A Start for Us

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Park Sandara is in the women's restroom at that moment. She changes her blouse and slacks to a black and red floral dress. She also took out her nude high heels. She fixed her hair into a stylish bun and wear light make up with her old rose lipstick. She even wore the necklace that her father gave to her when she was 15 years old. That night, they will have a family dinner for Young Bae and Hyo Rin who will go on their honeymoon the next day and go back to France after it. Their Mom was crying that morning. She's emotional because it will take months or years again before she can see her son but Young Bae promised that they will call her and visit her twice a year or Mi Kyung can visit them in France.

After she's done, she placed her work clothes to a shopping bag and she exits the restroom. She went to the elevator and descends to the ground floor. She exits and went to the reception to clock out. As she walks towards the exit, she saw a familiar face. It was Kwon Ji Yong, who's carrying a bouquet of roses.

Ji Yong enters the KEBN building while holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses. He immediately saw Dara who's walking towards the exit. She smiles upon seeing him. They both approach each other and meet in the middle. Ji Yong gave the bouquet to Dara which she accepts.

"Welcome back. How was your trip?" she asked.

"It was fine. Exhausting, but fine." he said. "I miss you." he told her. Dara blushes and looks around. Fortunately, there's no one aside from the receptionist and the roaming security who are minding their business. "I hope you didn't work too hard today while wearing a dress and high heels." he commented.

"No, I just change a while ago." she said. Ji Yong looked at her funnily. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked.

"We're having a family dinner. Young Bae and Hyo Rin is leaving tomorrow for their honeymoon and they will go back to France for good after that." she muttered. Ji Yong exhaled. He thought she's going on a date or something.

"I see. I thought I can spend time with you over dinner tonight. But, it's okay. Maybe next time?" he asked. Dara just nods and smiling shyly.

"Is it okay if I drive you there? I just want to make sure your safe" he asked. She agrees. Side by side, they exit the building.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a restaurant in Gangnam. Ji Yong wants to greet Dara's family before he goes home so he goes with her inside. The Dong family hired a private dining room. When Dara enters the room while carrying a bouquet of roses and with Ji Yong, they are all surprised.

Ji Yong bows to them. "Good evening. I just drive Dara here." he then looks at Hyo Rin and Young Bae. "Congratulations on your wedding. I'm sorry I couldn't attend. I have prior event to attend. I couldn't cancel it". he explained. Hyo Rin smiles and speaks. "It's okay, Ji Yong-ssi. Dara told us. And thank you for your gift. How thoughtful of you." Ji Yong smiles and then he looked at Mi Kyung. "Good evening, Ma'am. I'm sorry for invading your family dinner. I just want to introduce myself."

Mi Kyung nods and looks at him quizzically. "It's fine. Who are you, anyway?" she asked.

"I'm Kwon Ji Yong. I'm Dara's admirer." he said. Hye Jung and Hyo Rin smile, Young Bae and Seon Woong glared at Ji Yong, Dara stares at Ji Yong with awed face while Mi Kyung looked astounded.

"Admirer? You mean, you want to date my daughter?" she asked. Seon Woong looked at his mother, who looks happy.

"Yes, Ma'am. I like her a lot. I want her to be my girlfriend someday." he said casually.

"Ji Yong-ah." Dara feels shy at that moment.

Everyone was silent at that moment. Ji Yong feels like he shocked everyone by his bold statement. "So, I'll go ahead." He faces Dara. "See you soon, okay?" Dara nods. He bows to everyone before he left the room. Dara sits beside Hye Jung and placed her bouquet of roses aside. Then, she looked at everyone.

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