Without Him (Tuesday)...

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Sara's POV:

He was home tonight/tomorow and Monday was hell. I had to record for a full hour non stop, then to leo and jade's to help them chose stuff for the baby's room, today I just wanted to settle so I started with my Starbucks.

I walked in and got into the que, I stood waiting in the line when I heard someone cough behind me as to get my attention. I looked at the familiar brown eyed brown haired boy and it took a minute to sink in, this was one of my favorite actors. Ok don't fangirl whatever happens don't fangirl. "Hi I couldn't help but notice your Sara Jones, I'm Tom, Tom Holland" he smiled at me holding his hand out for me to shake it. He knew who I was. "Y-yeah hi, I thought you looked familiar" I smiled shaking his hand, "oh so you know who I am well that's great, I think your music Is amazing I'm a huge fan" he smiled cheerfully, I was tryin so hard not to fangirl right now, "really its nice meeting the fans especially the celebrity ones" I chuckled causing him to smile, he just stood looking at me smiling a moment before snapping out, "oh sorry, hey If your not busy tonight I'm having a party at the pub down the road, you know the Charnley arms, feel free to come along, I'd love it I you were there, in fact-" he said taking a pen from the container on the side and ripping a piece of paper from the notebook next to it, he scribbled something down on it and gave it to me, "if you decide to come call me and I'll meet you outside" he said pointing to the paper he'd jut given me which had a number on it, presumably his, "yeah I will thanks" I smirked putting it my pocket, "well if you do come I'll see you then" he smiled before turning and leaving, throwing his empty coffee cup in the bin and then he left. What just happened?


I decided I'd go I mean with Reece not here I'm bored out of my mind. I changed into a tight black dress (I don't really own any non slutty dresses) heels and some jewelry and a clutch bag to complete the outfit. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and applied some mascara and eyeliner with a little blush and concealer and looked at the clock. Time to go. I text Tom telling him I was on my way.

Tom :)
Great your coming my friends don't believe me sorry if they come on to strong they'vebalready had a lot to drink :) x

Oh its fine I have lots of friends like that anyway aha hope I'm getting some drinks too aha x

Tom :)
Yeah sure what do you like I'll have one ready x

I'm a huge fan of WKD but its fine x

Tom :)
Well I insist so tuff see you soon x

I laughed at the text, he was a really nice person, 18 years old and a complete gentleman he's a sweetie.

When I got there he was stood outside holding two drinks in his hand, one a Orange WKD and the other a blue WKD, I hot out of the blacked out taci and smiled at him in his white dress shirt with the top two buttons left open, and he wore black skinny suit pants, he looked mighty fine, "wow you look stunning" he said looking me over, "so do you" I smirked giving him the same look, "here one blue WKD to start you, you wouldn't be able to get it yourself anyway your only 16" he chuckled, "you even know my age impressive" I nodded impressed, "hey I'm a fan I should do, come on lets go in."

A few hours later and the clock read 10:30 everyone was dancing and Tom's friend Dylan had already been hitting on me, it was funny while it lasted though, "you want another drink" Tom asked as I finoshed my third WKD, I wasn't prepared to het hammered so that was my last, "no just a coke for me next" I shrugged, "okay coming right up" he said walking off.

Two pint glasses of coke later and I felt that drunken vommit start to rise up, I ran to the bathroom, I don't remember ever getting so drunk I through up, I stopped after my third WKD why am I feeling so drunk, I can barely walk and I want to hug a toilet, "woooow you are bladdered missy" Tom said walking up to me after a came out of the toilet, "no I'm not I'm fine" my voice was slurred from alcohol, I then tripped and fell on him, he caught me before I fell, "you can barely walk" he muttered helping me stand, his hand brushing my hips, I licked my dry lips and gazed into his brown eyes, I wanted to tangle my fingers in his curly brown hair, I involuntarily lent in before my lips touched his, I had no control over what I was doing, "Sara I think you need to go home" Tom mumbled as we parted, I nodded slightly, "come on I'll walk you" he said putting his arm around my waist and helping me as I staggered out, I noticed as someone caught a photo, a quick flash light in my eye felt like the sun, "whereabouts do you live" he asked, I don't think he'd gotten over me kissing him yet, "just a few streets away" I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder.

When we reached my house I unlocked the door, "aaare you coming in" I asked wearily, "I think I'll just come in and see your safely in bed" he smiled as I opened the door, I staggered in and he caught me before I fell again, I was met by two blue eyes looking at me with disapproval, "um... Tom this is Reece, Reece this is Tom" I muttered yawning, "I'll be going make sure Sara you go to bed" Tom said before leaving. "Who's he?" Reece asked, "I just told you Reece why don't you listen" I moaned, "is he a friend or just a secret you've been keeping" Reece had his aems folded and he was stood rigid which means he ment business, "do be stupid Reece he's an actor guy who I met in the Starbucks he's that kid from the impossible remember, he's my friend" I giggled immaturely, "so I'm guessing you went to his party and got super pissed-" "no Reece I'm not drunk, I'm just fine, although I did throw up earlier on and then Inwas all like staggery and stugf and then I accidentally kissed Tom and then he-" "what you kissed him" Reece said his voice slightly raised, "let me finish Reece so rude-" "no tell me you kissed him" Reece pointed, "okay we did have a little moment but it's no biggy-" "NO BIGGY SARA THAT'S CALLED CHEATING" Reece bellowed, "cheating on what" I groaned, "ME!" "Do you know how hot you sound when your angry?" I smiled at him, "Sara go to bed sleep and then talk to me when your sober, because right now its like talking to a revolving door" Reece said about to walk off, "Reece" I muttered, "what" he said frustrated, "will you help me to bed" I said looking upstairs, "eugh fine" he groaned.

Reece's POV:

After helping her I went back downstairs and hid my face in my hands, I love that girl. Why does she not realize that? I hope its just the alcohol talking and she didn't kiss that Tom guy but what will she remember. Do I let her off and forget this ever happened or do I throw it all away?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter x

Should he let her off this once and they can work at it or is it all over for Rara?? xx

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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