Her Reality

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Dara is in her home office, doing some scriptwriting for a potential drama she wants to submit to KEBN. She wants to be productive and busy as much as possible to divert her attention so she won't overthink.

Suddenly, her phone rings. She checks who it is. It was Seung Hyun, who's currently in Beijing at that moment for a business meeting. She answers it. Seung Hyun smiles upon seeing his girlfriend's face.

"Hello, love," he greets her.

"Hi," she said shyly.

"What are you doing?" Seung Hyun asked Dara.

"I'm just writing something" Dara shrugs as she rests her back on her seat. "How about you?"

"I will have a lunch meeting with some Chinese TV producer regarding the Chinese –Korean TV drama the company is working on. I wish you were here," Seung Hyun frowns. Dara giggles and stares at her boyfriend's face on her cellphone screen.

"When will you come home?" she asks.

"Next week. There's a business conference this weekend in Singapore that I need to attend. I will give some speech," he sighs. Dara sits up straight. "Wow. That's something big. Why you didn't tell me?"

"It's nothing. It's just a speech." Seung Hyun shrugs.

"Yes, a speech from the CEO and President of KEBN, who happens to be my boyfriend. I happen to be interested because I am an employee and girlfriend at the same time." She points out. Seung Hyun smiles and shook his head. "Are you that interested in me?" he teases her.

"Totally," she answered immediately. Seung Hyun laughs heartily as Dara watches him. Seeing Seung Hyun regularly calms Dara, even it's just a video or a picture of him. That is why she placed pictures of her and Seung Hyun in the living room, the kitchen, office, and bedroom, to Seon Woong's dismay when he saw the picture in the living room.

"I'm very much interested in you too, love," Seung Hyun said. Dara wants to swoon at that moment.



"Can you... Can you come to my place immediately when you arrived?" she asked.

Seung Hyun smiles upon hearing what she said. "You don't have to ask to. I will be there when I arrived," he assures her. Dara smiles timidly. Seung Hyun looks at his side and Dara heard someone speaking. Seung Hyun just nods and looks back at her. "I need to go. They have arrived. I will call you again tonight. Okay?"

"Okay. Good luck with the meeting," she said.

"Thanks. Bye, love."

"Bye" she mutters and the call ended. She sets her phone aside and sighs. She looks at the picture frame of her and Seung Hyun on the table. Seung Hyun has been busy lately. The last time she saw him in person was the night before his flight to China, which is five days ago. It was the time she saw him again after being too busy. She didn't even tell him what happened to her when she went to Seungri and Mino's coffee shop. She's been hearing Na Ji Woo's voice and having nightmares about the accident for three weeks and she's helpless. She's ashamed to talk to anyone about it and she doesn't want to worry them.

Dara stood up to get some water when she stops on her track and looks around. She feels like someone is in her house. She took her phone with her and went to the kitchen. She gets some glass and opens the fridge to pour some water in her glass.

'Ms. Park.'

Dara let go of her glass as it breaks into pieces on the floor. She looks around to find who called her. Then she heard a faint laugh. It's getting louder and louder as seconds go by. She runs towards her room and closes the door. She still can hear that too familiar malevolent laugh. She went to the bathroom to hide. She covers her ears with her hands.

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