The lake memories

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I was swimming. I was fighting. And then I thought, just for a second 'what's the point'? -Meredith Grey

• • • •

"God Damon you never think of other people. People get hurt around you." Stefan says on the phone with Damon. Damon is walking around the Wickery bridge lake.

"Stefan does Lottie owns a journal?" Damon asks getting closer to the lake.

"Yeah, it had a blue ribbon on the edge." Stefan says. Damon drops the phone and sees Lottie's scarf floating around.

"Lottie, come on, Lottie." Damon screams jumping into the water. He swims looking for her. He sees her and swims towards her and pulls her out. She's blue almost purple.

"Damon! Damon!" Stefan screams from the phone. Damon lays Lottie down.

"Come on Come one. You can't die on me, come on Scarlett!" Damon says as he preforming CPR.

"You have so much to live for, come on Scarlett, don't you dare die on me. Elena and Jeremy are going to be more broken if you do." Damon says his eyes are tearing up.

"Stefan, you need to call Elena. It's Lottie." Damon says. "She fell into the lake, Stefan call her." Damon shouts. Lottie begins throwing up water, Damon rolled her on her side. She takes a deep breathe once she's done throwing water up. Damon is about to bite his wrist, Lottie shakes her head. "No." She says softly.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." Damon says, he picks her things up quickly and picks her up.

"Somebody help, she feel into the lake." Damon says. Lottie is still trying to understand where she's at, she looks around. She begins vomiting and throwing up water.

"Are you her relative?" A nurse asks Damon.

"Family friend. She's Scarlett Gilbert. I'm calling her guardian." Damon says.

• • • •

The Gilberts come rushing into the hospital with Stefan.

"How is she?" Jenna asks.

"She's being treated." Damon says.

"How how?" Elena asks with teary eyes.

"I'm not sure, I just know I found her drowning in the lake, her things were scattered like if she had fallen, I don't know if she hit her head." Damon explains. Jeremy is trying to keep it together.

"I need to call Tyler and inform him." Elena says.

"Try calling Vicki, she's usually the first one to arrive and call everyone for us. I know she's missing but this is her best friend, they call each other sister from another mister." Jenna says smiling a bit at the end. Elena only nods her. Damon and Stefan share a look. Lottie's phone begins to vibrate. Jermey checks it.

From Sam Winchester:

No yeah that sounds great, just tell us, we'll send you the location.

"Hey aren't the Winchester brothers the guys who came to funeral? And our parents left them something?" Jeremy asks.

"Oh yeah, they use to know their dad." Jenna says. "Apparently they were good friends. They went hunting together. John helped Lottie with archery." Jenna adds.

"Family of Scarlett Gilbert." A Doctor says coming in. She's a women accompanied by a male doctor. Jenna immediately recognizes her. "Hi I'm one of the doctors on Scarletts case, I'm Doctor Fairchild this is Doctor Randall." She says, she shakes shaking Jenna's hand. Damon and Stefan's eyes fall on Ivory Fairchild, Scarlett's biological mother. Damon's eyes widen, like he's seen a ghost from the past.

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