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|| Apartment ||

Sam and Dean had gone to check out the apartment doing different test, like the EMF and a tape one, to figure out the symbol.

||  Bar  ||

Dean is flirting with the attractive bartender. Sam and Scarlett enter and look around. Dean notices and takes one last drink, then smiles at the bartender and leaves.

"See ya." Dean says. At the other side of the room, Scarlett and Sam find an empty table and sits down, taking out Sam takes out his father's journal. He leafs through the pages, and shortly, Dean sits down across from them.

"I talked to the bartender." Dean says.

"Did you get anything? Besides her number?" Sam asks.

"Dude, I'm a professional. I'm offended that you would think that." Dean says. Sam gives him a knowing look. "All right, yeah." Dean chuckles and holds up a napkin with the bartender's phone number on it.

"You mind doin' a little bit of thinking with your upstairs brain, Dean?" Sam asks.

"Don't do that very often." Scarlett says.

"Huh? Look, there's nothing to find out. I mean, Meredith worked here, she waited tables, everyone here was her friend. Everybody said she was normal. She didn't do or say anything weird before she died, so—what about that symbol, you find anything?" Dean asks.

"Nope, nothing. It wasn't in Dad's journal or in any of the usual books. I just have to dig a little deeper, I guess." Sam says.

"Well, there was a first victim, right? Before Meredith?" Dean asks.

"Right. Yeah." Sam pulls out a newspaper clipping concerning the first death "His name was, uh—his name was Ben Swardstrom." Sam hands the clipping to Dean "Last month he was found mutilated in his town house. Same deal—the door was locked, the alarm was on."

"Is there any connection between the two of them?" Scarlett asks.

"Not that I can tell—I mean, not yet, at least. Ben was a banker, Meredith was a waitress. They never met, never knew anyone in common—they were practically from different worlds." Sam explains.

"So, to recap, the only successful intel we've scored so far is the bartender's phone number," Dean smirks. Scarlett rolls her eyes and head to the bar. Sam seems to notice something on the other side of the room. Dean looks around.

"What?" Dean asks, Sam gets up and begins walking away. "Sam?" Dean asks as Sam continues to walk away. He reaches another table, where a young woman with short blonde hair is seated with her back to him. He puts his hand on her shoulder, and she turns around, it's Meg.

"Meg," Sam asks.

"Sam!" Meg greets, Sam looks at her curiously.

•    •    •    •

Scarlett is at the bar when a guy around her age approaches her.

"Hi, I'm Zach." The guy says as Scarlett looks at him.

"Lottie." She says.

"Can I buy a drink?" He asks.

"Underage." She laughs.

"What's funny?" He asks.

"My dad's name is Zach, I should get back to my friends." She says, he catches her wrist, she sees his fangs.

"You're a Salvatore." He says.

"No, you dick. I'm a Fairchild, now let me go before I snap that neck of yours. Might serve you up to Damon Salvatore he loves to torture."  She warns and he's her go.

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