MusicVideo7: Chris

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Sara's POV:

Today its Chris's turn we're doing 'broken strings' which should be great.

I got up showered, brushed my teeth and then went to my wardrobe. I couldn't be arsed today so I chose a vest top style crop top, dark blue denim shorts with the bottom giving a ripped effect, I wore flat black pumps and tied my hair in a pony tail. I applied black eyeliner to my top lid only making sure there was a small flick and then applied mascara. I checked on Reese who was still sound asleep after waking up when I was having that nightmare. Reece checked on her. I then left with my bag. Forgetting breakfast so I stopped at Starbucks for my usual and then headed down to the studio. For this music video we were just redoing the original and its a great video... Because it hasn't got one single kiss in it!

We were going through filming and Chris got a phone call. He answered it and walked slightly away from me, as he spoke on the phone every so often he would look at me and nod and give me strange looks. So when he got off I confronted him on the matter, "what was that about?" I smiled, "oh nothing... Just Miriam called" he nodded, "why what did she want?" I chuckled, "oh... Erm... Err... J-just to say that she'll be working late tonight" Chris nodded, "but I thought she was at a party with work tonight" I said cocking an eyebrow, "y-yeah s-she has. She is going out with work so I say... Its working late" Chris nodded. I chuckled as I knew he was an awful lier, I just left him.

At the end of the video we were told that by Friday next week everything would be ready for the videos to release. "Can we go straight back to yours?" Chris asked, "sure why?" I said slightly confused, "I-I need to ask Reece something" Chris nodded weakly, "ok come on" I said opening the van door and allowing Chris in too.

Reece's POV:

All the boys were in the house waiting for Sara to get back. Charlie's dad was with us as he was breaking the news. We all now knew but Sara who her dad was and we all had a horrible feeling more like knowing that she was going to react badly and try and run from the problem and when I say run... I mean literally run. Like away. Far away. So we were going to make sure she stayed in the house. Even if it meant wrestling her to the floor. She was staying in this house.

Sara's POV:

We drove to my house in dead silence. Which worried me. My head was allowed to run wild with thoughts and that wasn't good. We walked into the house. Chris allowing me in first I put my stuff down and Chris walked behind me the whole time. As I walked into the living room all the rest of the boys and Charlie's dad were sat in the living room, I stood cautiously in the doorway and Chris remained behind me, "what's going on?" I questioned nervously, "Sara we're all here for you and no matter how you react to this we love you and there is no need to panic" James assured me, "okay. What's happened" I asked confused and smirking slightly, "we have... We have found out who your dad is" Reece said softly, "um.. Umm... Okayyy" I smiled nervously and my level of happiness began to drop, "do you want to know" Barclay asked, "Erm... Er.. Y-yeah I do" I nodded, "okay... I found out last night when you left who this guy was" Charlie's dad said rubbing his palms together, "yeahh who is it?" I asked feeling myself involuntarily go to step back. Sara you ain't running this time. "Its me. I'm you father" Charlie's dad said nervously waiting for my reaction. Everyone's eyes where on me, so I turned quickly, going to push Chris out of the way but he stopped me grabbing my arms firmly, "Sara its alright" Chris tried to soothe me but it didn't work. I pulled hard away from his grasp succeeding in getting away and I sprinted out of the house.

Reece's POV:

"Shit Chris" I said looking at him, "we'll get her" James said as him and Barclay stood running after her. "She's fine with it... Just give her a couple of hours to come round and she'll be fine, she'll love it" I assured the rest of the room. Bitch I'd better be right.

Sara's POV:

I ran and ran and ran. I turned my head back slightly seeing James and Barclay running after me, "Sara stop!" James yelled, but I turned round and kept running. I knew were I was heading too.

James's POV:

"I know where she's going" I said to Barclay as I stopped, "where" he asked in a hurry, "Back to Liam's... Come on" I said quickly going back into a sprint.

"SARA DON'T PLEASE STOP" I yelled as loud as I could causing me to get slightly out of breath, she turned and looked at us and then tripped over her own feet, I ran faster, she turned onto her back and started to backwards crawl away from us as we got close, "Sara stop please" I begged. My eyes became focused on the blood dribbling down her shin from a cut in her leg, "look at your leg. We need to get you home so we can see to that" I said pointing to her leg which she looked at, "I am going home" she said staring to cry, "Sara. You can't just run from your problems. Please. Just come home. Charlie's dad is willing to work things out with you. Everything will be fine"  I assured her crouching down beside her, she shyed away from me slightly, "come on. Barclay will carry you" I said standing up. Barclay looked at me and then went to pick her up, which he did with ease, "I feel dizzy" she mumbled, "its alright we'll get you home" I said kissing her temple, to which she then fainted as her head rolled into Barclay's chest and her whole body seemed relaxed.

Reece's POV:

James and Barclay came back. Barclay had Sara in his arms and blood was dripping off her leg, "what did you do?" I said looking at her relaxed body, "she fell over and then fainted in Barclay's arms" James explained, "ahh right. Jake get the first aid box from under the sink" I said looking at Jake who was behind me, "where's that?" Jake asked sounding like an idiot, "Jake you Fucking know where after that time you cut your finger and used a whole packet of plasters-" "oh yeah I'll get it" Jake chuckled running off. "Take her upstairs and put her in the spare room. Not getting blood on that bed" I said pointing up the stairs, Barclay followed instructions and James followed Barclay.

We all stood upstairs waiting for Jake to fetch the first aid box, he then came up beside me. I cleaned up her cut and placed a large plaster on her knee, "your so good to her Reece" Casey smiled, "well. I have to be. She's my girlfriend" I said finishing up and then standing up, "when she wakes up two of you stand at the door. Just in case. She should be fine and we can talk her through it" I nodded, "Barclay. Chris. You can take the door" I said pointing to the door, "so... We're like her guards?" Barclay questioned, "Precisely" I nodded, "look we'll sit down with her in here when she wakes up. She just needs to hear you speak to her. Assure her everything will be okay" I said to Charlie's dad who was stood looking at her, he nodded, "Charlie... You should probably join" I smiled, "yeah... Yeah sure" he smiled weakly, "Good so its sorted."

So it has been revealed I know all of you peeps probably already knew Charlie's dad was her dad xx

The next chapter is the talk between Charlie's dad. Charlie. Sara and Reece x should be exciting xx

Hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

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Love Sara x
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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