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|| Ivory's House ||

Ivory woke up early and made breakfast for Zach and Lottie, Scarlett's been staying with her for a couple of days due to her argument with Elena.

"Thank you." Lottie says, Ivory serves her breakfast. She eats it, they sit and have a nice breakfast.

"I need to go back home to change." Lottie says.

"Jeremy dropped off more things this morning." Ivory says.

"In that case I'll head to the bathroom to get ready." Lottie says,

"I left the bags upstairs on the bed." Zach says.

"Thank you." Lottie heads upstairs. Zach and Ivory look at each other.

"That was nice." Zach says.

"It was, it makes me think of how much we missed out of her life and how life would be like if Will didn't die and Damon didn't happen." She says.

"I know, but she's alive and we can protect her. We need to make sure she doesn't activate the curse. We haven't told her about your dad." Zach says.

"I know, I just don't know how to tell her." Ivory says.

"I need to head out. I'll see you later, tell Scarlett to have a nice day at school." He says.
Ivory nods her head.

"Have a nice day." She says. "Hey honey, Zach left and I don't know if you need a ride." Ivory says.

"Can you please?" Lottie asks. Ivory nods her head. "Come on lets go." Ivory says, they walk out the front door and she drives them.

People stare at the car. "People are staring at your car." Lottie says.

"It's a Chevrolet Corvette C1 from 1962. She's a beauty, I'd be offended if they weren't looking." Ivory says. Lottie nods her head,

"See you later, take care." Lottie says.

"Take care honey, see you later." Ivory says, Lottie walks to school where she's approached by Jake.

"Who's the babe in the nice car?" He asks.

"My mom." Lottie says looking up at him. He raises an eyes at her. "My biological mom." She adds, he nods her head.

"So where were you the past few days? I heard people were looking for you." Jake asks.

"Sick." Lottie says. "Come on Gilbert." Jake says. "Tyler was worried for you, you didn't show and you were supposed to meet." He adds as Lottie spots Caroline and Tyler.

"Sorry too busy getting kidnapped." Lottie says walking away from Jake.

|| The Tomb ||

"Rose and Trevor spent the last 500 years running because you used them. Trevor just got killed." Elena says. She finally got the guts to come speak with her, two days after the kidnapping.

"I never thought he would last for that long." Kathrine says.

"You don't even care that you ruined their lives." Elena says.

"I was looking out for myself, Elena. I will always look out for myself. If you're smart, you'll do the same. Get rid of the Fairchild witch she'll bring you down, don't care if she's your sister." Katherine turns herself and opens the Petrova book.

|| Mystic Grill ||

Caroline and Stefan are sitting at a table. Caroline is eating

She's a Gilbert||TVDWhere stories live. Discover now