Live Shows: Week 5

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Reece's POV:

Sound Check was pretty lonely although there were so many of us there, everyone had invited someone to watch, but me and James.

The good news was I had a solo which was going to be a surprise to the public, as I hadn't sung solo in the lives before.

"Reece are you feeling lonely, don't worry so am I, your not the only one with someone not here" James sighed, "I was thinking of inviting Lucy down, I mean your getting on really well with Jake's friends I mean, I don't even know their names but everyone seems to have a lady friend down here, even if they're not going out they're like besties" I huffed, "well Invite Lucy down then, I heard you two might be something of an item, so I won't stop you" James smiled, "something of an Item" I questioned smirking, "yeah Sara told me" James nodded, "I bet she did. Well I'll call her then" I smiled pulling out my phone.

After calling her she said she was coming, which made me give a sigh of relief, James was talking with one of Jake's friend's Emily I think her name was, Jake was talking to his other two friends Rachel and Megan about this blind date that he was going on tomorrow morning. Barclay had invited Adelle his ex girlfriend down, after they spilt they stayed good friends and rumor has it they might be getting back together. Charlie was being teased by his two friends. Bethany and Kirsty were teasing his for not asking Samantha (the girl he was stalking) out, they kept calling him a pussy. Chris was with his best friend Isla, they were just whispering things in each others ears, they had a close relationship, not a friends with benefits one but they were close. Tom was with his girlfriend Lottie, and friend Shania, they all got on really well, Tom was just playing the guitar to them both. Now Casey from where I was standing looked like he was on the phone to someone. Possibly Jade. "Hey Reece" I heard a voice from behind me, "oh Hi Lucy you made it" I said hugging her, "yeah, I've just come from work so I look a bit over dressed or oddly dressed" she smiled, "I think you look great" I smiled looking over her clothes, "thank you" she smiled looking down her cheeks going more of a pinky colour than a red, "Reece we actually need to go over our song please come here" Casey smirked in my direction, "okay" I called back, "just sit on the panel wherever" I said pointing to the judges panel, "sure" she said walking off to the judges panel.

After rehearing Lucy said she needed to go home. "Well do you want me to walk you" I asked, "well its only round the corner but you can if you want" she nodded, "well I want so I will. Guys I'm just walking Lucy home" I said calling to them, "sure" they all just waved far to interested on what was on their phones.

Whilst walking Lucy home we shared a lot of information and stories about each other, most of the stories involving Sara in one way or another, "this is me" Lucy pointed up at her house as she turned to face me, "well I had a really nice walk home" we both giggled, "and I'm sure you'll do amazing tonight, you're very talented Reece, don't forget that" she smiled at me, "thank you I'll try not to" I smirked, looking at the ground going slightly red. Do I kiss her? This wasn't a date. She's a nice girl. What would Sara do?

I panicked as these thoughts came to me, I looked up at her, as we'd been stood awkwardly like this for about a minute, I thought quick ah what the hell. As my lips collided with hers I felt butterflies in my stomach, she didn't pull back she moved into it, which helped my awkwardness loads, when we finally pulled appart, she smiled a little, "I think I have to go" she whispered, "yeah I need to be getting back" I also whispered, "good luck Reece" she smiled and kissed my cheek before walking into the house, I smiled, "well that went better than anticipated" I said to myself before walking off.

Sara's POV:

Miriam and I where just climbing under our covers to watch X Factor, we shared a hotel room, "where is the food so I don't go hungry" Miriam asked, "in the fridge" I said pointing to the fridge at the end of the room, "X Factor don't start" she said pointing at the TV, she then got up and hurried to the end of the room, then the X Factor tune started playing indicating it was coming on, "nooooooo" she said grabbing a hand full of stuff and running back to her bed, "here" she said throwing me a lollipop, "thank yo-""Stereo Kiiiiiicks" she screeched as she saw that behind Dermot were the acts, one being Stereo Kicks.

Just before the ads came on it showed Stereo Kicks were next, "Aww they look cute, wait... WHERE DID CHRIS' HAIR GO" Miriam yelled pointing at the TV, "he had it like that yesterday" I laughed, "no, he looks really cute" she giggled childishly, "Reece is all dressed nice and so is James, they look amazing" I huffed dreamily, "I wonder what sound check was like" I tilted my head in thought, "I wonder what they're singing" Miriam looked at me, "You are not alone I think they told me on the way here" I said my eyes focused on the ad for some strange reason, "I also really love that song" I smiled, "who are on the results tomorrow" Miriam asked, "someone I can't remember and I should, One direction" I screeched quite frankly I was a fan of 1D, "and promise you'll keep this a secret because only Tom, and the judges know at the moment" I said turning over slightly to look at Miriam, "Promise I'll keep it a secret" she smiled, getting giggly because she was being told a secret that practically no one else knew, "There's going to be a third performer, she's singing a cover of the Jonas Brothers Pom Poms-" "Ariana Grande" she butted in, "no, me, I'm doing going to be performing" I smirked also a little disappointed in Miriam, "ah that makes sense" she nodded, "Ariana Grande" I scoffed as the X factor came back on.

We both screemed as the boys came on, When they started I wanted to cry. "Sara Reece is soloing" Miriam pointed at the TV, "ahh why didn't he tell me" I looked at the TV surprised, "he's amazing isn't he" Miriam smiled, "yeah, he's the best" I sighed, I miss him, I can't wait till I see him tomorrow.

At the end we where both in tears, we where crying because A. That was a beautiful performance and B. Because someone had intruded on their performance, a guy had walked on and Jake had high fived him. "They delt so well with that, even Cheryl said" Miriam said applauding at the TV, "I know and Simon even commented on Reece and how good he was" I smiled he was amazing no one can say otherwise.

Did you see. Did you see the intruder xx

Yeah more to the point you sung so well you were amazing xx

Aww thank you I'm missing hearing those things from your mouth speaking of which me and Lucy kissed xx

I don't know why, but I felt my heart sink a little as I read the text. I'm not jealous. I.have a boyfriend and I love him.

Wow really good I don't have to stand there and make you lol x

Haha well I miss you I want you here I can't wait till I see you xx

I miss you too xx

After texting Reece I don't know what it was but I felt odd, like someone had just kicked me in the chest. I was debating on whether it was Jealousy. It can't be I've got James. I don't have feelings for Reece.

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How good where they? Reece's Solo was amazing and quite frankly it killed me a little xx

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks/ the bæs xx

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