In this one She Cries

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Dear Diary,

I have this bad feeling about tonight. I have for weeks and I can't shake it off. It's starting to scare me and annoy me. I feel like Elena is going to do something stupid. Aunt Jenna is over this weekend, we've caught up on life and she she felt Gray kick. I know he's a health boy, I'm doing everything in my power to keep him healthy. I told Grandma and she told she had a feeling. She says she's happy for me, a child is a blessing.
- Yours Truly Scarlett

May 21, 2005
• • • • Scarlett POV • • • •

"Mom I'll go with dad I'm make sure Elena and Ty are okay."

"Honey, baby It's fine, I'll go check on them. You missy should get some rest, the baby needs it" Mom says rubbing my sixth month belly.

"Mom honestly, I want to tag along." I say.

"Fine but that belly is to be hidden unless you want to have a bunch of drunk teenagers trying to grab your baby." Mom says I nod my head. I go up to my room and change into one of Tyler's shirt, sweatpants and a hoodies.

"I'll be back Jer to kick your behind" I say waving at Jer, and aunt Jenna.

• • • •

Dad drive us to pick up Elena, I go check on Tyler and make sure he's not drunk out of his mind.

"Baby I'm only tipsy, and plus I will make sure I take the DD, that you my lovely girlfriend set up." He touches my nose. He rubs my belly.

"Daddy will be safe for the baby." Ty says, he places a soft kiss on my belly.

"I love you Scar, I really do." Ty says before smashing his lips into mine.

"Go get home, be safe. Text me when you get home." Ty says. I go meet up with my parents and next thing I'm falling asleep when the car swerves into the lake.

"Dad." I scream as my hand go to stomach protectively.

"Honey, calm down I'm get us out." Dad says.

"Scarlett, Elena I love you both and Jer. Your mom does too. We do everything for you guys." Dad says.

"Don't start talking like that." I say. "Please Daddy don't." I beg. I feel myself starting to go unconscious. I remember the spell grandma taught me. I say it and I see someone pull it open. I try to take off my seat belt but I can't.

• • • •

I begin to open my eyes but I close them quickly do to the bright lights.

"Honey how are you?" I can't make out the voice.

"My baby? How's my baby?" I barley make out.

"Your baby is fine, he survived. He's a fighter." The voice says I then realize it's a doctor, and some nurses in the room.

"My sister? My parents?" I ask.

"Your sister and parents are being taken care of." The Doctor says. I nod my head and I feel my body start moving, I feel darkness clouds my eyes.

• • • • No one's POV • • • •

Vicki called everyone to the emergency room once she got the call from Jeremy.

"Tyler is on his way. He's drunk out of his mind." Vicki informa Jeremy and Jenna.

"Family of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert?" A doctor asks. Jenna and Jeremy get up on their feet and go for the doctor.

"How are they? How are the girls?" Jenna asks.

"Hello I am Dr.Pina. The girls are alive, they just have some bruises. The baby is perfectly fine." The doctor says. He takes Jenna and Jeremy to somewhere more private to speak. Jeremy insisted on going with his aunt.

"Ms.Sommers I am sorry to inform you that your sister and brother in law have passed away." He says and he tries to comfort Jenna and Jeremy. Jeremy world stops, and it shatters. His parents are no longer in this world, they're gone. He's shocked.

"How are Elena and Scarlett?!" Jenna asks, she's holding back the tears for Jeremy. She grabs his hand giving it a squeeze. Jermey tunes out the doctor and once he's done they go back to waiting room. He sees Elena and Scarlett's friends. Jeremy takes a seat and stays quiet. They get news that Elena woke up and her family can see her. Scarlett is still asleep.

In the morning Scarlett wakes up and looks around in the room, remembering she's a hospital room. She begins to cry and hands move to her stomach and she calms down a bit. She the sees the door open and a nurse comes in and checks on her.

"Good morning. How are you feeling hun?" The nurse asks.

"Morning, What time is it? How are my sister and parents?" Scarlett asks.

"It's 6:30 hun, and your sister woke up yesterday. She was bruised, I don't know your parents information but I can ask." Nurse says. "I'm nurse Shelly." She adds. Scarlett nods her head.

"Thank you nurse Shelly." Scarlett says with a small smile. She does what she needs to and then she leaves. She had turned on the tv for me and put on some reality tv show.

Aunt Jenna comes in the room and greets me with a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She says.

"Me too, I'm glad Gray is okay too." Scarlett says. "How are my parents? No one tells me anything Aunt Jenna. Please." She begs.

"Your sister is awake, she's doing good. Your parents after the accident they got treated but they didn't make it. I'm sorry Curious, they passed away." Jenna says as she stokes Lottie's hair. Tears build up in her eyes, Lottie shakes her head.

"No no no." Lottie whispers shaking my head. I feel my vision getting blurry due to the tears. I cry for bit. "How's Jeremy? Elena? Aunt Jenna how are you?" Lottie asks.

"I'm okay and Elena and Jermey are dealing." She whispers. Lottie nods her head.

"We need to do the funeral preparations." Lottie says.

"I know. We need to give things away, that people let us borrow or things on their will." Jenna says and Lottie nods her head.

"Can I be in charge of that? Can I help? I don't want to sit on my butt and be lazy." Lottie says, Jenna nods her head.

"So when can I see Elena?" Lottie asks, she never calls her Elena unless it's serious, it's always just 'E'.

"Soon hun. Soon." Aunt Jenna says. "Tyler stayed all night with you. I stayed with Elena." Aunt Jenna says. Lottie nods her head.

Then Tyler comes in and talks with Lottie. "Hi baby." Tyler greets with a kiss in her forehead. They talk for a minute but they avoid the topic of her dead parents. The rest of her friends greet her and Vicki brought her favorite blanket last night. Tyler was laying with Lottie and she had her head on his shoulder. Tyler began to stroke her hair and she begins to cry, she pushes his hand away and shakes her head. She gets up from the bed and goes to the bathroom, Tyler follows her to make sure she's okay. She cleans her face and goes back to the bed.

• • • •

Lottie and Elena are released and Tyler stays with Lottie to make sure she's okay. Lottie isn't speaking much she just busy herself with the funeral arrangements. Family friends have come into town for the funeral. Tyler makes sure she eats and takes care of her and the baby.

So I obviously changed the date for their parents death since it takes place in 2005 instead of the original date of 2009. This one is sad, I'm sorry!!!
Updated// September 20,2019

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