had posted!

As of today I am now a solo artist. Sorry boys but I'm not carrying on without Zayn :(

And Niall!

Such a shame it has to end here But We've had a good run its time for someone else to have a go! Bye 1D hello single Niall.

But Louis thought maybe there could be a chance of the band rejoining!

Zayn might be gone but our farewell tour dates will be announced soon. It has been thought through and after 6 years we've achieved so much, so its the right thing. Ya never know the farewell tour might bring us back together

I dropped my phone. Aww I actually liked those guys. All but harry for trying to 'do the do' with me. I loved them when they came out. I felt a tear roll down my face. Why am I getting emotional about this. It means stereo kicks can push up to the top spot. Theres already rumour of them being the biggest boyband. Now One Direction are gone. They are!

"Reece babe wake up" I Said shoving him, "Sara fuck off, its to early for sex" Reece groaned, "no Reece. One Direction have split up" he then woke up. His eyes wide. "What?!?" he questioned, "They've split its all over twitter" I said showing him my phone, "fuck. Your right! They've split. Unlucky... Mwahaha Stereo Kicks are about to take over!" Reece said jumping out of bed and running out of the room.


"Ok so now 1D are out of the way we need an AMAZING song that will make us seem better than they ever were" James suggested, "yeah it needs to have the makings of being number one for weeks" I said as we all sat in a circle, "plus I hear Union J and 5 Days away are set to have music out because of the 1D breakup" Casey chirped up, "so we need to beat them. How about we all go off and write something and then come back in two days and see what everyone has got" Tom suggested, "yeah sounds like a plan" I smiled.

The song soon came together. James had his big notes and all that. Everyone had a bit to sing and it was all stereo Kicks. I did help write it though.

Release Date. 5th March.

The boys single, Union J's single and 5 Days away's first single were being released on the same day. Today. Every boyband was looking to hit the new boyband top spot.

Meanwhile Harry Styles had gone solo and was releasing his solo single next month. Typical Styles. Liam was doing Charity Work. Aww Payne lad. Niall was settling down with his girlfriend, Zayn had settled down but his wonderful wife who still had her music career hadn't and Zayn was probably getting more attention now than he was when in One Direction. And finally Louis. Louis quite frankly had disappeared from the face of the earth, I had no idea where he'd gone. He was probably taking this really hard.

Finally it was time to find out who was number one. Me and Stereo Kicks sat in front of the radio in the studio listening intently as the the top ten counted down. 5 Days away were at number 5 with their track but to be fair I did make loads of people get it. It came to the final two. The boys were either at 1,2 or nothing, which would be to disappointing. The guy revealed the top two tracks were by Union J and Stereo Kicks. But we wanted number one. Not two. ONE!

"I'm so nervous" Casey said rubbing his hands together.

After the breakup of one direction all the boybands jumped to get to the top spot but is it Union J or Stereo Kicks that snatched it...
Its been intense here but Your downloads have decided that this weeks number one goes to... Drumroll please!

We all sat anxiously, "come on" James grumbled.

The number one goes to Stereo Kicks and their new single-

We didn't hear the rest for screaming and jumping about, "WE GOT NUMBER ONE!" Charlie screached, "oh my god I might cry" Barclay said looking teary, "Barclay don't cry" James laughed, "I-I am s-so happy for you guys" I slurred out as I cried happily. Fucking hormones are getting worse, "Aww Sara babe" James said hugging me, "what so Sara can cry but I can't" Barclay said pointing to me, "she's pregnant and hormonal. Your just a pussy" Reece said hugging me tight as I stood crushed between James and Reece.

"I need sex Reece" I moaned rolling over to look at him, "no. Not until we know the baby is safe" Reece said eating out of the nutella jar, "it is. Just please" I moaned placing my hand on his chest, "Sara. No sex. Not for at least 4 months" Reece said feeding me some nutella off a breadstick, "please. I'll just go ask James then" I said looking at him, "Sara he'll just say no. Besides him and Caitlin are going so well lately. Leave them alone" Reece said as he put the jar on the bedside table, "Eugh for fucks sake. I feel so pregnant though" I moaned rolling onto my back, "thats because you are dearest" Reece said kissing my nose, "I hate you" I grumbled smirking, "I hate you too. Night" Reece said turning the light off as we went to sleep.

Another filler but hope you liked it x

Sorry all you one direction fans it killed me to break them up but I needed an interesting chapter xx

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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