A Day in Sokcho

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Dara is in her home on Saturday morning. She's having coffee, and pancakes for breakfast. She's checking the news about the cast of her upcoming drama. They already have chosen the actors that will be in the drama. It's Lee Dong Gun, Kim Ji Won, Park Hae Jin, and Kim Yoo Ri. The drama revolves around Kim Ji Won's character who loves Park Hae Jin but he left her to pursue his dreams and then she meets Lee Dong Gun in her vacation in the Philippines, who is engaged at Kim Yoo Ri's character but she currently in a coma due to an accident.

She's reading the comments about the article and she's glad that people are very interested in the drama that she wrote.

Suddenly, her phone rings. It's Choi Seung Hyun. She answers it.


"Hello, Dara-yah. Are you busy today?" he asks.

"Not at all. Why?"

"Do you want to go for a road trip?" he said. Dara is surprised by his question but going on a road trip sounds fun. "Where?" she asked.

"Just heading Eastside. Probably Sokcho. Bom told me about this famous rice soup restaurant there. I want to check it out and relax a bit." he paused. "Please come with me."

She checked the time. It's 8:30 in the morning. She has nothing to do that day. She sighs. "Okay. Pick me up after an hour. I'll message you my address."

"Great! I'll be there in one hour sharp. Bye!" he hangs up.

Dara smiles and shakes her head. She finishes her breakfast and went to her room to prepare.


After an hour, Seung Hyun is waiting outside Dara's apartment building. Dara comes out a few minutes later. As usual, she looks lovely. Seung Hyun opens the passenger's side door and she enters his car. He closes it and went to the driver's side.

On their way to Sokcho, Seung Hyun and Dara talk about the drama she's currently working on. Seung Hyun finds the drama really interesting, especially the connection of each character with each other. Dara also opens up about a new story she's working on now. Seung Hyun told her to keep on improving it and maybe, she can launch it after her current drama.

When they arrived at Sokcho, Dara is amazed at how peaceful and beautiful the city is. She took some pictures of the surrounding while Seung Hyun drives. Seung Hyun immediately went to the rice soup restaurant that Bom recommended. And she's right, their food is exquisite. Seung Hyun even asks for another bowl. Seung Hyun told Dara that his sister, Choi Jung Hwa, is currently engaged to a Canadian-Korean TV executive. The wedding is not set yet but Seung Hyun is really happy for his sister. After their meal, they decided to walk on the beach. Even it's weekend, they are thankful that the beach is not crowded.

"I bet the sunrise here great." Dara said.

"Should we go here on sunrise next time?" Seung Hyun suggested. Dara shrugs and smiles. Seung Hyun stares at her while she keeps on looking at the sea.

"I'm really glad you're back." Seung Hyun said. Dara looks at him. He sighs "Yoona and Dong Hae are good friends but aside from Se Kyung, you're the only friend that I really trust completely. Not that I don't trust them but I trust you the most."

"I'm happy to be back too. France is great but I miss Korea so much. The food there is too dry and bland for my taste. I miss the spicy and salty food here." she chuckles. Seung Hyun smiles at her remarks Then, something came up in his mind.



"What really happens to you and Kwon Ji Yong?" he asks. Dara stops walking. Seung Hyun faces her. "You're the jolliest person I know. Suddenly, after the breakup, many people noticed the changes in you. You were quiet and distant. I remember one time that I saw you in the props room. You were staring blankly in a king's costume. If you both decided to break up, why are you the only one who completely changes in a snap?" Seung Hyun said.

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